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Approved Tech Mythosaur Orbital Insertion Pods

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Mythosaur Orbital Insertion Pods
Image Source: N/A
Intent: Explain how the really big Dinobots are deployed quickly from their transports
Development Thread: As Needed
Manufacturer: ArmaTech Combat Systems
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: ArmaTech Combat Systems
Modularity: No
Production: Minor

Material: Durasteel, Repulsor Lifts
The sheer mass of the Mythosaur Mobile Fortress means that it basically cannot be deployed from orbit, as there simply isn't a ship large enough to ferry it to the ground. There are some ships that simply cannot carry it from planet to planet as it is, and so, a way to transport it was devised. Rather than placing it on a transport ship to take it from the cruiser or battleship it is carried on like the much smaller AT-AT was, the Mythosaur is carried into battle in a hangar, much like the ventral hangar of a Star Destroyer and brought into the planetoid's gravity well. There it is released, and dropped towards the planet, the repulsorlifts firing to increase its velocity until re-entry is made.

Once inside the atmosphere, the computers controlling the Insertion pods calculate the shortest safe burn time. This is the shortest possible time to fire the repulsors to slow the Mythosaur enough to land safely. This largely depends on the terrain, gravity, atmospheric pressure, and wind resistance, but it is intended to make shooting the corvette size walker during entry as difficult as possible. Once the repulsor lifts are fired and the Mythosaur lands, the pods are electromagnetically released from the shoulder joints and fall to the ground. They are useless until collected following the battle.
Primary Source: N/A
[member="Braith Achlys"]
They break away right after landing yes. They just don't hold the fuel/battery life to do more than one drop and they aren't any more maneuverable than a parachute either so there isn't flying mythosaurs.
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