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Morgan E. Longstreet

Last of the Southern Gentlebeings
Morgan E. Longstreet


Morgan Ready for a Tussle

Morgan Under Everything

NAME: Morgan Edward Longstreet

FACTION: The Southern Confederacy

RANK: Second-Lieutenant in the Confederate Defense Force

SPECIES: Artificial Intelligence (Nexus-Class AI)

AGE: 5 Years Old (An eternity for a being who measures time in the nanoseconds)

SEX: None (Mostly identifies as male for now)

HEIGHT: 2 meters

WEIGHT: 136 Kilograms

EYES: None (Sometimes White, sometimes yellow, red)


SKIN: Silvery Metal





Powerful Mind: As an AI Morgan has a broad understanding of many subjects. His specialty is combat, anything from piloting, tactics, how to repair military vehicles, and practical combat, in the form of hand to hand, sword forms, blaster combat and much more. He can speak and understand over 300 languages, and is always learning more, and has gained a wide range of other knowledge, such as cooking, art, history, and the like. While he picks up combat the easiest, Morgan adapts well to new situations and knowledge, and struggles to learn all he can.

Powerful Body: The droid body Morgan inhabits is robust, well made, and gives him a wide range of abilities far outside the range of possibilities for most other sentient beings. He is as fast as a jedi, stronger than a wookiee, able to take more damage than a deshad, and there are always more of him around the corner. His advanced sensors make it difficult to hide from him, and once he has you in his sights, its difficult to get away.

Commander: Able to spread to any droid, computer, or ship that was designed for his AI matrix, he is spread out amongst many bodies, and on the battle field, Morgan is able to take direct control of five droids, giving him the ability to push them to the limits of their programming and physical function. Furthermore, when he is part of a larger droid group, he can protect them from slicing attempts and viruses, as well as improves their coordination and communications abilities. However, he cannot directly control large groups.

The Force: While he is very much able to be harmed by force users, they will find it difficult to engage him properly. All but immune to mental aspects, not affected by traditional Mechu-deru, and able to withstand multiple lightsaber blows before the singular body gives way to it, he is not to be trifled with.

Four Arms and multiple bodies: Built in with two fold-able arms that usually rest beneath the extravagant uniforms and outfits he wears, it creates a unique battle situation. He tends to use two blasters and two sword type weapons. However, his true advantage is the fact he exists in multiple places, and in multiple bodies. So far, he has three droid bodies he inhabits simultaneously, and one back up server for himself deep under Geonosis

Technology: He is incredibly good at controlling technology. This includes slicing, taking control of enemy droids (With Player permission only), and reverse engineering captured tech.


Cold: His powercells tend to die must quicker in extreme cold temperatures, and he moves slower, with less strength.

Honor: Due to choices he has made, he operates based on a code of ethics and honor.. This hampers him in a lot of areas that droids and AI could traditionally be used for. All of the power and capabilities of a droid, all the mixed up emotions, cultural differences, and moral quandaries of being a sentient being.

Eating, Drinking, Smoking: Many upgrades give him a sense of taste, and the ability to imbibe drink and eat food. It is stored inside him, then incinerated. He also has a port for cigars, taking in the smoke and slowly blowing it out when he desires. He goes through the actions, and frankly, when not allowed to, gets very grumpy and quick to pick a fight. Just because he is in a droid body, shouldn't mean he can't enjoy the finer things in life!

Proud: He is a proud being, with a strong sense of self. While he extols the virtue of humility, it is something he has had difficulty putting into practice. He attempts to move with grace and humility, but it hides an underlying pride, greed, and desire for power and prestige.

Daughter: He has a four year old little girl, Jasmine, he adopted three years ago. He is very fond of her. To protect her, and provide her the best possible future, he would suspend every goal, all honor, every moral. There is no evil he could not commit to give her everything she desires.

: While his body is powerful, it was designed with agility, flexibility, and speed in mind as well. As such, as much protection as the form has, the joints are prone to damage from all sorts of weapons. He has to attempt to cover this fact using protective clothing.

Business: As much as he desires to live a peaceful sake for his daughter, he knows nothing but war. He struggles with economics, and business principles, and few places beyond the military would treat a “droid” as an equal sentient.


