Naomi Verd
Troubled Dancer

NAME: Naomi Verd
GENDER: Female
OCCUPATION: A ballet dancer in famous Adarlon theaters.
SPECIES: Clone, Shi'do and Human.
AGE: 20 years old

- Disciplined
- Ambitious
- Motived
- Owns pure hatred for her father.
- Ballet is her true passion and love. Her expression in life, love, sadness, ext.
- Distrustful
- Naomi would rather perish than consider her life-givers parents.
- She feels everything Isley Verd has done and is doing is corrupted.
- Naomi will never trust her siblings and anyone who claims relation to her.
- Paranoid
- Has a distinct fear of failure.
- Will push away people even if it hurts.
- Naomi has always wanted a normal lifestyle and to escape from her history even if that means cutting all connections to family. Even a woman like her has to admit that bowing at the end of a performance and leaving backstage takes it's totals on the emotional state when there are no flowers to be handed to her.
- For her even the smallest gestures do not go unnoticed, every move counts.

Naomi does not know exactly down to every detail about her creation but she does not care. All she knows is that Isley Verd is her creator or father and she would be born in a tube, Naomi was lead to believe she had a false childhood, one filled with happiness and dancing. Her father was the man she looked up to and cared for, well that was until the war hits, the war he created. All in the chaos of this she was smacked hard with the back hand of reality. Her loving father (or so she thought) was a Sith. All though she had never spoken aloud on which side she prefers there was always a spot in her heart that knew the Sith were wrong. After being devastated with the news, her creation was just the cherry on top. Naomi thought she was special, one of a kind, only to be a clone. Naomi made sure both of her creators are hated to the fullest extent, she made it more than clear that she wanted nothing to do with them. Period. Leaving all she knew, even if was an illusion, she has spent the entirety of her life studying at an elite university on Bothawui. Wholly devoting her life into the art of ballet. Naomi currently in a small space above a dance studio in Adarlon. She preforms almost every night she can.

Naomi has gone above and beyond the normal lengths to model her body into a ballerina. All of her muscles are toned and in their top physical condition. While he does weigh around 134 pounds and 5'2" tall, most of her body is composted of bone mass and muscle though she is not . Her dark brown hair is most commonly seen up in a polished bun. As her preference she shifts her hair to range from just below her shoulders and very short cuts. Naomi's tan skin is almost completely all smoothed other than a few dance bruises and her feet have been literally broken, sprained, twisted, and overall slightly disfigured to many times for her to count.

[Apprentice] Mind Trick
[Apprentice] Telepathy
[Apprentice] Force Sense
[Apprentice] Telekinesis
- [Apprentice] Force Reflex

( + ) Shi'ido Heritage: Due to her mother's genes, Naomi can make minor cosmetic alterations to her body. These include changes of hair color, eye color, etc. However, she cannot fully modify her form as a full-blooded Shi'ido can.( + ) A Dancer's Grace: Due to her tireless conditioning, Naomi is exceptionally light on her feet, flexible, and agile compared to the average adult.
( ~ ) Magick Potential: Due to the presence of her father's genes, Naomi has the potential to learn Sith Magic. However, this potential has been untapped.
( - ) Ocular Hypersensitivity: Due to her sire's heritage, Naomi's eyes are rather sensitive to sudden flashes of light. While this sensitivity is not physically dehabilitating, it does increase the effectiveness of light-centric offenses against her (i.e. flashbangs).

Pointe Shoes
Black Leotards
Standered Lightsaber (Form Shii-Cho)

Father (creator): [member="Isley Verd"]/[member="Darth Metus"]
Biological Mother: Phoebe Draclau
Sister I: [member="Anastasia Verd"]
Sister II: [member="Adela Verd"]