Ronan Dyre
Nak Shimor
...the world Nak Shimor was located on the Perlemian Trade Route, a member of the Colonies, it a was a trade world for the Republic which had seen hard times due to the ongoing war with the One Sith ensuring that the economy was strained and that Republic forces were having difficulties maintaining a constant vigil. While Nak Shimor was not in immediate danger of military action that did not necessarily mean that everything on the planet was safe or secure from insurgents or those wishing to take advantage of the Republic's turmoil as well as the current state of the Jedi...
...shortly after the Republic's loss at the Battle of Manaan, which also saw the Republic seeking to move its capital to a world further from harms way, a transmission would be sent from Nak Shimor to Republic Intelligence and the Jedi. The transmission was of a plainly dressed man who identified himself as Oss Luka, a wealthy Vultan Merchant with political ties to the Republic, and relayed the following...
[Jedi, I am Oss Luka. Recently my people have intercepted a courier of the One Sith bound for the Colonies and detailing several operatives. It called for the assassination of several prominent republic figures. Please, I implore you, send assistance; I fear for my life knowing what I do and dare not transmit this data openly.]
...the man seemed distressed, as though his life was in peril, however it was hard to make any assumptions over a holographic recording. The transmission would end on the note that it had requested assistance from the Jedi but there was no guarantee they would send anyone to Nak Shimor during these troubled times. On the other hand because of these dark days they may not to want to abandon anyone and risk them developing sympathies for the One Sith which were a constant presence in the background. Would the Republic, the Jedi, send a representative to investigate?
...the base of operations for the Merchant, Oss Luka, was fairly lavish. It came with its own landing pad which could accommodate small vessels. The residence itself was several stories, boasted many rooms all of which had rich furnishings. Hired help was on hand to meet any visitors and direct them through the residence towards a central chamber where Oss Luka was said to located. Guards were posted in small numbers...or they should have been...everything seemed very...sparse...
...the world Nak Shimor was located on the Perlemian Trade Route, a member of the Colonies, it a was a trade world for the Republic which had seen hard times due to the ongoing war with the One Sith ensuring that the economy was strained and that Republic forces were having difficulties maintaining a constant vigil. While Nak Shimor was not in immediate danger of military action that did not necessarily mean that everything on the planet was safe or secure from insurgents or those wishing to take advantage of the Republic's turmoil as well as the current state of the Jedi...
...shortly after the Republic's loss at the Battle of Manaan, which also saw the Republic seeking to move its capital to a world further from harms way, a transmission would be sent from Nak Shimor to Republic Intelligence and the Jedi. The transmission was of a plainly dressed man who identified himself as Oss Luka, a wealthy Vultan Merchant with political ties to the Republic, and relayed the following...
[Jedi, I am Oss Luka. Recently my people have intercepted a courier of the One Sith bound for the Colonies and detailing several operatives. It called for the assassination of several prominent republic figures. Please, I implore you, send assistance; I fear for my life knowing what I do and dare not transmit this data openly.]
...the man seemed distressed, as though his life was in peril, however it was hard to make any assumptions over a holographic recording. The transmission would end on the note that it had requested assistance from the Jedi but there was no guarantee they would send anyone to Nak Shimor during these troubled times. On the other hand because of these dark days they may not to want to abandon anyone and risk them developing sympathies for the One Sith which were a constant presence in the background. Would the Republic, the Jedi, send a representative to investigate?
...the base of operations for the Merchant, Oss Luka, was fairly lavish. It came with its own landing pad which could accommodate small vessels. The residence itself was several stories, boasted many rooms all of which had rich furnishings. Hired help was on hand to meet any visitors and direct them through the residence towards a central chamber where Oss Luka was said to located. Guards were posted in small numbers...or they should have been...everything seemed very...sparse...
[member="Hal Terrano"]