Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Music Thread? Music Thread.

Alright, I think it's time we have another musician/music event thread. Those are always a lot of fun, and I wanted to do something with a little bit of a twist.


Or musicians at least lol. Participants get two posts, an opening song and a finisher. Also ROLLS! 2 D twenties, one plus 5 to add to a roll of your choice. Highest score takes home the title of Best Chaos Music man, woman, robot, non-binary pal or whatever else. Also prolly a prize that I'll come up with and sub in the factory. Anyways, if that sounds like a good time and you wanna hop in express your interest here. I'll probably also have a concert objective open as well so people can chill and have a bit o social fun.

Pitch over.
Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Founding Member Of Thule
Okay, but issue. There is no way Xeno is not recognizing a sith lmao.

If he's really good at hiding his presence go for it.
Don't worry about it, his Sith presence as well as the rest of the band will be pretty hidden. I wouldn't enter them if they were known sith.

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