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Approved Species Mwani

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  • Name: Mwani

  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Homeworld: Mwezi
  • Language: None
  • Average height of adults: 30.48 meters (100 feet)
  • Skin color: Green
  • Hair color: None
  • Breathes: Aquatic respiration

  • Strengths:
  • Medicinal qualities: Mwani has the highly medicinal quality of highly boosting a consumer's immune system, and overall health. If eaten in large quantities as the Binadamans of Mwezi do, it can drasticly improve a sentient's lifespan, effectivly doubling it in many species, which explains the Binadaman's long life. Also, due to it's ability to boost the consumer's immune system, it can grealty prevent them from contratcing bacterial and viral ilnesses, such as colds and flus. Although, obviously, highly mutated sicknesses, bio-engineered plagues, and powerful diseases can break in to even the strongest immune system. Also, this does not stop any ilnesses or diseases, such as cancer, that an extremely strong immune system cannot prevent. If one went without eating Mwani for 48 hours, after the plant left the consumer's system, they would suffer a severe drop in the power of their immune syste, ecpecially if the sentient was eating a large amount of the Mwani, which would mean their immune system began to rely on it. Depending on how long the sentient had eaten the Mwani before being deprived of it. Basically, if one was to stop eating Mwani they would suffer from almost constant sickness, and would ocntract just about any sickness or virus they came in contact with, until their immune system recovered. This can take between several weeks, to several years, depending on how long one consumed the Mwani before they stopped eating it.
  • Grows like a weed: Mwani grows extremely fast, in perfect conditions it's known to grow up to two feet per day. It also spreads extremely fast, with seeds forming about five times every light season, and the seeds able to grow in to a plant within twenty-four galactic standard hours.

  • Weaknesses:
  • Plant: It's a plant. It can't move, talk, walk, think, attack, defend, or anything else.
  • Addictive: Eating Mwani is powerfully addictive, within six hours of eating the plant the consumer will crave more, sometimes to the point where they cannot think of anything else other then getting the plant. If the consumer does not eat any for 48 hours, though, the craving fades away. On Mwezi, Mwani deprivation is a form of torture.
  • Needs water: It grows underwater, therfore it obviously needs water to grow.
  • Needs sunlight: Like all plants, it funcitons through photosynthisis.
  • Needs certain conditions: For unknown reasons, Mwani can only grow in the oceans of Mwezi around Kisiwa. Any attempts to transport it to other areas of Mwezi have failed, and any attempts to grow this plant on other planets would ultimately fail as well. Kisiwan scientists believe it has something to do with the unique minerals found around Kisiwa, but the theories have not been scientifically proven.

  • Distinctions: They are massive green kelp-liike plants that form huge forests on the ocean floor around Kisiwa.
  • Average Lifespan: Six years, if not harvested.
  • Races: None
  • Estimated Population: Way to many to estimate, they literally cover the entire ocean floor for about a mile and a half around Kisiwan shores.
  • Diet: Sunlight, water, and nutrients extracted from the seabed. It may also require the unqiue minerals found around Kisiwa.
  • Communication: None

  • Culture: Not applicable

  • Technology level: None

  • General behavior: Not applicable, they don't really do anything other then eat sunlight and make seeds, which spread through the ocean currents until they hit the ocean floor, and start growing.

  • History: When explorers hit the Kisiwan islands, they almost immidietly discovered the interesting weed-like plant that practically choked the oceans for more then a mile around. They attempted to find uses for it, and found it failed as building materials, clothing material, and hair dye. Then they tried to eat it. And they loved it. Mwani soon became a staple in Kisiwan cuisine, and spread across the moon as a food staple in every household.
  • Some time around 400aby, Changa began to try and grow Mwani off it's shores, and failed miserably. After further research, and finding that the plant would only grow around Kisiwan shores, the Changan goverment questioned Kisiwa about why that was, assuming they knew some secret for growing it that they would not share with the rest of the moon. When they gave no secret, Changan and Kisiwan relations began to stretch thin, but a war was averted when Kisiwa allowed Changa a miniscule island on the edge of their territory, to grow Mwani. The Mwani harvest there was pathetic, and was nowhere near enough to supply Changa or any other country with enough Mwani to feed their people, but it satisfied the changan goverment.

  • Notable Player-Characters: None
  • Intent: Since Mwezi has no animal species, i''m creating this as both the largest food source of the moon, and the reason Binadamans live so long despite the low gravity of the moon.


Stark raving silly
Most plants breathe. Since this is, basically, a type of neat kelp, I would argue replacing "doesn't breathe" with "aquatic respiration" is probably more accurate. Otherwise, I feel like this is a pretty sane, neat plant. I wonder if I can make tea with it. :D
[member="Theophenes"] Edit made. :D
And you could probably make tea with it if you dried it first- galaxy's most powerful herbal tea... :)
Hey there, going to quickly run through this as there is a submission which will require this.

Is there any way for this to be transported to another planet, and if so what conditions would it require to grow? Or is it restricted completely to its planet of origin?

What is the limit of its properties? For example, just how much can it effect a species' longevity, what things can it not protect against in terms of sickness, etc.

Plants require more than just sunlight to flourish, please expand upon this: does it require specific nutrients from the water bed, like nitrates?

The lifespan is 6 years, how long does it take for new seeds to gestate and grow? (May seem like a random question, but if at the 6 year mark no others have begun to sprout there'd be a vast shortage of Mwani - most plants grow and die in a cycle - see spring to fall here on Earth)

Please expand upon the history: when was it exported to the different areas, have there ever been fights over who deserved control over its growth, when were there attempts at moving it to try and grow it elsewhere, etc.

Mention me when you are done and we can continue.
@lady kryos - I believe I edited in everything you needed. :D Do tell if anything else needs to be added, and I will.

Tyvm for judging!

What happens when someone stops eating it for a prolonged length of time? How quickly would it take for their longevity and boosted immune system to return to normal or a reduced rate than it would be on Mwani?
@lady kryos

"If one went without eating Mwani for 48 hours, after the plant left the consumer's system, they would suffer a severe drop in the power of their immune syste, ecpecially if the sentient was eating a large amount of the Mwani, which would mean their immune system began to rely on it. Depending on how long the sentient had eaten the Mwani before being deprived of it. Basically, if one was to stop eating Mwani they would suffer from almost constant sickness, and would ocntract just about any sickness or virus they came in contact with, until their immune system recovered. This can take between several weeks, to several years, depending on how long one consumed the Mwani before they stopped eating it."

I hope this awnsers your question. :)

Ty for judging, and helping me complete this project. :D
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