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Approved Starship Myrmidon-class Frigate

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[background=transparent]Image Source: [/background][background=transparent]Here[/background]
Intent: Make a Fast Frigate

Development Thread:Who Can Use This: Select Buyers
[background=transparent]Manufacturer: ArmaTech Industries[/background]
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: ArmaTech Industries
Modularity: Yes
[background=transparent]Production: Minor[/background]
Material: Layered Duranium-Neutronium Hull, Bronzium Reinforcing, Neutronium-Agrinium Mesh, Thermal Gel, Sealant Foam, Starship Components

Classification: Fire Support Frigate
Length: 300
Width: 90
Height: 80
  • Squadron (1)
Minimum Crew: 225
Optimum Crew: 850
Passenger Capacity: 320
Cargo Capacity: 2,500 Metric Tons
Consumables: 2 Years
Maneuverability Rating: 9
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: 0.75

  • Ion Drives
  • Maneuvering Jets
Sensor and TargetingCommunications
  • Encrypted Segregated Communication Network
  • HoloNet Transceiver
  • IFF Transponder
  • Life Support Systems
  • Navigation Computer
  • Escape Pods
  • Repulsorlift Stabilizers
  • Atmospheric Flight Stabilizers
  • Tractor Beam Projectors (4)
  • Pressor Beam Projectors (2)
The Myrmidon features a hull, similar in construction and layout to the larger more powerful Bes'Drahr, giving it a great deal of durability and resilience, finding the middle ground between standard ships of its class and ships of a larger class in terms of its resilience. Layering of the hull was deemed absolutely necessary in order to defend the vessel properly, and so the metal and ceramics used to protect the ship are state of the art. The outer most layer of the armor consists of thick alternating horizontal and vertical Duranium-Neutronium slabs, providing a high level of protection from plunging and direct fire weapons. The next layer consists of a micro-mesh of chainmail like links of Neutronium-Agrinium metal matrices. These matrices help to disperse kinetic, electrical, and blaster based energy across a larger area of the hull decreasing the likelihood of a piercing hit. The Agrinium will also provide very limited Ion and EMP resistance. Filled with a mixture of Thermal Gel and Sealant Foam the layer can be used to nearly instantly sealed rather than venting atmosphere until bulk heads can be locked in place. This foam is very weak and is solely meant to retain atmosphere, not repel capital ship weapons. Beneath this layer consists a rubber sheet covering most of the inner hull, acting as non-explosive reactive armor providing limited additional defenses against kinetic rounds. This layer, and the Micro-mesh layer are both separated into triangular sections by Duranium-Bronzium alloy reinforcing bracers to strengthen the over all hull and limit the 'give' of those layers. The next layer consists of High-density Alusteel vertical belt armor to provide some protection from direct fire mass drivers and missiles, as well as being fairly resilient against blaster based weapons given its structure and its density. The inner most layer consists of bronzium reinforced horizontal durasteel plates and bulk heads.

Propulsion System
Featuring a pair of smaller Solar Ionization Reactors the Myrmidon is able to function reliably even after sustaining damage. Because each reactor features its own Catastrophic Release Braces if one is heavily damaged its contents can be ejected and the ship can still function at half power. One of these sits in the aft end of the ship, the other sits amidships, both making up the primary power plant. The two primary ion drives are connected to smaller dedicated power reactors as is common among large ships. These additional generators weren't the only ones featured in the ship as Life support and lights had their own dedicated power source that was EMP and Ion Shielded, as did the Bridge. While the ship could still be disabled, power to these systems remained functional after an EMP or Ion attack.

Internal Layout
The Myridon features a layer of internal defenses to defend it from boarding actions during combat. Choke points, ray shields, stasis fields, and barriers can be activated, providing cover, funneling enemies into these defended positions or away from important areas if need be. Corridors are smaller on this ship, compensating for its large amount of weaponry and thick hull. The primary bridge is secured at the base of the where the superstructure and the main body meet, buried under several levels of weapon decks and other secure bulk heads. In cruising deployment it features simple transparisteel windows, fitted with Holoscreens within them, allowing the officers to see data transplanted on the screen as though looking through the windows with data readouts on subjects of note listed on them. In combat however a meter thick plate of duranium drops into place in front of these windows, which still appear to be viewing the outside of the armor blast screen. This protects the bridge from suicide runs to a high degree. The Auxiliary bridge is located five levels below the main bridge within the super structure and has a similar set of viewscreens.

