Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Monsters Inside

He suppressed a chuckle, she knew how to hold on but--she clearly had no idea how reckless his driving was. How horribly reckless.

"First rule of smuggling," he said as the engines began to roar to life, "Always underplay your hand."

True his leg hurt like hell without the stims right now but, he had overplayed it. It never hurt for people to think that you were weaker than you really were. At least, that was what James had always found. He depressed the petal to the max as he clenched the choke, the Swoop gave a whine of protest for a second. Let's see how hard we can push this thing.

As the gate swung open, James unleashed the Swoop, sending it hurling forward at max speed in .8 seconds. Not bad, he thought as the small machine screamed in delight. His eyebrows furrowed as he recalled her last sentence. Even the thrill of the wind whipping past his face and the adrenaline hissing through his veins wasn't enough to suppress the flood of memories that hit him.

"Don't call me 'baby,'" he growled, his words dripping with venom as he glared over his shoulder. "Ever again."

The Swoop cut across the open field much too fast, Through the wind and the rapid motion his eyes caught the cart path. His left hand gripped the shift and slammed it back at the last possible second. The speeder lurched, almost spinning end over end at the sudden shift into reverse. The spacer twisted the steering yoke and began hurrling them backwards through the path. Using the Force unwittingly, he closed his eyes and navigated through winding path. Last minute jolts, swerves, and turns kept them from ramming into anything as the world flashed by. At last he slammed the shift into park. They had stopped at a small park on the outskirts of town.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
Venom, she loved venom. She could feel the emotion wash over her for a moment darkness was her friend turning her colbalt blue eyes to onyx black, leaving no hint of emotion there to be seen. She smiled a greedy little smile, she reveled in the feeling that only the darkness seemed to know how to make her feel.

Oh god yes, she looked at James as he turned, "Sounds like a good story" She arched a brow holding on tightly letting the wind assault her skin never did she ever feel more alive then when she could feel the wind against her skin. Escape. That's what it felt like a good escape she had essentially just done that.

And her accomplice was someone she knew little about but clearly had secrets of his own, but would he share them with her and would he stop thinking of her as a child.

As they pulled into the park she looked around pulling back her presence and letting the darkness go deep breath, and her eyes cleared once again she was Arabella.

She looked at James, "That was fun."

[member="James Justice"]
James reached into the Swoop and pulled off the exposed radiator. It was an old habit; without it the vessel was impossible to steal--unless the thief happened to have one on hand. It was an old habit he had picked up along the way, one that had more than paid off. As he pocked it he gave a smirk. He loved to pilot, and the more dangerous the better.

"It was," then he gave her dress a once over. That was begging to get mugged, no matter what city this was. If she was intent on blending in, then, she would need to have an outfit change. Or two. He gripped her hand, 'Come on."

He strode down the street, keeping close to the shadows. There was a boutique of women's clothing not too far way. He crept along to the back entrance. The lights were off, the doors were locked, and it looked like everyone was gone. Good.

"While I do love your dress," James said as he pried the lock open and began crossing the wires, "It doesn't exactly blend into the area. So," the door slid open and he gave a wave towards it, "Help yourself, I will wait right here. You have 15 minutes before the silent alarm kicks in."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
She didn't know whether to be excited or appalled, she while had done many thnigs she had never stolen from her own people. She would make a note to come back and help the owner fix the door, and pay for the clothing.

However long he gave her Bella knew this place and immediately knew which racks to choose from, size, and color. She also stopped over and picked up some shoes.

She came back to the door she looked nothing like before, everything was a simple outfit, "What about you, you're not exactly dressed locally"

[member="James Justice"]
James quickly shut the door behind her. He was careful to cross the wires again, re-setting the alarm before placing the panel back. From the outside everything would appear normal, back to the way it had been before they arrived.

He chuckled at he question. It was fair, and not unwarranted. No one who saw him would ever mistake him for an Atrisian in a thousand years. He was clearly what he was; a space mutt with Zeltron inheritance. However, space mutts were not uncommon. And James often levered that to his advantage.

"I'm invisible," he said with a smirk. "I once escaped Taris' mid city, the heavily crowded wearing a bright orange jump suit. They never saw me get out. Alright, this was your idea, lead the way."

