Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moving Forward...

I'm pretty excited to be taking over as the Faction Owner and appreciate the faith you guys have in me. Moving forward with The Dominion it's time we solidify our place in Chaos. There are quite a few things I have planned and I also want to hear your plans! Remember, both OOC and IC I'm always open to your ideas and welcome them.

To make sure we're on the same page I'd like to give a layout of some of the things you can expect in the next two weeks or so as well as some changes already made.

First off let's welcome [member="Lucien Galtier"] to our Faction Admin team. As the leader of the Dreadguard (IC) and one of my right hand men he's going to be one of the people you can harass like flies to honey.

Also let's thank [member="Marcus Itera"] for his help as a former faction admin. He'll be missed but we were happy to have him while we did.

To follow that, our main and biggest focus for the next coming weeks are preparing for WAR! The Primeval and The Resurgent empire have dared to step against us so we will show them the error of their ways. Serenno, one of our primary planets, is threatened to be invaded this weekend! We have to be ready to defend. Remember in the invasion to use teamwork and create a positive RP enviornment, this is what brngs us victory.

I'd like all members who claim to be active to be sure to ready up for that, polish your boots troop, we're going in.

Third, we'll be solidifying our alliance with the Silver Jedi, who have already offered their support with the war on the Sith. Do take care to remember The Dominion is a neutral faction, so if you are a Jedi or a Sith you are welcome, treat our allies with the same courtesy. We'll have a thread (IC) up for that very soon, be sure to tell me if you're interested in joining in the diplomatic talks!

Fourth, we're going to talk conduct and diplomacy. Now, I do not give a red rectum who you speak to and how you speak to them. You all know me and know I am....colorful with my verbiage, so I'm not going to be up your shiner about how you treat people.

​All I ask is you do not purposely troll other factions, deliberately get into heated debates on public networks, I.E. Chaos Discord, the Forum, or anywhere else that could not be seen as "talking in confidence."

We have a reputation as a troll faction that I intend to quell, but as I said I'm still a firm believer in tough skin so I won't be treating you like 2nd graders.

Fifth, we're going to be moving forward with more cross-Faction Rp. Including, but not limited to, hopping into foreign Dominions to lend aid, Diplomatic threads, and cross training. Try to remember that there is a whole galaxy out there that we can befriend or crush, let's take advantage.

Next, We're going to start giving out some awards that will be for both IC and OOC participation. These rewards will (variably) come with some nice rewards as well. Such as equipment, Ships, and artifacts.

Lastly, The Dominion's name is going to likely have a change, along with the government structure. This change will be VERY minor and I don't think you'll notice much of it in all honestly. But so far we're leaning towards The Republic of Greater Serenno, where a parliament will be instilled and the Archlord will take on the title of Viscount. Again, please give me some feedback on everything you see here and let's get this train moving!

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