Weapon Systems
The Myrmidon is built to saw enemy ships in half under a withering hail of forward firepower. All of its capital ship weaponry can face forward and target an enemy vessel, allowing it to hit harder than the majority of its class against individual opponents in its forward arc. However, very few of its weapons are able to face any other direction, meaning it has little capability as a broadside ship. It relies on adjusting its facing in order to bring its armament to bear on its opposition. Furthermore it lacks long range weaponry, meaning it is unable to strike at enemies from far away, and unable to return long range fire.

Support Systems
The Myrmidon features heavy shield systems, dual layering an advanced Ray and Particle shield over its hull. It features a form of hydrostatic fields allowing the ship to be used in aquatic warfare. It does allow the ship to hide in oceans if necessary, or set ambushes from there. Ships that aren't cloaked can be detected through the wide range of sensors when actively deployed at close range. Its communication and wireless receivers are kept on a segregated network from the majority of the ships functions, specifically the necessary system for combat and flight functions. Featuring a set of tractor beams and a half set of pressor beams the Myrmidon can disrupt the movement of smaller ships, normally only as large as a freighter by either pushing or pulling them, straining their engines to compensate for the adjustments. Its mainly just a way to reduce the speed and maneuverability of smaller ships rather than actually trapping or disabling them.

  • Cross of Fire: This ship can bring all of its guns to bear to its forward arc, allowing it to pack more of a punch than it looks like it should
  • Durable: For what it is, it can take a beating, capable of outlasting other ships of its class by a noticeable margin, but not equal to ships of a larger class
  • Flanks: It lacks significant armament to its sides or rear.
  • Angled Shields: Its shield projectors are angled to be very heavy in the front, and while this allows them to be stronger to the forward and sides, to the rear they are weaker than a ship of its size would normally be.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
<p>RESEARCH REVIEW<br /> <br />Star Wars Canon:<br />Pending initial review<br /> <br />Starwars Chaos: <br />Pending initial review<br /> <br />WITHOUT DEV THREADS<br />Pending initial review<br /><br />WITH DEV THREADS<br />Pending Initial review<br /><br />SUGGESTIONS<br />Pending Inital review</p>


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Draco Vereen"]
Alrighty. I have some time, some wifi, and a cafe to sit in. Let's start on this for a bit.


Draco Vereen said:
Anvilskin Ceramic-Composite Interior Plating
Needs to be removed from the submission. The submission in question is designed for vehicle and personal armor, not starship armor despite being mass produced. Besides, logically, tank and personal armor plating won't stand up to capital ship grade weapons, so arguably this type of armor weakens the overall design.

Draco Vereen said:
NRA Rubber Armor
What is this?

Draco Vereen said:
Heavy Turbolasers or Heavy Ion Cannons (30) Ion Cannons or Turbolasers (30) Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers (10) ACS-801 Witch Fire CIWS (8) Quad Laser Cannon Turrets (10)
You're pretty... massively overgunned for a frigate regardless of what guide is used. I'm going to ask you to drop the weapons at least by half. If you want to keep it massively overgunned, this will add 20 Posts to a dev thread.

Draco Vereen said:
Atmospheric Flight Stabilizers
Why these, if you don't mind me asking. You could get by better with an integrated repulsor engine which... would actually allow you to hover and maneuver better in atmosphere.

Draco Vereen said:
Maneuverability Rating: 9 Speed Rating: 8
Due to the heavily armed and armored nature of the ship, I'm going to ask for a reduction to Speed 10, Maneuverability 11. I'll settle for Speed 9, Maneuverability 10 with another 10 posts on a dev thread.

Draco Vereen said:
Hyperdrive Class: 0.75
The majority of ships use a standard 1.0 rating for a hyperdrive. Generally, faster hyperdrives have dev threaded submissions or have been covered in a dev thread for the ship. This will need to be bumped down to 1.0, but if you really want one at .75 I can see one for another 10 posts of dev thread.

Moving on to strengths, they're fine and logical. The weaknesses... Toss on one more solid weakness to balance out the two strengths and your solid there.

Draco Vereen said:
The second layer consists of a rubber sheet covering the inner most hull, acting as non-explosive reactive armor providing additional defenses against kinetic rounds.
Unless this is specialized rubber either subbed to the factory or canon to star wars... any benefits would be more or less... negligible. Mass drivers and kinetic rounds would punch through this easily and energy weapons would melt the rubber and, in the event of hull breaches, cause a fire hazard. If you really want your ship to have a hull-spanning rubber layer, okay, but I literally see absolutely no benefits this thing gives at all.