As he fell in step, following her, the spacer quickly became less conspicuous. His shoulders slumped, his feed dragged, he kept his head low. Anyone who saw him would have easily mistaken him for a worthless good for nothing. At the same time, his latent Force abilities weaved a low-level illusion around him, as it always did. The message was simple; I'm a tramp freighter pilot. A pure nobody. I ain't worth your time.

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[member="James Justice"]

"Really so you aren't worried about looking like a hunchback in an expensive suit with glittery watch, I don't know what they call that on Soceras around here it's called easy pickings" Bella walked along keeping her head down, walking as she would normally. She only had her own people to fear, well finding her.

She didn't want to be found anymore, she wanted to run off, run away do something else for a while try to be the good person that Connor and Audren had talked to, try to be more than what she was. But how could someone like her ever be different, how could someone like her be seen as of the light.

No, she was fated to be here, stay was a lonely place and full of memories that too easily haunted her.
James chuckled. She had venom in her veins, that much was sure. There was a time when he would have snarled at that, but that man was gone, long gone.

"I dun't care what they think," he said his brogue coming out strong, stronger than normal, "As long as its about me."

It was a trite old saying that could have even been formed by the spacer himself, given his patchy reputation. Hero one minute, devil the next, maker of orphanages and maker of orphans. He didn't care too much what they said, he cared more about getting his mission done--molding the galaxy into a better place. He gave her a playful ribbing.

"As I told you," he said in a much more serious tone, "the lower a person underestimates you, the better off you are. Easy pickings, perhaps. Someone comes and attacks, they ain't counting on the blaster in my jacket, the knives in me boots, or the Saturday night special in me sleeve," he gave a half shrug, 'and if they be willing to rob from me, then they will rob another, and its better for them to learn a lesson from me than to hurt another body," he looked toward the end of the sidewalk with a grim expression, "done that many a time. Sadly, many a fool ain't lived through their learning."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
She considered his words thought about herself in comparison, "I've hurt some, killed some. But in doing this it has created a dividing line between me and others" She walked along she dropped hiding anything of her that was hidden in the force this time she stretched her senses out, she added in a little fear that would help to keep them away.

She looked at him as he moved she had to admit one thing, if she saw him walking like that she would think he had stolen everything he had on. This thought made her laugh.

"James we have things in common and some things no so much, each of us having done things that at the time seemed like the right idea, but not so much now." She looked ahead to those moving to the sides no lingering glances, no moments of hesitation, "what do you do to change what people see?"

[member="James Justice"]
He gave Bella a stern look for a moment. The spacer was never one to second guess himself, let alone allow others to say the same thing about him, even when he knew he was wrong. He softened his look, she was right. He was wrong many times. So many times before. If he could turn back time to the good old days he would have changed so much then and there. But it was too late. Those were weights he would have to bear.

"I have my regrets," he agreed softly. "More than I would prefer to count." His daughters, all the times he had failed them. Every person he ever killed. Every time he had stolen. Each moment he had wasted in a drunken revel. "But I don't suppose they matter so much now. I cain't live without them, I cain't live with them, I just--" his voice trailed off. Her question gratefully interrupted the thought.

"I suppose that would be as wise as asking a fish how it swims," he said with a slight smile, "I choose how I want to be seen and I just let everyone else see me that way. I ain't the best for the learnin' of the ways of the Force. I am just me the way I am, I suppose."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[member="James Justice"]

"What they see, even that is programmed into the mind." Daughter of nobles the rules were laid out how she should act with who she should converse, perhaps that was part if her anger what drove her.

He was a stranger and should not be trusted but she had longed to talk to someone , "I don't think I want to be what I was anymore, it causes too much pain. I just" she took a breath never had she been so honest with someone.

Nit even with the Jedi who had been kind

"Don't know how to let go." She looked over at him now wanting him to see how honest she was being. "Did you. Were you. " her brow furrowed as she tried to explain. "You know. Change?"
James listened to Bella, his hand fishing a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it, and pulling it to his lips. A soft trail of smoke followed them as they walked down the street.

He took several steps in silence, mulling the question over.

"I suppose in some ways I am the same I always been," he said at last, smoke spilling from his lips with each word. "I suppose in some ways, I have. After," he shook his head, unwilling to say the name of his dead wife, "after they took what was most precious to me, after I lost that I suppose I realized that nothing in the galaxy was safe anymore so I suppose I stopped loving people."

He stopped and looked at the intersection they had come to. One yellow light that dictated the four way blinked with a slow, steady pace, the only illumination for the area.

