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Mylls Survival Co.

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Corporation Name: Mylls Survival Co.

Headquarters: Demonsgate,

Locations: Demonsgate, Kesh

Operations: Combat/Survival Gear, Combat/Survival Weapons, Vehicle Building

Rationale: Bear Mylls father was a powerful political man who managed a significant amount of wealth. Bear, joined the army after school and became a very skilled soldier going into the special operations. After leaving the army he decided to take his skills that he learned about apply them to business. With his father's support he made a businesses (Mylls Survival Co.) to manufacture items that he thought would be useful for surviving in the wilderness, and in combat. After selling items for a few years he expaneded off of Demonsgate to the nearby planet Kesh.

Tier: Tier 2

Description: Bear Mylls made this company to support the men and women who wanted to venture into the unknown parts of the galaxy and make it out alive. In his dream, and in his birthplace of the Kathol Sector he bases his operation and sells his survival and combat gear out of the planet Demonsgate . Bear is not in it for the profit, he only does this to make quality equipment for the people that are willing to go and discover the unknown. All the equipment he makes and sells is personally tested in the wilderness by Bear himself, to prove its reliability and usefulness in the wilderness of the galaxy. In his making of the company he decided he would make vehicles that were going to be useful for people in the wilderness to live and survive out there for extended periods of time and using his father's money to add a section onto the main store to provide a workshop to build custom vehicles. Each item made is constructed out of the purest quality metals and designs to improve efficiency and usefulness. All credits made by sales are put into producing and obtaining more materials to make better and more reliable products. All products made by Mylls Survival Co. has a 60 day credit return guarantee along with a 3 month expense paid repairs.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Hi [member="Bear Mylls"]! I will be reviewing this submission.

If you could please expand a bit more on the rationale. There is a five sentence minimum for this section due to a recent rule change.

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