Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nabooing with Emotions & Reunions

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Katelyn matched her pace with Nates which wasn't too difficult since he wa stunning backwards. After that had been accomplished, she then responded to what Nate had said. "Aww…I knew you would!! Also…what do you wanna do today? Get those tattoos we've been talking about? Since I got to choose yesterday…i think it's only fair you get to choose today!" Katelyn smiled at Nate before turning away to look at the intricate buildings lining the streets. If their was one thing Naboo was known for, it was the brick and wood buildings which looked beautiful. It was especially beautiful once you got away from the busyness of city life.
Running backwards had its ups and downs, but he shrugged them aside and kept running, pondering her words. "Breakfast, maybe? And then go get the tattoos?"
That sounded good to.him, he was quite hungry.

[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Sure…that's sounds like quite a plan. Also…Nate watch out, you're gonna run into somebody!!" Katelyn couldn't help but suppress a laugh once she said the last part, she was lying of course. But she mostly just wanted to see Nates exactions to what she said. She was hoping he would fall for it. But…knowing Nate, it would probably backfire on her or it just wouldn't work at all. Probably the latter as stuff pretty much never backfired upon Katelyn. Well…so far that is! Katelyn then turned her attention forwards, to make sure she wasn't going to run into anything. And luckily…she wasn't going to run into anything!
He rolled his eyes,knowing nothing was anywhere near him. Until he tripped over some boxes and landed in a heap, all of them falling on top of him. "Fethin' damn it! You were being serious?" He pulled him self up, laughing. "Just you wait, but let's go back so I can change so we can eat, alright?" Leaning forward, he kissed her again, for just as long too.

[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Hahah! That was so unintentional yet still so funny at the same time!!" Katelyn began laughing for awhile as she looked at Nate. She did reach out a hand to help Nate up out of the current predicament he wa a currently in. Though, instead do accepting it, he did what he did earlier. Kiss her passionately on the lips for just as long as last time if not longer. Once this happened, Katelyn could help but blush once she saw some people looking. "Nate…people are watching!"
He smiled as she whispered, and he winked at a girl watching, not in a flirty way, but more as in a "sorry, I'm already taken" type of way. "Oh well, they're just jealous of our amazing relationship."

[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Sure…whatever you say! But I can still punch you in the arm for that! But…your lucky, I'm not going to do that!" Katelyn then kissed Nate on the lips as well for roughly 6 seconds before pulling away and continuing on her way along the sidewalk. This time, instead of running, she was walking instead. She the turned back towards Nate and winked at him playfully. After she was a few paces ahead of Nate, she turned and gestured for him to catch up to her so that they could continue talking. And hopefully so that they could stop kissing. But with Nate…anything could happen!
He followed her as she steppe ahead, then she kisses him back, before pulling out of reach again, imprisoning for him to catch back up. And he did, he hands trailing over her hips as he came in behind her. "There, no one is around now, so you can kiss me again if you want" his flashy grin greeted her as he spun her around, facing her as they walked.

[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Katelyn jumped once Nate placed his hands over her hips from behind. She hadn't been expecting for Nate to do that. At the very least, him do it in public. Katelyn would've reacted…if she knew the proper way to react to what Nate has just done. But…Katelyn couldn't hide a blush from what he had just done along with a grin. Soon, the hotel came into sight again and luckily…it wasn't too far away at the moment. Sure, she could race Nate but--heck why not. "See you at the Elevator, slow poke!" Katelyn smiled playfully towards Nate before she took off for the hotel again. Hopefully, now that she had a head start…she would win. But Nate might just beat her.
She played him like a fool, taking off for the hotel without more than a glance. He took off after her, turning down another shorter alleyway that led him straight into the hotel, pounding his legs, he vaulted over this and that, even running along the wall at one point to get over a huge fissure. By the time he arrived, there was no sign of her, and he was slightly winded, but nothing more.

[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Once Katelyn made it, she couldn't help but gasp in surprise. How did he…? Where did he…? Katelyn didn't need an answer for these questions. She figured he probably took a short cut but still. She couldn't belive that he had actually gotten ahead of her. Well…you win some and you lose some! Only seems that mostly Katelyn was losing. But, she was winning…the flirt war with Nate that is. Though, that was pretty much the only thing she was winning. She gave a defeated sigh before talking to Nate. "Well…seems like you won yet again, Nate!

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
"Yeah…yeah, whatever you say Nate…whatever you say!" Katelyn smiled at Nate. Soon afterwards, they came to the room. Katelyn walked in before smiling at Nate before responding to him yet again. "Oh…I'll win one day! Just you wait!"Before she turned down a hallway to gather some of her clothes before changing in her room. She came out a few seconds later in a Tight Black Tanktop and a pair of Black jeans as well.
By the time she came back he was clad in a pair of dark blue jeans, a light gray and purple t-shirt, and a pair of gray skater shoes. (Think Vans) he involuntary ran his eyes over her frame as she came back in, and he smiled at her. "Ready?"

[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Yes…I'm ready! Also, nice purple shirt! I'm kind of jealous now!" Katelyn smiled playfully at Nate before kissing his cheek and walking with him towards the elevator. Man, could their outfits be more different or what? Katelyn was wearing all black while Nate was wearing multiple different colors. It's not that Katelyh didn't have colorful clothes, it's just that she picked a random pair of clean and matching clothes. Yeah…that was it!
"Would you like me to take you shopping?" He smiled down at her as she kissed him, leading human to the elevator. As they reached the bottom floor, he took her hand and lead her through the crowd, holding the door of the hotel open for her.

[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Hmm, sure! That would be nice!" Katelyn smiled at Nate before walking into the elevator with him. Once they got tote bottom floor, Abe felt him grab her hand and leas her through the crowd of people within the lobby. And, their were quite a lot of people as well. They were probably trying to get into a room but who knows. once they got to the back of the crowd and got to the doors, a Nate opened the door for her. "Quite the gentleman!" Katelyn winked at Nate being walking through the door.
"I was joking about the shopping part, but I guess I have to take you now, right?" Leading her hand in hand, he walked down the street, taking in the glow of the Sun and in slight awe of the beauty around him, in nature and in her.
[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Aww, I'm sorry…only take me if you want to! Also…thought of what tattoo you'll choose for me and where you'll choose it to be? I'm still coming up with my idea…" Katelyn gave an energetic smile towards Nate before focusing her eyes upon the natura around her. If their was another thing Naboo was known for, other than its buildings…it would probably be Naboos foilage details. The lush green flowers with multicolored petals. The auburn trees that rose a few meters into the air with pink leaves very rarely but mostly with green leaves. The vines that grew up the buildings as if they were a a large puzzle.
He shook his head with a smile as he saw the building they were looking for come into view. "No it's fine, I'll take you after we finish eating, don't worry." Pushing open the door, he was greeted by the aroma of good food, the sound of friendly conversations, and the smiling face of a rather pretty waitresses, one who was about his age.
"Hi! Is it... a table for two?" Her tone was obvious to those listening, and he hoped Katelyn wasn't paying attention, because the waitresses tone made her seem jealous, of who, he didn't know. Maybe it was of Katelyn, because she was with him, or vise versa. "Yeah, just us please."
[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

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