Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mya D'ulin

Name: Mya D’ulin
Affliation: Mistryl Shadow Guards
Height: 5’8
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair color: Black Hair
Eye Color: Blue eyes
Born on the Planet: Emberlene

Is not force sensitive.

Daughter of Cabal and Minerva D’ulin, cousin to Erela and Satine.

+Can run for long distances, has competed as a triathlete
+Has exceptional sense of intuition, seems to know when something is going wrong
-is very ambitious to where she might sell her mother for a credit, maybe.
-has a over developed sense of self importance.

Appearance: Often wears whatever high end fashion she can afford her dark hair accents the brilliance of her eyes. She always makes sure her appearance is immaculate, just as her skills of being a Mistryl are deadly.


She knows the story she had heard it a hundred times how poor poor Satine had live with relatives, poor poor Satine everyone felt so bad for her. But not Mya. Mya often did as Satine told her as Clan Leader but there was no love lost between the two. To make matters worse the two women look alike same high cheek bones, some body build everything if they were not born of different parents they would be twins. (Perhaps there is a secret here yet to be told)

A competition for affections, and within their training. The girls competed hard at everything Mya always needing to show that she was just as good or superior to Satine but it was Satine that had won the votes of the Clan. Satine who now looked over the contracts offered to Clan D’ulin.

Mya can see that somewhere down the line as their lives grow older there will be a day when she can show Satine exactly what she thinks, exactly what her place should be. If she has to align herself with the devil himself, she will.

In the end each would get what they deserved.


Not yet.

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