Draco Vereen said:
ciridium-agrinium matrices to disperse kinetic, electrical, and blaster based energy across a larger area of the hull, decreasing the likelihood of a piercing hit.
Neither of these materials does much to protect against those damage types. Ciridium is a Wookiepedia stub and only mentions use on Mandalorian armors, meaning it could be a highly integral component of manufacturing the armor... or it could be a type of material designed to keep it from rusting. Agrinium is known for being highly resistant to radiation and while it does say it was applied to droids to protect against many types of damage, the sub states that it was applied to droid armor meaning that it was probably not very durable nor feasible for actual physical protection. If you want to keep that material there, be my guest, but it will not protect against that range of damage and would prove to be ineffective against any radiation as it's a mesh, not a solid plate.

Draco Vereen said:
Filling the mesh is a mixture of Thermal Gel and Sealant foam, both providing very minor protection and allowing gaps in the armor to be nearly instantly sealed rather than venting atmosphere until bulkheads can be locked in place.
Thermal gel is designed to protect against intense heat and kinetic impact. It's used to protect cargos dropped from cocoons through planetary atmospheres in canon. On the board it's used primarily in personal armor and has not been used in vehicles or ships to my knowledge. The gel would provide miniscule, if any, protection to the ship as the material was designed for smaller scale kinetic impacts and atmospheric reentry heat, not capital grade energy and kinetic weapons. As for the sealant foam, I'm assuming this is dispensed in some form? A layer of the foam would only act as a sort of... think housing insulation. It wouldn't actually plug anything, just form a sort of filler for the gaps between the hull. With a dispenser of some kind, it can effectively plug gaps given enough time, though damage control units would still need to make repairs quickly before the foam is damaged or broken loose.

Draco Vereen said:
This layer is divided into triangular sections by thick and resilient Duranium-Bronzium reinforcing bracers. It provides limited resistance to Ion and Emp weapons.
Neither of these materials provides any Ion or EMP resistances according to Wookiepedia. I'd suggest the inclusion of a Faraday Cage instead if you want to maintain EMP and Ion resistance, otherwise the resistance will need to be removed.

Draco Vereen said:
Above this is a layer of Anvilskin Composite Ceramic Armor defending against penetrating weapons.
This needs to be removed citing the reasons mentioned earlier.

Draco Vereen said:
Featuring a pair of smaller Solar Ionization Reactors the Myrmidon is able to function reliably even after sustaining damage. Because each reactor features its own Catastrophic Release Braces if one is heavily damaged its contents can be ejected and the ship can still function at half power. The main drive system includes Three Primary Engines and Four Auxiliary Engines for boosting acceleration, maneuvering and stabilizing. Three secondary Solar Ionization Reactors were connected to the main engines with four Ionization Reactor and Regulators attached to the Auxiliary engines. These added generators weren't the only ones featured in the ship. Life support and lights had its own dedicated power source that was EMP and Ion Shielded, as did the Bridge. While the ship could still be disabled, power to these systems remained functional after an EMP or Ion attack.
Okay. All of this. Not sure if you meant to, but according to this you have 2 primary reactors and a total of 9 auxiliary reactors for a total of 11 reactors. Unless these are small little temporary generators designed to work for a few hours max until the primary reactors can be brought online, you're pretty much dedicating a huge amount of the ship to... reactors. If they're small, emergency power sources that work for a short, finite amount of time, please include this and include how long the back up energy sources will function until power is lost. Otherwise, you'll need to drop to just two reactors. My suggestion: one primary, one secondary, and both at two different areas of the ship from each other.

Draco Vereen said:
The primary bridge is secured at the base of the where the superstructure and the main body meet, buried under several levels of weapon decks and other secure bulk heads. In cruising deployment it features simple transparisteel windows, fitted with Holoscreens within them, allowing the officers to see data transplanted on the screen as though looking through the windows with data readouts on subjects of note listed on them. In combat however a meter thick plate of duranium drops into place in front of these windows, which still appear to be viewing the outside of the armor blast screen. This protects the bridge from suicide runs to a high degree. The Auxiliary bridge is located five levels below the main bridge within the super structure and has a similar set of viewscreens.
It's buried under multiple decks and bulkheads, yet it has... windows. This implies that it has easily accessible areas and is vulnerable to attack, which contradicts... the entire concept of what I'm seeing. Even the secondary bridge has the same windows and therefore the same vulnerability. Nothing wrong with it from a balance point, but I figured I'd let you know that you kind of made something equivalent to the President's Nuke Bunker with big bay windows on the front. Even with the armored shutters.

Draco Vereen said:
It features standard use of Precision Holo-Targeting Computers when employed against enemy vessels, allowing its weapons to be considered highly accurate within their effective range.
This kind of contradicts the definition of standard targeting computers.

Alright. Hoping back a bit and with the way this is set up, gonna revisit the production levels for a sec.

