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Approved NPC Nar Shaddaa Tower Security

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[*]Role: Corrupt police force "Risk Management & Solutions Firm"
[*]Links: N/A

  • Group Name: Tower Security
  • Classification: Private Police Force
  • Headquarters: Nar Shaddaa, Corellian Sector, Tralus Spire
  • Loyalties: The Almighty Credit
  • Group Sigil: A badge with battlements at the top border, featuring a downward pointing sword in the center separating a field of blue and a field of red.
  • Description: NSTS Officers, or "rooks" as they're known on the streets, are a fairly common sight in the Corellian sector around the skyscrapers of the wealthy. They patrol the airspace for reckless drivers in their black-and-whites, investigate murders until someone pays them to find a dead end, and generally do all the things a normal police force would do. Except they are incredibly corrupt. If you are a member of NSTS, then you're on somebody's payroll. Right now, the Bareesh Kajidic controls the purse strings, which means if the NSTS is busting in your door and tossing your crib, shoving a datapad in your face and screaming about a warrant, then you can bet it's because the Bareesh slipped them an "anonymous tip." The Kajidic uses the force to systematically eliminate rivals.
  • Hierarchy:
  • Lieutenants
  • Sergeants
  • Detectives
  • Patrol Officers

[*]Membership: Those who want to become a member of Tower Security have to go through 3 months of training at the precinct in the Tralus Spire. Additionally, applicants are required to have at least two years of prior military or law enforcement training.
[*]Dogma/Doctrines: Tower Security does exactly what it says on the box. They protect the people in the towers, aka the people with money. They do patrols around certain towers, especially in the Corellian Sector. Murder one of theirs and they bring the heat. Otherwise, they could give a monkey lizard's ass what goes on beneath the towers. Oh, and no honest rooks. Honest rooks end up face down in an abandoned turboshaft.
[*]Curios: Badges.
[*]Goals: Don't get captured. Get paid. Make it to retirement for that sweet pension plan.



Why in the Nine Corellian Hells would there be a police force on Nar Shaddaa, you ask?
Great question.

Once upon a time, the Galactic Republic invaded Nar Shaddaa and wrested the planet away from the Black Sun Syndicate. They then had the bright idea of establishing a new government to instill some law and order in the hive of scum and villainy.

In order to see that the law is upheld, the new government needed a security force. They decided to bring in an outside private firm, thinking that officers who weren't from the Smuggler's Moon might have more moral fortitude. The Nar Shaddaa Tower Security used to be a wholesome firm dedicated to protecting the citizens of Nar Shaddaa. That lasted about five years.

You see, the criminals were pretty entrenched on Nar Shaddaa. The private security firm needed weapons, body armor, and tech in order to stand a chance. So the Republic's proxy government loaded them up with discounted military surplus gear, passed a bunch of laws legalizing asset forfeiture and equitable sharing to incentivize them to get out there and actually do stuff, then sat back to watch.

When the Red Ravens came to power, all that went to crap.

The government didn't up and vanish. It just rotted away.

Years passed, the Red Ravens got ousted, and the Hutts started to creep back into power. The boys and girls in the NSTS weren't about to up and pack up their bags. Not with all the weapons and gear they had set up. They had a nice little operation going on, but they'd realized along the route that trying to exterminate crime on Nar Shaddaa was a losing battle. So instead, they gave the new gang in power the old wink, wink, nudge, nudge you-scratch-my-back-I-scratch-yours spiel and got put on the payroll of the kajidic.

The Bareesh pay them a pretty penny, usually to turn a blind eye, but sometimes to focus all their resources on a particular individual, or gang.
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