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LFG Monks, Mystics, and Martial Artists, oh my!

I am once again coming to you for help

Well, not exactly help. But also definitely help. I love, love, love the mysticism and spirituality sides of the Force. That’s what specifically makes it so much more interesting as a concept for me than say, general psionics or mental based superpowers

However, it doesn’t seem to be as explored in current canon, or much of Legends, and less so on Chaos, which makes sense, because it’s tricky to write and be applicable. One can only so so many threads as a hermit in one’s own EE it’s he making soup, after all.

And if you know any of my characters and my many Codex endeavors, you know what I tend to do. I’ve been exploring them on my own for a while now and want to really work building a community of different types of Jedi/Light Side mystics. Maybe even like a compunction of mystics or network of mystics and their organizations? My dream would be to have a bunch of smaller mystic Jedi sects that all engage with each other and interact.

Aren’t all Jedi mystics, you ask? I don’t know, maybe? Let’s figure it out!

So, with what I’ve established already, there’s the Circle of the Light Hand and the Jedi Pilgrims:
- Circle of the Light Hand: for Jedi who think Obi-Wan was a bit of a militarist warmonger. Not really, but this one specifically focuses on the role of martial arts and inward-looking development as the path to enlightenment/growing Oneness with the Force. Very much wuxia and Ip Man focused. Non-lethal, simple weapons and eschewing lightsabers. Lots of meditation and meditative arts. And yes, enormous amounts of tea. Very much inspired by Chirrut Imwe and Master Fay. Aka Shaolin Jedi.

-Jedi Pilgrims: More of your traditional Jedi, although also more unattached to any formally structured, permanently located order. Think knights-errant or ronin. They use lightsabers and do more normal Jedi things, but they follow where the Force guides them or acts on behest of the Church of the Force. So while the Circle is more inward-focused and emphasizes self-mastery as the path, the Pilgrims are externally focused on community and doing good deeds, even as they wander.

So those two are two sides of a single dichotomy, essentially, but there’s so much more to explore. Which, takes us to Qi-Ko.

Qi-Ko is my little Jedi world that’s rife with mysticism and spirituality, even down to the very nature of the planetary nexus. It exists specifically to explore the spirituality and mystical components of the Jedi and Light Sided life. Tons of possibilities there. What I’m looking for is people interested in exploring the various aspects of Jedi and Light mysticism, either as part of the groups I’ve put together, or by making your own. I had a new idea that could be fun to run with called the Dreamers of the Heart-Tree based on one of the locations on Qi-Ko. Like the tree is incredibly ancient and as such has memories and events felt in the Force essentially embedded in its DNA and Force presence, and the Dreamers are ones who discovered that this allows them to experience these in their dreams, as well as dreams and visions of possible futures when they sleep in the tree-village.

Plus there’s the mystery of the sealed cavern and what happened to the original, ancient inhabitants. Or maybe there’s a different kind of idea for mystics, they could easily set up a colony on Qi-Ko or elsewhere and work with the others.

Like I said, just more Jedi who are mystical or monastic. That’s mainly what I’m looking for other people to join in on and explore.
Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun
Hello again.

I don't always go into light side mysticism, but I always love it. Gnoll is meant to have a personality more like a mystic but doesn't quite have the visions, stronger feelings, stronger intuition, and such that I often give my characters. I do have a character like that, Xos Xos who is not a jedi, but a Baran Do Sage. I really wanted to explore the force in ways outside of just combative, and Xos helps me with that. He has visions, sometimes they're very specific, sometimes they're not. He's made to be the one I like to use for teaching, learning, and peaceful stuff. I do have a less powerful version of him in Kaiburr Kaiburr , though they're definitely different characters. I've written an archaelogist, but he wasn't so much a mystic.

And then I have Shavara Shavara who is still knew to much of the force, but she's got the spirit of learning and I think could really get into the more unusual mystical sides of the light side.

I'd love to further explore mysticism with most of these. As each go towards it in their own way. Shavara learns best by being taught by another person, while Xos learns best through visions and meditation, Kaiburr and Gnoll are somewhat in between.
Gnoll Gnoll

I had a feeling I’d be hearing from you on this one! Gnoll does strike me as the type to lean tbat direction. And those do all sound like really neat characters! I don’t remember everything the Baran Do Sages do, but any characters of yours would be more than welcome to join in on these endeavors!
Well, I like the idea of the more mystical side of the Force, particularly the Light Side given it tends to have less focus than the mystical side of the Dark. I was hoping at some point this character would come to realize she was Force sensitive and I wanted her to become more of a thoughtful Force user, kind of eschewing the combat oriented techniques for meditation and deeper study.

It might take a bit of finagling to bring her to accept her sensativity, but I am sure patient teachers could get through eventually.
Leea Pandac Leea Pandac

Excellent! That sounds like a great direction to pursue then! If her Force sensitivity is something she’s reluctant about, however, I don’t think anyone in these groups will try to force her to accept it. Help her process it sure, but would leave it to her to decide to explore it.
Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Bit busy hence post delay. Anyway, yeah would certainly want to do some stuff. As far as the Baran Do go:
Simplest explanation is this: Turn the jedi even more monk-ly (with less official authority as an order) with meditation and inner peace at the forefront of their goals, add foresight and visions as more commonalities (especially for natural disasters), telekinetics like whirlwind and white force lightning for force abilities, and staff or hand to hand martial arts for those that choose to learn them. I do the meditation and insight focus a lot.
I think that is what Leea would really need to come to accept her situation. Not pushing or forcing, but suggesting and accepting. The gentle hand versus forceful will probably be better received.

That aside, I would look forward to working this out!

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

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