Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Monster Hunters Inc.

Factory Judge
*Image claim to Monster Energy Drink*​

Corporation Name: Monster Hunters [SIZE=11.818181991577148px]Incorporated (MHI)[/SIZE]

Headquarters: Echoy'la

Locations: Echoy'la, Dantooine

Operations: Special Weapon/Armor crafting, Monster/Creature Hunting, Pest Extermination.

Rationale: Zephyr is a young man who works for various factions. Many of which are on neutral terms, or could be very close to warring with one another. On the verge of seeing many of the people he trusts and comes to befriend, he wishes to create an area or group that works towards a simple, and similar goal. One that does not matter about owning planets, or having armies. Just a group of friends, co-workers, and even new people. Taking out Creatures within the Galaxy that could otherwise prove dangerous to those who cannot fight such creatures. As well as create a group that will be able to generally hunt creatures for credits or special items.

Tier: Tier 2

A company built on the foundation of Hunting. There are three [SIZE=11.818181991577148px]licences[/SIZE] given out to those who [SIZE=11.818181991577148px]participate[/SIZE]. Cresh for those who are brand new hunters, Besh for the proven hunters, and Aleph for the Veteran hunters, or those who are highly [SIZE=11.818181991577148px]endorsed[/SIZE] by the company. Each hunt that is performed will reward people with various gear, credits, or just raw [SIZE=11.818181991577148px]materials[/SIZE] that they can use for their own items. As such, this company is ran by the CEO & Founder Zephyr Carrick.

[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]Monthly will be held a Special hunt that is sponsored from companies that will aid in these hunts with special gear, or have hunters who are sponsored in these hunts. With the conclusion of the hunt, For those who have the required rating will receive special gear determined by what they hunt, and how well they did in the hunt. [/SIZE]

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source:
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

If you could just give this a general polish, that'd be great. There's a few typos and grammar things that get in the way of clarity. Also, plz to expand the Rationale a bit and take out the meta humor.

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