Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nabooing with Emotions & Reunions

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Okay…then your pec it is! Now…I need to find a design……also, wow! Where mine goes is still a secret…I bet you're just thinking of all of the places it could be placed. Well good news…you can choose anywhere on my body for the tattoo, minus my face of course! But…are you enjoying the pancakes" Katelyn smiled playfully towards Nate. She meant it when she said that Nate could pick anywhere on her body for the tattoo to be placed…save for a few places. Though…Katelyn would tell Nate, if he chose those spots, that they were off limits. That…and she just wanted to mostly tease him! Katelyn brushed away her thoughts after finishing the second to last pancake on her plate before moving on to the next one. Knife in one hand, fork in the other…Katelyn began the tedious yet short process of cutting up the last pancake.
He looked at her over the rim of his glass, smiling. She had a way of doing that, he didn't even know why, either. "Hmm....Well when I have and idea, I'll call ya...and he's, actually I am, and you?"
[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Well…luckily you have until after we shop, if you are still willing to, till you have to come up with a decision! Also…yeah, these pancakes are delicious! But…I'm sure you could do 100 times better!" Katelyn smiled truthfully and honestly towards Nate before beginning to eat her last pancakes. Now, this one she was taking slowly so that she could savor the taste of the pancake while it lasted. Now…as for shopping, well…if they did go…Katelyn might have Nate help her pick out some rather flirty clothes. That is…if she felt like it and if Nate still was willing to do the shopping which he was joking about earlier. Katelyn smiled towards Nate before taking a drink from her lemonade, which tasted like a morning sunrise. Full of life, filled with sweet refreshing lemons that tastes like rain from the heavens above.
He shrugged with that flashy grin of his, eat. "Well, I was being serious about taking you shopping, and I appreciate.the faith in my cooking skills, but I don't think so." Things were going great, good food, a beautiful woman sitting across form.him, and a breathtaking view, what else.could you need?
[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Really?! Okay…then, you might be able to help me try on some swimsuits! I bet you'd like that, huh? But seriously…I'm enjoying spending this time with you, as always! I love you!" Katelyn smiles towards Nate before blowing a kiss in his direction. She would've kissed him on the lips…but that would've required standing up, walking over to Nate. And then kissing him…and Katelyn didn't want to feel any more awkward than when she did earlier, so instead she just blew a kiss to him. After doing so, Katelyn finished up the last pancake before using her napkin. Once done, she folded her napkin over itself but kept it within her lal, still staring at Nate who sat across from her.
"Well... I am enjoying this time with you as well, and you know what I'm going to say to that." He smiled and also finished up his pancakes, before taking a drink of water, meeting her gaze with a smile.
[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Katelyn would've kissed Nate then and there. Until she remembered where she was currently, which of course…stopped her from doing so. She then met his gaze and locked eyes with his as she stares into his eyes. They say, the eyes are the Windows into a persons soil. And…they're right. Katelyn could see, compassion, love, hope, kindness and gentleness within Nates eyes. She could also see his stern and rough side during combat. But…Katelyn loved both parts of Nate. As they made up the man she fell in love with…the man who she still loves and deeply cares for.
He watched her as he knew she was 'soul gazing' and he smiled, he really did love his woman, and if it came to it, probably die for her. But he wouldn't tell her that, because then she'd refuse to have to hold that on her shoulders. Reaching across the table, he took her hand into his, still watching her, but he had that flashy grin on his face too.
[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Katelyn smiled once Nate took her hand and then he gave his typical flashy grin. Katelyn couldn't help but laugh slightly at that. Nate practically always gave that flashy grin to her. And, it was always adorable on him! He just looked so cute with that flashy grin on his face. Which is one of two reasons Katelyn loved that grin. The other being that he usually did something either before or after he gave her that grin. Though…that wasn't always the case, though it was most of the time. "You know…whenevr you do that grin, I alway think you're up to something! Which only makes me love you more…that, and that grin makes you look so adorable!!"

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Well…if you we a super villain trying to take over the Galaxy, I'd still love you! Plus…you'd both be an adorable supervillian and you'd also have a cute girlfriend to tag along on your adventures! It's just…that grin always brings a smile to my face!" Katelyn grinned back towards Nate in response to his flashy grin earlier, only she of course…did hold a different take on the grin as she was a different person of course. She grinned both proudly yet flirtatiously with a warm expression in the form of a michevious and dangerous grin. Though…the grin didn't physically look dangerous, it looked more like a flirty and warm grin then anything else. Which was pretty much how Katelyn felt all of the time while she was around Nate.
"True, I would look rather dashing, don't ya think?" He stood, counting out the credits. "Okay, just wait her for a second okay? I'll go pay and then we can finish our coffee, so we can go shopping" With a wink, he walked off, towards the front table where he would pay.

[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

"Okay, babe! Don't take too long…I might get lonely!" Katelyn said the last part with a wink and grin before he departed. Why did she do the wink and grin…heck if she knew. She just assumed it would go well with her little comment about getting lonely without him. While waiting for Nate, Katelyn began to take a long and semi-slow sip of her lemonade. Which, at the moment, was q quarter of the way done. It's not that she had forgotten about it because of the pancakes…okay, she did forget about it because of the pancakes. But…could you blame her. Because…man, we those pancakes good or what?!
As he neared the front table, he was ushered into a line, a rather lo g one at best, and was forced to wait. His merc skills kicked in, and he hated being in the open like that, and leaving tor leaving Kat alone, he felt like something bad was going to happen, but he shook it off as the line inched forward.

[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

Katelyn Feanor

Two sides of a singular coin
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Katelyn stood up to go use the bathroom, leaving her drink upon the table. Though...once she had finished in the bathroom, and was washing her hands…something happened. Katelyn felt a sharp impact against her head before she fell unconscious. Everything was draped in black, due to her being knocked out of commission for the moment. Katelyn had no idea what was going on, her mind was a blank. It…it was as if everything has just shut off, her mind, thoughts…just. everything! A separate door opened up in the bathroom, one of which was hidden and Katelyn wa stakes through the door by the same person who had knocked her out just seconds earlier. And Nate…he would never know what had happened as he was currently busy with the line at the front. A figure draped in Crimson cloak had placed the unconscious Katelyn within a white van before getting in himself and the van driving off.
Finally, after about ten minutes, he had played, and he made his way back to the table, only to find it empty. He instantly went on high alert, scanning for Katelyn. Not seeing anything, he started to ask around to try and see where she went off to. After hearing she went to the bathroom, he relaxed visibly, sitting down, his hopes soaring. Nut soon, it became obvious that something had happened, and he was sure as hell about to find out.

Storming into the bathroom, despite. It being the woman's, he asked around again, only to get nothing. "Feth!" Slamming his fist against the tiles, they shattered as he tried To.use the.force to locate her, but it didn't work, a d he realized that she was unconscious, for he couldn't even feel her signature.
[member="Katelyn Feanor"]

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