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Mon Orishma

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet

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Manufacturer: MCS
Affiliation: SJO, ORC
Model: Mediator-class
Production: Semi-unique

The Production run of the class consists of Six vessels.
* Mediator
* Mon Orishma
* Tempest
* Defiant
* Valiant
* Monarch



Classification: Heavy Battlecruiser
Length: 5000m
Width: 1500m
Height: 800m

Armament: Extreme

12 Dual Quad Vengeance Assault Turbolaser Batteries
72 Thresher Long Range Batteries
96 Orca Turbolaser Batteries
24 Galeus Ion Batteries
12 Tarpon Heavy Defense Batteries
12 Countermeasure Batteries
12 Laser Defense Batteries

Defenses: Extreme

FCMC Starship Frame
Neualuquad Ablative Armor Plating
Delphus.4 Shield Projectors
Double Redundancy Molecular Shield Projectors
Thermal Shield Generators

Multiple Redundant Cap Drains
Multiple Redundant De-ionizers
Vanish 2 military sensor masking system
Aegis II Anti-Concussion Field Generator

Hangar Space: Extreme 48 Squadrons
Hangar Allocations:
Starfighters: 36 squadrons
Support Craft: 12 squadrons

Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
Speed Rating: Very Low
Hyperdrive Class: 1

All Standard Starship features.

Molecular Furnace
Impervium Casements
Metis Sensor Array

Nimble-5 Ion Engines
Aura-class Tractor/Pressor Beam Projectors

Extremely Powerful Shielding - The vessel has several types of shielding which are installed in overlapping shield arrays so no single projector covers any shielding zone.
Anti-Scanning Ablative Armor - the vessel is covered in advanced ablative armor that offers good defense from enemy weapons fire and makes targeting independent systems difficult
Redundant Defensive Systems - the vessel has a suite of defensive systems including Anti-ion and Anit-EWAR/slicing systems


Reduced Subspace Speed - The mass of the vessel make it much more difficult for the main thrusters to accelerate and move the vessel in sublight.
Poor Maneuvering - the massive size and mass of the vessel make it much more difficult for maneuvering thrusters to move the vessel.
Large - the massive size of the vessel make it much easier to target

Description: Mon Orishma is the prototype for the new Mediator Battlecruiser being developed by MCS for the SIlver Jedi.

The Mediator Battlecruiser is the largest line of starships currently being produced by the Mon Calamari.

The Mon Orishma falls back to an old design characteristic for Mon Calamari Vessels, the entire crew is made up of Aquatic Races. The entire vessel is filled with pure water which is regulated heated and maintained to be without any contaminates and at a safe temperature for all crew races aboard. Many Mon Cala, Quarren, Gungan, Selkath, Kaminoan, and Aqualish make up the one hundred thousand member crew of the massive vessel. The main Hanger and a small section of the vessel amidship is open for non aquatic guests and visiting dignitaries. a small high cieling park is located in the area for open air relaxation for guests and crew.

Offensively the Mediator class is a brutal combatant. As its main armament the class is equipped with large blister mounted weapons systems. The most powerful of these are the assault turbolasers. These large weapons each consist of eight advanced large bore energy weapons. smaller blisters house other weapons systems ranging from heavy turbolaser and ion cannon batteries to long range turbolasers. Each blister mounting a weapon system can fire with multiple grouping and linking across all of the weapon systems. This creates a wall of mixed weapons fire that can engage targets at multiple ranges and trajectories at once and provide cross fire arcs when necessary.

Defensive weapon systems consist of various a mixed array of weapons designed to intercept and engage smaller targets such as corvettes, attack craft, and projectiles. Countermeasure batteries can launch various types of payloads to work both offensively and defensibly when needed. Each Blister is equipped with its own shield projector linked to the Delphus shielding system. These projectors fall under the overall Delhus system and act as one of the redundant generators for the area of the ship containing the weapons blister.

Across the hull lay multiple hangers for the various support vessels and attack craft attached to the class. A large ventral hanger capable of docking two vessels up to three hundred and six fifty meter freighters of monitors has a closing hatch for security and protection of the docked vessels. Flanking this hanger are two heavy defense batteries and two countermeasure batteries for defending the large hanger when the bulkheads are retracted. Two smaller hangers located near the bow of the ship on the port side house the Shuttles and assault landing craft of the vessels assault force. Three smaller hangers located near the midships area house the attack craft squadrons of the vessel. Each hanger can house repair and service up to twelve squadrons at a time. While capable of effectively servicing up large numbers of attack craft only three squadrons per hanger can be prepped and launched at a time. This gives the class the ability to launch up to nine squadrons rapidly then launching nine more every fifteen minutes until its entire complement is launched. Launching the vessels complete wing can take up to forty five minutes. Generally when moving into battle the class launches its wings which then form up and the vessel its escorts and its fighter wing will jump into battle together.

A larger hanger forward of the assault hanger houses visiting shuttles and freighters for diplomatic or civilian guests. A large Civilian and diplomatic suite which is located in the bow of the ship behind a triple layer of fifty five centimeter armor plating to ensure the safety of visitors if the vessel is assaulted.

