Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Naval Meeting [PM for Invite]

Alarice Mollari

She respected Captain [member="Ruuku Hollis"] , he was a good man and he much like Fleet Admiral [member="Cabbal Noir"] had mentored her during her youth. "Please, Captain, mind your tone infront of the Chancellor and this Senator." She whispered. "I understand your prep work and your dedication, but we do not know who or what is taking this information. So respect my authority if I question who is present in the room." She straightened herself up and adjusted herself slightly. She cleared her throat. "That clear, Captain?" Her tone wasn't degrading or vicious, just stern as she would be with any of her General Officers.

She didn't bother waiting for a response, instead she moved over to the projector control panel and hit the disable button again, allowing the screens to resume. "Now, please, continue Captain."

Ruuku Hollis

"That clear, Captain?"
"Crystal," Hollis answered. He turned towards the room and returned to those awaiting within. As the projectors came back online, he motioned to [member=Popo], offering him the chance to read up on the meetings recorded conversations. Hollis returned his hands behind his back, clasping them as he resumed a position at the far end of the table, standing. Admiral Mollari spoke up, "Now, please, continue Captain."
"I've finished my piece, now I wish for everyone to speak their opinions. Read over the emergency priority orders. This is a forum to converse on what has been shared for the betterment of the Republic." Hollis then motioned to Admiral Mollari, "And I wish your opinion on the Battlegroup."

Alarice Mollari

Alarice wasted no time as she examined the flimsy and then the document on the holoprojector. Her eyebrows would perk at certain lines as she brought an index finger to her lips, blue and purple eyes would scan over the document briefly before she raised a question. "Line 3 is an issue, Captain." She looked up at him briefly before looking back down to the document. "According to the Modernization Program, and the Republic Defense Act, Title Seven, Section Four...." She paused briefly, her eyes gazing up at the ceiling in thought. "No republic vessels are to be armed with self-destruction devices, this is to prevent any misuse." She looked back down at the flimsy.

"Misuse is defined as terrorism, disgruntled Armed Forces personnel and so forth." She nodded softly. "So that would have to be approved not only by the Senate but by the Supreme Chancellor after going through the Fleet Admiral." She paused momentarily. "No Naval vessels should be storing data on Tython, the current directive is to maintain a continuous wipe after any mission or supply run to and from Tython." Again, another long pause and a shifting gaze around the room before she set the flimsy down. "Unless there has been new protocols enacted that I have not been made aware of?"

[member="Ruuku Hollis"]
Cabbal Noir was old. There was no two ways about it. He had in the past called himself distinguished, and that was still true, but now age was catching up with him. Retired. He had been retired. He had ordered the redeployments that led to the battle of Roche and saw Sith expansion halted there. So many had died to hold the line against the Sith that day, those deaths were on his head. Cabbal stood in the doorway and watched. He didn’t need to come in, he could see all the action from his post. He’d let his subordinates talk it out amongst themselves.
Sophia had no love for the One Sith or any Sith for that matter. They were the reason she was no longer in the Republic as well as the reason she had lost her first love. A man she still loved but for one reason or another couldn't be with. If only she had run away with him things would be different now. The worse was is how the Confederacy was now harboring Sith themselves that came from the New Order. It seemed as if everyone but herself embraced this change. She thought of leaving at times but couldn't bare to leave the planet she swore to protect in the hands of a Sith. This however didn't mean she couldn't help the Republic against the One Sith.

"I hold no love for the Sith. They have taken everything from me and now seem to be everywhere. I am here to help in any way I can even if that be on the ground. I am a Force Master as well."

She didn't know their policies and procedures anymore as she wasn't apart of the government at the moment. Sophia knew about all the conflicts with the Sith though despite the civil unrest on her own planet. Since she didn't know Sophia decided for the time being to just listen as she looked over the document in front of her.

It was an honor to meet the Chancellor regardless of what came out of this meeting. If she could shine even a little good light over in her little corner of the universe would be a good thing.

Atticus Savar

(( I am still here and participating so please continue to tag with with the rest of the group please.))

When give the command at ease Ensign Savar would quickly take his seat but only after taking a quickly admiring glance in the direction of Captain Walsh. Atticus listened with eager ears and made mental notes at each point watching the way the Senior Officers interacted with eahc other with a frown. Surely this was not the legendary Republic Navy his father had told him stories about. These people bickered and fought like petty children.