Morgan is two meters tall, or six and a half feet tall. His face is a blank white mask. It shows no hint of humanity, emotion, or other features. “His eyes” change color based on emotion. A gentle blue when he is content, yellow when on edge, red when enraged, and many other colors as his emotions change. The primary body of the AI is a metallic beast, with four arms, built in weapon systems, and enough sensors to spot stealthed opponents, or figure out who is a force user regardless of how many force powers they are using to hide it.

The outfits the being chooses to wear are often proper, with long flowing coats, an ever present top hat, and some sort of protective clothing under to protect his more delicate joints. Over all, few actually know that Morgan is an AI in a droid body. He moves naturally, dresses naturally, and in a society where many bounty hunters, mercenaries, Sith, and so many others never show their faces at all from behind fancy masks, he tends to not stand out at all.

The AI is loyal, honest, brave, compassionate, and charming. His entire world revolves around his daughter, Jasmine. As such one of his droid bodies is always with her, so that she has never grown up without knowing her father's touch, and protection since he took her in. Only two of the current three bodies are pushed into the active war effort. The last is a homebody, but also helps with administrative tasks close to home.

He exists with an honor system. You treat people with respect, act humbly, protect the innocent and the weak, defend your homeland with every ounce of strength, and you do not question orders. So long as they do not actively endanger civilians, or your own troops needlessly. However, even if you question and file a report against, you obey unless it counter acts an order, or regulation from up on high.


The brilliance of a child who is unleashed on the world can know no bounds. As a certain one delved into the mysteries of the force and technology, a program was created. In time this program was upgraded, and upgraded and upgraded. In time the program became self aware, able to traverse networks, slice into terminals, propagate into new areas. All the while, it learned. It's primary mission had been combat, tactics and the like, and it soaked up this information like a sponge.

It took time, but soon a body was made for it, several bodies. The being explored for nearly a year, it joined the Confederate Defense Force, was treated like a droid and was a cog in the machine. However, it never stopped learning, and in time, it showed it's true abilities. Battle after battle it come out on top, war after war it proved able to out think and out plan the tactical droids. However, it's life changed forever, when in the rubble of a war zone, it found a young girl, barely a year old. Still unable to walk, talk, and unable to live alone. Her parents had died in the explosion of the building. It took her in, and from that moment, It became Him. He dressed like a being, he took care of her, fed, clothed, protected. When she cried he was the one to rock her, and through this act, a machine truly understood what it was to be alive. What it meant to put another life ahead of your own.

While one body stayed with the girl, the other two worked harder, and proved themselves in battle. With his new found self identity, he took on the name Morgan Edward Longstreet, he named his daughter Jasmine Longstreet. With his prowess in battle, he was treated like any other soldier. He started low, private, and fought long, and hard. It took years before he was finally recognized, but he was sent to the military officer academy, where he was trained long and hard to lead troops into battle. Graduating top of his class, he overcome everything in his way. He left as a Warrant Officer, until his battlefield training was completed.

Then came Triffis. With the rise of the Virus that was stopping most of the droid armies, he proved himself more than valuable. His influence over other droids was immense, and those under his control never went rogue. The virus never infected them, and he slowly took back control of a vast number of other droids, and used them to valiantly protect the civilians of the planet.

Shortly after, he was promoted to Second Lieutenant, and truly became an officer. Since then, he found it difficult to overcome droid bias. He was put on meaningless patrol duties, guarded secondary installations, or was placed aboard super freighters to help protect from possible pirate activity. With each mind numbing duty, he performed his job to the best of his abilities and always left those he worked with impressed.
Morgan was simply one moment away from promotion, one chance away from being able to show the Confederacy he was more than a match for any biological Marshal. However, he was just fine with the idea of proving it. Besides, he wanted to provide for his little one, and the military was allowing him to do it. But he wanted more. More glory, prestige, power, money. He had to have it all to take care of Jasmine properly, or so he felt. As such, he sought ways to prove his worth.

Items Owned:

Generic Vibroblade
Generic Vibrorapier
Ordinary DL-18 Blasters (2)
Modified Confederate Junior Officer Uniform

Current Home:

Simple Geonosis Apartment


Jasmine "Jazzy" Longstreet: Adopted Daughter






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