"I suppose I lost a lot of the good in me. I wonder a lot of the time if there is even any left."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
"I don't feel different in some ways, it's not like you wake up one morning and it hits you in the face poof change" Bella walked silent for a few steps pulling her thoughts together.

"But I don't. What I mean is I've been taught since I was young to live a certain way, I just don't know. Or. I don't feel like I made a choice. I feel like I fell into it and just kept going" it was to her a lot to admit losing Maudie had made her quieter. Losing Maudie changed everything.

Made her want to be better than she had been.

"What does good feel like?" She's a Sith, Sith are evil. So was there good. Could she feel it. Or was she just confused and uncertain. Or had she hoped that what Connor had said was true that she turned into a false hope for herself.


[member="James Justice"]
James took his place, leaning against one of the buildings. He had overplayed how much his leg hurt, but it was still painful. Easing weight off it, he quietly savored his cigarette, nodding occasionally.

"At least ye had trainin," spacer said, flicking his cigarette away and fishing out a new one. He offered one to the young woman. "Ye know this side of the equation, be glad about that. Trust me, finding ye own way is hell. All the nights starvin', no water, sometimes not enough air. Stealin', barterin', fightin', all of it, just to stay afloat, it ain't fun," he shook his head before lighting his next cigarette, "So, on the plus, be glad about that."

The spacer shifted his weight, clearing his throat. He didn't want to stay on that shtick. The last thing she wanted or needed was to be lectured on what she had.

"Who's to say ye cain't decide now? To go and be a better woman than ye ever been? Ye got ye whole life ahead of ye, trust me, ye don't want to stay on that road if ye dun't want to and," he gave his head a tilt, "If ye want someone to help ye find ye way, I blazed many a trail in my day."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
"my house must be secure, the people provided for, I am responsible for them in my father's absence" It was what the armor was for the house guards to protect Hyogo. She looked at James was he saying she could go with him?

Hope, a ray of hope slipped into her thoughts. But she had to clarify, "You" she stepped closer as it to protect a secret as she lowered her voice, "you would take me from here?" Is that what he offered? He might help her, he might get her to her other home, to bring her to....her mind raced ahead of all the things she could do,

She could........go to the Silvers in the end and get help from them much, opportunity?

All hinging on her courage, and his willingness.............yes?

[member="James Justice"]
The spacer studied her face for several moments. His eyes, as they had so many times before to others, pierced through her skin, looking into her mind, her heart, her aura. His raw, natural Force abilities scoured her every inch, laying it all bare in his intense, dark eyed gaze. And in the same moment, he too was revealed for who he was, all tricks aside.

Broken, worn, tattered and weary. He was like fire and ice and rage. He was eye of the storm in the heart of the sun. Ancient, powerful, and aged beyond his years. His eyes and soul had the blaze of a man who burned at the center of the universe and who could see the universe turn.

In a moment, he relented at last, and was once more just another madman. A madman with a dream to make the universe better--one person at a time. His eyes twinkled with a glimmer of his power, hidden once more under his carefree guise. She had passed his test, she would do his people no harm. "Alright, I will take you with me."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
He was staring at her she held his gaze, was it a challenge he was issuing? Or was he looking for something else? She did not move and all around them time stopped it was then she could feel the force it moved enveloping her.

Whatever darkness she held in her heart, or that had left its mark on her soul if he saw it, sensed it would it change his mind, would it affect his answer? She didn't know, she wasn't sure still she stood silent her cobalt blue eyes locked upon his. She could have plucked from him the things that frightened him, yes everyone had them some were buried deep, others floated so close to the surface. But she did not do this, this was an opportunity to prove she was more than mindless, more than someone who shredded minds because she could.

Her inquisitor training had not been completed, but she knew enough of the skills to still be considered, dangerous.

And then as quickly as he started it was done, he looked away. She finally took that breath that she had been holding. She felt life return.

Then he uttered Alright, I will take you with me.

She nodded, "I have to instruct Izumi on what to do for the House, as well as the Togashi soldiers, but I can do that from a holo."

She looked behind them beyond the market to where the House where she and Garith had been born, to where her father instructed her, and where her life had always been. She was scared of what could happen next, scared of making the wrong decision.

She turned away from it all and looked at James, she wouldn't go back for anything she knew herself too well, if she did she would not leave. Her heart and soul were here on Atrisia if she went back she would not leave, and who knew if this opportunity would come again.