When the room was called to attention Ensign Savar popped up to attention until given leave to return to his seat to contiue litening to the conversation. When the Captian asked for others to give their opinion Ensign Savar stood waiting for Captian Walsh to finish speaking before addressing Captain [member="Ruuku Hollis"].

"Sir I enrolled in the Naval Academy to serve the Republic." "My only question or comment is where do I sign?"

[member="Sophia Walsh"] [member="Alarice Mollari"] @the others I missed sorry

Alana Sunrider

Valara snapped to standing attention when the Supreme Chancellor entered, and then resumed her seat after the command of at ease. It was certainly an interesting proposition, especially when combined with the request to command a battle group. That was a barely veiled promotion request. Not even a small one either. Up to the flag ranks. It was a bold move. A very bold move.

She nodded at the comments from [member="Alarice Mollari"]. Self-destruct could be a very disastrous tool to implement. Not mention it would be overkill and the loss of a ship they might not really be able to afford. The risk would be immense as well. Al it would take would be a One Sith slicer to hack the systems and have the detonation codes for every ship in the fleet. The thought sent a shiver down her spine.

"I am unaware of any new policies regarding that situation, Admiral, so I would,assume those remain the current standing orders, which appear sound. As for navigation coordinates, I am unaware of the percentage of ships that have the Tyrhon coordinates, but it can not be too high. I have never served aboard a vessel with the coordinates and I have only met two officers who had. I am not completely sure that self-destruct orders are needed, or even a wise course of action."
All Gar'Hal could do was follow the motions of saluting superiors as more arrived, and simply listen to the words of wiser men and women who had seen direct combat already throughout their lifetimes put out plans and strategies while also ironing out things like the chain of command and proper respect for superior officers. All of this was giving him a bit of a headache, but the newer officer simply rubbed his temple as he continued to listen and observe the rest of the attendees. There were people of great importance and interest such as the Chancellor himself and an apparent Viceroy of the Confederacy as well as a user of the force. It humbled him to be in the presence of such admirals and politicians, and hoped once more to be as they are some day.

The meeting's current topic was about new protocol that was apparently meant to protect Tython and its secrets from Sith capture, but Gar'Hal was far more interested in Captain Hollis' plan of attack against the Sith empire. At the moment they were recuperating after so many battles and a few losses along the way, but to win this war Gar'Hal believed that every strategy had to focused on breaking the back of the Sith military. Because of that he began wondering if it was possible for them to implement Tython into an offensive plan of sorts, and after his fellow Ensign finished speaking he raised his own hand to get the attention of his betters before putting his own opinion out.

"I can understand the importance of the planet, but if the Sith are so desperate to find it why don't we let them find it? Or at least the planet we say is Tython. Let a small ship carrying data of a planet we choose to be the fake get captured, then let them walk right into a perfectly placed ambush. It would help us beat down their forces some, and they would constantly be wary about what planet was the real Tython."

He cleared his throat after finishing, and held his hands together while waiting to listen to the rest of the meeting. It wasn't the best idea he had ever come up with, but at the very least Gar'Hal wanted them to know he was serious about this and wanted to help. And serving under a man such as Captain Hollis would be just what he needed to learn and ascend through the ranks.

[member="Atticus Savar"]
[member="Sophia Walsh"]
[member="Cabbal Noir"]
[member="Alarice Mollari"]
[member="Ruuku Hollis"]
@Valara Tiall
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]
[member="Kelly Perris"]

Alana Sunrider

A trap. A clever one too, using a classic strategy. Give the enemy what they want, or rather, give them what they think they want, and the. Reveal that it was all a trick. This plot could, well, it could change the course of the war. What strength would they send against Tyrhon? A strike team of Sith Lords? Or a large assault Force? Either way, if it was done right, it could provide a significant blow to the enemy's forces.

A new thought flashed through her brain. A cold, predatory smile curled st the corner of her lips. There was a way to make it even better. "What if the coordinates aren't for a planet at all? What if they are within the event horizon of a black hole?" She taped her fingers on the table, contemplating scheme and counter schemes to pull it off.

