Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Navu Myther (WIP)



Age23 years old
FactionThe Empire/Templar
HomeWherever the wind takes him
Force SensitiveYeah.... I am.... so what?
Weight165 lbs
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue
Skin ColorWhite
Distinctive featuresA burn scar on his torso where his former master stabbed him
Writer Jax Thio Jax Thio
Image sourceTumblr

Navu's first memories was living in an orphanage in the poorer areas of Dantoonine. He remembered seeing a woman who treated him kindly and smelled like soap and how other children in the orphanage would look to Navu for protection and leadership. For a time, things were going well for Navu...... until the great fire that resulted in the destruction of the orphanage with Navu being the sole survivor. Imperial Stormtroopers found, Navu in the middle of the wreckage half dead and his face filled with tears. A Stormtrooper approached Navu kneeling close to him and holding his hand.

"Hey are you okay?"

"I-I think so....." Navu managed to utter out. "Everyone is dead."

"Don't worry," The Stormtrooper replied motioning his men to get medical attention. "I'm going to be right here, just hang on you'll be in a nice warm bed with lots of ice cream."

Navu didn't pay attention, he knew that the Stormtrooper was trying to comfort him. When the Imperial Officers asked what happened, Navu shook his head saying that he didn't remember. In fact, whenever Navu tried to remember the incident, he was hit with terrible headaches that still persist to this day. As soon as Navu recovered, his Force Sensitivity was discovered, and he was assigned to the Force Corps where Navu trained. His experience in the Force Corps was the opposite of the orphanage, Navu was diagnosed with depression by his therapist being plagued with nightmares of the fire. However, his peers only saw him as a weird loner who would reply in short responses and grunts. Navu didn't care though, he just wanted to be left alone.

Though Navu struggled when it came to social interaction, he did excel in his studies as well as his bladework. Navu was a natural with Lightsaber mastering the basics of Shii-Cho and Shien within a year. However, Navu favored the aggression form: Ataru and he used it to dominate his fellow students in sparring matches. Earning him even more notoriety amongst the people in his class.

More to come soon!


Talented Swordsman
Capable of empathy but will need some prodding.

Navu's Lightsaber

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