The small feeling of panic was building.

[member="James Justice"]
She Agreed to it, that was all he needed to hear.

Of course, growing up a criminal, he was always ready to make a quick exit out of the system. It was the difference between life and death and well--old habits died hard. James pressed his hand to his ear, "Fire up the Angel's Glory." He gave Bella a nod. That was all he had to say. Sure, he could tell her the obvious; that it took a lot of courage to step out into the unknown. That it took more strength than most had to move forward, to become something new, to change. But, then again, he would be stating the obvious. And he hated to do that, especially when it was time to make a quick get away.

He turned on his heel and briskly began walking away--at least as briskly as his limp would let him. The spacer cursed himself for the billionth time today. He wasn't as young as he used to be, moving out of the way of those bullets was getting harder and harder. It wasn't a long walk to the Ship the spacer had brought. To say James had planned it that way was... well almost to be understood.

He strode aboard the dark colored Corvette. Guards and workers walking along the passage way stopped and gave him a smart salute. The spacer waved them back to work.

"Captain," one of the officers greeted him, bolting to attention.

James gave him a salute in return, 'At ease. Prepare quarters for our passenger.'

"Your quarters, sir?"

James grimaced inside. At least his crew knew him well, "Not unless that be her preference."

The officer looked to her for an answer before striding off to do his bidding.

"Let's get off this rock, when in space, go full stealth," James ordered, 'I want us to be invisible."

The few officers in the room quickly got to work.

"I hate to bring up money in a time like this," the spacer said as he pulled a glass of ale out. Before them the starts began to glow brighter as they entered orbit. James took a drink from the bottle before offering her the same, "In fact, it almost feels criminal but, I do have a city of seven million mouths to feed."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
She was a frisky creature and the pleasures of the flesh were not lost on her. But even she was caught off guard when the crewmen asked about where she would sleep.

"Well I'm a romantic at heart I think quarters of my own are a good idea unless the absolute dire need of needing a man comes on me. Which" she said with a sly grin. "Has been known to happen. But then again you're so old" she smiled teasing James,"my appetites might kill you"

Now there was a subject she knew had to come, "yes the price of the armor is owed. Tell me what it is"

She knew what the house accounts had her father's holdings had grown over the years. She was prepared to pay James what he asked. She took the offered drink she enjoyed spirits the taste the warmth that pooled in her stomach, yes. She liked this.

[member="James Justice"]
The spacer gave her a sideways look, one that expressed how very funny he didn't think that was.

"Ye know the dancing twins from Nar Shaddaa? Lainee and Romwana? If I handled them last week, I can handle ye," he said before taking a pull from his bottle of ale. It was the good stuff too, none of that cheap mockery. He watched as the stars twinkled brighter and brighter, soon Atrisia was below them, a gorgeous orb of color. 'The armor I will mail ye the bill for, however--"

"Captain, what shall the co-ordinates be?" The navigator interrupted them.

"Soceras, take the indirect route home this time. The last thing we need is someone following us." The spacer didn't know how they would react to him taking their princess away--or if they would wait to try and understand but he wasn't about to wait and find out.

A moment later the stars began to streak past them in blue icy lines. There was no turning back now.

"However," James said before taking a second drink from his ale, "anyone who knows me knows I be tactical. There be many things worth more than money. Allies is one of em. Trading rights be another. Criminal empires of entire planets. Political power. This flight to escape--its going to cost you something worth more than money. Something that is good for me people."

[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[member="James Justice"]

Oh touched a nerve, she smiled, well she wasn't completely changed she was Sith trained and that meant she could push a few buttons. "Twins very interesting. Are they force sensitive? There is more to pleasure than that of the body James. Though I can see how it might take two to satisfy you." She remembered the bonding with Muadie and how much of her had been exposed to him. How much of her he had learned to strum. But the truth was she knew James wasn't really interested in her in that way, he might play like he was. She in truth wanted more she wanted the dream. James she didn't think would be interested in her dreams, right now she was a cash cow. An opportunity to earn a few more credits.

She would play the game as it was necessary. But now the rest of the conversation felt very ominous to her like suddenly she had stepped into something that would lead her to defend herself.

No one would look for her, well Izumi would but once she talked to her it would be fine. Something good for his people.

She held her smile though she let her senses tell her now what was happening, what was being decided, "What exactly do you have in mind?" She held a hand out for another drink.

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