However it started, it would be a delicate dance to get it to work. Coordinate orders. Find a location. Hide the validity of the coordinates. Maybe even include a computer virus to ensure the success of the operation. Quite frankly, a logistical nightmare. Planners would have to think twelve steps ahead of themselves and consider all possible outcomes and engineer the information to ensure the proper response.

Atticus Savar

[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"] [member="Valara Tiall "][member="Ruuku Hollis"]

Ensign Savar listened to the ideas being brought forth and after a moment stood and after getting a moment spoke up once again.

"These are solid tatical stragtegies but I see two glaring problems." "The first and perhaps most important being as Officers of not on the Navy but the Republic as a whole it is our responsibility to protect the Republic and her citizens." "Intentionally giving the Sith a target to attack even if as a misdirection is a blatant disregard for everything we stand for," "It is our job to protect them not feed them to slaughter."

"The second being that to assume we could defeat whatever they send at us is to underestimate their capabilities and is that not how we lost our Capital world in the first place?"

Ensign Savar pauses.

"DO not get me wrong I am all for defeating our enemy and free the good people of this galaxy from an oppressive threat but we must consider the cost of our actions least any victory we acheive become a Pyric Victory."
Jack had slipped into the meeting quietly after the brouhaha of the Supreme Chancellor's arrival. All the top brass seemed to be arguing amongst themselves, so he'd kept quiet and stayed at the back. His uniform, although letter perfect for such a meeting, was sparse compared the others. The only two who seemed closest to him in rank were Ship's Ensigns. He was just a lowly Pilot, but there'd been a giant exercise going on and Starfighter Command had been forced to send one of their greenest to this meeting, although ?Captain [member="Kelly Perris"] it seemed had also managed to make it.

While a lot of officers seemed to be exchanging compliments and respect, Jack kept his head down. He hoped his behaviour would be understood as an overawed reaction to the amount of senior officers and the presence of the Supreme Chancellor, as well as the typical Starfighter pilot's relaxed attitude and attention to rank.

He listened with a certain amount of trepidation: a classic ambush that his Battlegroup would be using to damage the One Sith. This would prove to be interesting.

Ruuku Hollis

Hollis turned to [member="Gar'Hal Velasura"], motioning in his direction. Hollis said, "You pose a great idea, Velasura. Though a minor adjustment. Rather than ambush them near Tython, it would be better suited to implant false coordinates into the navigational data cores but recode the location name to Tython. Leading the enemy to an undisclosed location in which they can be ambushed without risking the safety of Tython." He glanced over to [member="Valara Tiall"] as she interjected with her own thoughts. He nodded as he listened to her words, responding curtly, "To lead them to a black hole would not only be catastrophic for them, but vastly dangerous for us to retrieve the right coordinates of the location of one. Astronomers can make estimated guesses of their coordinates, but that's just it. Estimated. Miscalculate and the One Sith will see right through the trap and potentially use it against us in the future." Hollis moved towards a nearby leather seat, closest to where he had been standing. He pulled it out and took a seat so that he may better join the discussion. [member="Atticus Savar"] spoke his own piece, with Hollis' eyes maintaing a strong eye contact. He looked to the others in the room to see what they had to say, for he had nothing to comment. War always had its costs.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi looked at the men and spoke. "Your working on a false assumption, your thinking they don't know where it is. How many jedi have fallen to the sith that know the location? This isn't a world that moves it is there for them to find. The sith Daella was a member of the council, a leader among them and would easily know where the world is." Her arms remained on the table and she looked at the chancellor. "While traps and false coordinates might work in military situations this is a world that our enemy at least some would have intimate knowledge of." She turned her head and agreed with Ruuku about the dangers of sending people to black holes... unless they knew plenty like the Maw on the other side. "Leading them into a trap with their seerer could prove just as tricky if not more."
While the top brass discussed the idea, Jack moved quietly to a position near [member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]. In a quiet whisper, directed to the man's ears, he said:

"Why don't you take your idea one step further? Tython isn't important, not compared to what is on the planet: the Jedi High Council? Perhaps it is important figures of government. Or simply high-ranking members of the Republic. If the One Sith are led to believe that a cluster of such important people are leaving Tython for a secret meeting somewhere else...?" Why, such an opportunity would be too much for the Sith to pass up.
Ensign Velasura listened intently to the arguments in favor and against the strategy he put forward, and tried to understand each of their merits. True the idea would be to send them to a planet or area they could then attack, which might have a civilian population, but since they were doing things in advance the Republic could easily either call for an evacuation or simply use a sparsely populated planet. The senator's criticism worked as well, but in the right light it could actually be an advantage. As the young officer pondered on this someone he didn't recognize from earlier moved closer to him and whispered in his ear. Gar'Hal listened to Jack's words and nodded, understanding the idea and raising his hand once again after standing up.

