Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Workshop Name: Morsmorence.
  • Location: Ryloth.

One of Morsmorence's interior lounges for clients. Image credit.
  • Specialty: Various consumables, weapons.
  • Tier: Tier II.

Morsmorence's production could be divided into two groups: the one of public sale and the one of secret, private acquisition. Many of its products, primarily those with the less unusual or powerful effects, can be purchased by anyone with enough credits as long as they are in stock. However, there is a second face to this curious workshop.

Dorkas uses it as a means for her personal creations, items of an outstanding rarity with the most varied of purposes. Products can fall in this category because of their quality, characteristics, effects or difficulty of produce and are often limited to a very select handful of customers.

Morsmorence is known to accept commissions and has created custom-made, unique items. It has also made agreements with certain clients to provide them with specific merchandise regularly, without the need of constantly striking up new deals.


Crafting had always been an important part of her life ever since she started learning the ropes from her fellow sisters during her time at the coven. Morsmorence was founded many years ago, when Dorkas was still a trainee under her Mentor and had started to create the very first items of her own design. With time and the bettering of her crafting skills, Morsmorence began to gain recognition for the variety, usefulness and quality of its many items. Growth was welcome and though the workshop's name started to be spread through Ryloth, its items remained a rare treasure only for those clients "special enough".

: N/a.

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