You have it listed at mass. With all edits and no dev threads, I can see it at mass. With the dev thread, I can see it at limited. Toss in another 20 posts and I can easily see it at minor. I cannot, however, see it at mass without at least 20 more posts on top of the minor production.

For a mass produced ship with most of what you wanted, you're looking at 80 posts of dev thread. At limited with the dev thread, you're looking at 40. Feel free to pick and choose what you want to dev thread as that affects the post standards, meaning you could do all edits and have no dev thread or range from 10 posts to the full 80. Your call, really.

@ mention me when ready and we'll move right along.
Popo said:
Due to the heavily armed and armored nature of the ship, I'm going to ask for a reduction to Speed 10, Maneuverability 11. I'll settle for Speed 9, Maneuverability 10 with another 10 posts on a dev thread.
Not a problem, but I have reduced the Armament and size of the craft significantly.

Popo said:
The majority of ships use a standard 1.0 rating for a hyperdrive. Generally, faster hyperdrives have dev threaded submissions or have been covered in a dev thread for the ship. This will need to be bumped down to 1.0, but if you really want one at .75 I can see one for another 10 posts of dev thread.
Not a problem. I will get on this shortly.

Popo said:
Okay. All of this. Not sure if you meant to, but according to this you have 2 primary reactors and a total of 9 auxiliary reactors for a total of 11 reactors. Unless these are small little temporary generators designed to work for a few hours max until the primary reactors can be brought online, you're pretty much dedicating a huge amount of the ship to... reactors. If they're small, emergency power sources that work for a short, finite amount of time, please include this and include how long the back up energy sources will function until power is lost. Otherwise, you'll need to drop to just two reactors. My suggestion: one primary, one secondary, and both at two different areas of the ship from each other.
A massive solar ionization reactor bulged from the ventral spine, annihilating hypermatter as fuel to power the ship. Auxiliary reactors flanked the main reactor and the three reactors were connected to the three main engines. In addition, the backup engines were connected to additional reactors as well.[24]
Other than the main reactors (2 we'll say half sized Solar Ionization Reactors) the secondaries would be smaller, and the Auxiliaries would be smaller still. So yes, other than noting there were more than one power plant, its not meant to mean this has 11 primary powerplants. this has 2 that share that responsibility. Along with what the auxiliaries, even still I reduced the amount.

Popo said:
This implies that it has easily accessible areas and is vulnerable to attack, which contradicts... the entire concept of what I'm seeing. Even the secondary bridge has the same windows and therefore the same vulnerability. Nothing wrong with it from a balance point, but I figured I'd let you know that you kind of made something equivalent to the President's Nuke Bunker with big bay windows on the front. Even with the armored shutters.
Its a Real Time TV. The secondary is buried, the primary is not, much like on every star destroyer it has levels above it, but rather than in the middle of a massive tower, i put it at the base of where the tower would be.

The entirety of the hull, is simply a more elaborate means to explain this
  • Durable: For what it is, it can take a beating, capable of outlasting other ships of its class by a noticeable margin, but not equal to ships of a larger class
Rather than simply saying that the hull to this ship, is thicker and more resilient than others in one sentence. That is all. None of it, (The chainmail mesh, NERA [non-explosive reactive armor] Rubber, or thermal gel is meant to do anything more than explain that strength. The Self-Resealing Foam provides minor assistance in a hull breach, assuming the breach isn't too substantial, but in no way repairs the armor of the ship.

Length: 300
Width: 90
Height: 80
  • Heavy Turbolasers or Heavy Ion Cannons (15)
  • Ion Cannons or Turbolasers (15)
  • Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers (6)
  • ACS-801 Witch Fire CIWS (4)
  • Quad Laser Cannon Turrets (4)
  • Angled Shields: Its shield projectors are angled to be very heavy in the front, and while this allows them to be stronger to the forward and sides, to the rear they are weaker than a ship of its size would normally be.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Draco Vereen"]
Alrighty, I've looked over everything and thought it over a bit. It's still a bit too advanced for Mass production, but I'll tell you what. You've done the other edits and fiddled with the thing fairly well to nudge it back a little. With a 1.0 hyperdrive and Minor production, I'll approve it as is. If you want to do a 20 post dev thread (10 for the hyperdrive and 10 for Mass production) you'll be good to go with a 0.75 hyperdrive and Mass production. If you're really pressed for time, I'll take 10 posts of dev thread and a 1k word dev blog (100 words per post) with the idea being you'd only have to spam out the ten posts and can cover the other half with a quick blog detailing anything from a scientific report to some quick monologue or something in between.

@ mention me when done and we'll get rolling :p
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