"An interesting idea given to me by our friend here has offered up another possible point; it's not the planet itself we're worried about as much as what artifacts and information is on it that they could take. If that's what they want then we could simply move such things off planet to another location. If the senator is true in her words and their ex-Jedi friends can already give them the location, they will arrive there eventually and we should use their zealous attitude in wiping out the Jedi to our advantage. With the possibility to taking the Jedi planet they will charge in as they usually do to wipe out their enemy."

"It would require volunteers among the Jedi to stay on the planet to draw them in and a small fleet to give the impression that it is being defended to our best capability, but once they landed to invade a surprise reinforcements can jump in and take them by surprise. Once their fleet is routed it would be easy to eventually capture whatever Sith are still on the planet and interrogate them. I know it sounds like we might be sacrificing lives here and forcing the Jedi to move their home to another world, but is it better that we let more die in dragging this out?"

Gar'Hal always hated it when it seemed like he did not care about the potential loss of life, but to him it was better to lose some in a possible victory that could turn the war instead of more people in a prolonged conflict. Some saw it as him being heartless, but he only wanted what was best for the Republic and the galaxy as a whole.

[member="Atticus Savar"]
[member="Sophia Walsh"]
[member="Cabbal Noir"]
[member="Alarice Mollari"]
[member="Ruuku Hollis"]
@Valara Tiall
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]
[member="Kelly Perris"]

Atticus Savar

Atticus retakes his seat after saying his peace but shakes his head as the topic still lingers on rushing into a dangerous gambit of luring the enemy into a false trap in hopes that they are either to incompetent or too stupid to see passed it.

Rubbing his temples Atticus tries desperately to not speak to not blurt out how idiotic this whole meeting had turned out to be. It nagged at him deep in the pit of his stomach to the point that he had to shift in his seat to keep from springing up.

[member="Sophia Walsh"] [member="Cabbal Noir"] [member="Alarice Mollari"] [member="Ruuku Hollis"] [member="Valara Tiall "][member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Popo"] [member="Kelly Perris"]

Alarice Mollari

Admiral Mollari stood up and adjusted her uniform, a heavy sigh escaping her lips as she pulled her cap from her head and gently placed it on the flimsy sheet. "The answer is no." She made a motion to the projection screen and the various data it displayed. "There are so many flaws in this idea and the most obvious is hoping your enemy is dumb and blind." She held a hand up before any objections could be made. "Captain, several Jedi on different levels have been captured or killed and in my experience as an Officer within the Republic, is that more than likely, Tython is compromised." She shook her head. "We will defend it as needed, but I will not endorse nor will I bring this to the Fleet Admiral to endorse."

She gently grabbed her hat and the flimsy for record. "Emergency Protocol Order 098831-A7 stands, in regards to Tython of course, until such a time that it's determined Tython is confirmed compromised, however..." She paused for a moment as she moved past Captain @Rukku Hollis. "Do not mistake the enemy for stupid or weak, they know where Tython is. The map has changed and there are no more secrets on it." She continued to walk away, speaking a bit louder as she tucked her cap under her left arm. She approached the Supreme Chancellor and nodded. "Sir, I'm sorry to have wasted your time." She looked to the Senator and nodded. "Senator."

It was simple as that, it had become redundant and pointless to discuss such things that were already in place. In addition, engaging the One Sith by baiting them to the supposed coordinates to Tython to which they already knew...well that spoke for itself.

[member="Atticus Savar"]
[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"]
[member="Jack Navarro"]
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]
@Valara Tiall
Gar'Hal had no idea that the Jedi were so compromised that the location of their planet was already most likely no longer even a secret, but if that was the case then that was it. He wanted to apologize for his ignorance in the Jedi matter, but wondered why it was even worth defending at that point then if it was already found by the enemy. The admiral made obvious her distaste for the meeting's outcome , and the ensign sighed at how things had devolved as well as his own failure. Hopefully things would improve in the future, but as for looked bleak.

In any case it was over, but there would be opportunities down the road. As long as they could actually work together.

[member="Atticus Savar"]
[member="Sophia Walsh"]
[member="Cabbal Noir"]
[member="Alarice Mollari"]
[member="Ruuku Hollis"]
@Valara Tiall
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]
[member="Kelly Perris"]

Atticus Savar

Ensign Savar stood at attention as the Admiral left the room waiting until the door closed behind her before returning to his seat. Atticus looked at the remaining people in the room one at a time before settling his gaze on Captain Hollis waiting to see what happened next. This....whatever it was had definitely not gone by any means of could be pictured.

With a sigh Atticus settled down into his seat waiting out whatever happens next completely floored by the series of events.

[member="Sophia Walsh"]

[member="Cabbal Noir"]

[member="Alarice Mollari"]

[member="Ruuku Hollis"]

@Valara Tiall

[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]


[member="Kelly Perris"]

Ruuku Hollis

Hollis had remained seated and still for some time. He was glancing down at a datapad that he held in his right palm. His attention was all but lost on those that spoke, even they who had spoken to him. He had received a message that had gripped his attention. As the Admiral left, the only sign of acknowledgement the Captain gave was a light rumble from the pit of his throat. He began to ponder his situation with the Republic. The Jedi and Sith for countless millennium had fought a war seemingly constant in history. What Hollis did was insignificant, even if the One Sith was defeated they would arise once again a decade later or more. He realised he had a chance to make a real difference, but it involved him travelling all the way to Fondor. He glanced down once more to the message he had received,

// incoming transmission //
// verifying -- ok //
// decrypting //
// status -- ok //

You're probably wondering why I'm sending this to you, and let me tell you, it took a bit to track your personal datapad down.

Be as it may, I'm sure you want to get to the nitty gritty, so here is what I'm after and offering.

A job; a well paying one at that. One that will utilize your skillset and then some. Legal mind you. Nothing under the table and everything done to keep your nose clean.

Before you decide to shut this transmission, hear me out. OMEGA PYRE is an innovative, privately-held training and security solutions provider serving government and commercial industries galactic wide, searching to spread out to the core-worlds and slowly working our way from the mid-rim.

Founded in the wake of the Gulag Virus, OMEGA PYRE was initially envisioned as a training facility to support the needs of local and regional law enforcement personnel. Today we are capable of providing risk assessment, training and security solutions in multiple locations across the galaxy, reacting to need with near-immediate deployment.

OMEGA PYRE operates across the security spectrum: ASSESS, TRAIN and PROTECT.

Specifically, we specialize in:
Training and support for domestic and intergalactic clients
Personnel and facility security services
Mission support and staff augmentation
Risk management and security services consulting
Stability support, crisis response and forward base operations
Training for civilians, law enforcement and military personnel

All this and more, providing a way to not only utilize what you do best, but to pass it on. In these trying times, who's to say how many of us are left and it begs the question... What is your legacy? What are you leaving behind?

Work for me, I promise you that you will know exactly what that is. Pass on what you know, and know that it will be carried on to the next generation.

Show the galaxy that you have plenty to offer, and plenty to say, plenty to pass on. Give you a reason to wake every morning with something to do other than rot in that hell hole career you’re in right now.

Interested? Here are my coordinates.

I'll meet you there.


An audible sigh caught his attention. Hollis' eyes shot up towards [member="Atticus Savar"]. The elderly man brushed his sharply pressed uniform and stood himself up from his chair. Before Hollis dismissed himself from the room, he glanced to [member="Popo"], "I'll begin writing my letter of resignation." Hollis marched out of the room, datapad clutched under his right armpit. The moment he entered the corridor he brought the device back up, swiping his fingers across the screen to find the soonest possible transport. It was a matter of now or never. He glanced over his shoulder to the officers he had just abandoned in the room, wondering if any would be so audacious as he. He briefly called out to them, "If you want a chance to be properly heard, come for a walk and we'll have a yarn."

[member="Gar'Hal Velasura"] | [member="Jack Navarro"] | [member="Valara Tiall"]

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