The Mediators assault complement is formidable and diverse. The class is capable of transporting, servicing, and housing a full complement of three Corps of assault marines as well as a full regiment of SpecOps special forces. Aiding these are three full armor regiments and one artillery regiment. The force is capable of taking many worlds without assistance. The massive vessel carries enough consumables to maintain operation without resupply for up to three years under normal deployment.

The Mediator-class has several design specifics which expand its life and operation capabilities. a Molecular furnace equipped on the class aids the vessel by breaking down waste materials and space debris and re-purposes it into equipment for ship repairs, engineering operations, and ammunition for the vessels attack wing and assault force. Large storage bays encased in impervium armor hold combustibles and explosive ordinance safely keeping any accidental explosion from damaging the vessel. Reactor cores are installed in electable Impervium encasement. These large cylinders can be removed for service when needed to ejected away from the vessel when the reactor core is damaged. While offering a great amount of protection from Core melt down the power of the massive cores is so immense that even the Impervium casing can not protect the vessel completely. A core exploding can damage irradiate surrounding areas of the ship and cause light damage to systems and compartments adjacent to the reactor. This damage while not enough to cripple the vessel can be enough for the vessel to require an extensive drydock repair time.

Intent: Create a flagship for The Directorate Fleet
Image Source: Art Station - Howard Day
Canon Link:
* Mon Calamari Star Cruiser
Restricted Missions: None
Primary Source: Wookieepedia

Manufacturer: The Directorate
Model: MC79 X1
Affiliation: The Directorate
Production: Unique
* Starship Components
* FCMC Frame
* Delphus.4 Shielding
* Neualuquad Armor
* Oracle Sensors
* Tetra Targeting
* OPAL Laser Communications
* Dolphin Communications

Classification: Unique Cruiser
Length: 2000 meters
Width: 925 meters
Height: 325 meters

Armament: High
* 80 Long-range Turbolaser Cannons
* 400 Light Turbolaser Cannons
* 160 Light Ion Cannon Cannons
* 20 Heavy Warhead Launchers
* 100 Plasma Torpedo Launchers
* 40 Point Defense Cannons

Defenses: Extreme
* Mon Calamari Quad Redundancy Shielding
* Ablative Armor

Hangar: 3 Squadrons
Maneuverability Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Low
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0

Standard Features
* Advanced Targeting Systems
* Advanced Communications Systems
* Electronic Warfare Systems

Advanced Features
* Improved Defensive Capabilities
* Increased Hanger Capacity
* Unique

* Decreased Subspace Speed
* Decreased Armament Rating
* Unique

Description: The MOn Orishma is the apex of MOn Calamari engineering. Built around the new MC79 Pocket Destroyer frame, the MOn ORishma is the prototype for the ambitious new line to be produced at the Directorates Mon Calamari yard at Hast.

Design: As the first of the Directorates Pocket program the vessel utilizes modern construction techniques and Mon Calamari advanced systems to minimize the size of the ship while retaining the power of a much larger vessel. The class while formidable has a hefty price tag. Each ship, while smaller than their counterparts cost twice as much to produce. The production of these vessels will only be undertaken at the Hast yard and in limited numbers, each vessel different than the other. This technique goes back to the earliest days of Mon Calamari shipbuilding and has been reinstated for the new 79 line. The Mon Orishma is a true command and control destroyer with various systems for communications, targeting, fleet control, and battle support.

Support Capabilities: Utilizing a powerful suite of countermeasures and electronic warfare systems. These include communications, and sensor jamming modules, as well as offensive beam based target jamming technology. From her hanger, advanced reconnaissance drones and fighters can be launched to support both fighter and fleet-based engagement. These attack craft can assist fighter wings and fleet squadrons with real-time data over laser data grids with a reliable transmission in mild jamming. while not one hundred percent effective in heavy jamming the systems on these attack craft can make the difference when needed.

Offensive Systems: The Mon Orishma is categorized by the MOn Calamari Engineers as a Pocket Destroyer. While her hull is twenty percent smaller than most light destroyers the MOn Orishma packs as much punch as these larger vessels. In the last decade fleet engagements have seen advancement and utilization of very long range weaponry. The practice of closing and engaging at medium to close ranges had become less practiced and long-range standoffs have become the standard in modern fleet engagements. Because of this Mon Calamari engineers have installed a large number of long-range weapon systems on the vessel. These systems include plasma-based projectors which fire plasma projectiles at near light speed. and long-range energy based weapons.

Heavy Warhead launchers capable of launching various types of missiles and torpedos are placed on the forward prow of the vessel for launching massive barrages of unguided warheads as well as less powerful guided and smart missiles. These standard range launchers are used once the enemy has moved into range as an alpha strike weapon. The reload time on these warhead launchers are slow unless used in smaller groups. A full barrage from the launchers takes time to reload.

Standard ranged weaponry is installed over the ships hull with a heavy concentration on the forward prow. This gives theMon Orishma far greater firepower towards the forward arch than most other Mon Calamari vessels of the past. These weapons include fast firing turbolasers and ion cannons. The practice of smaller faster firing weapons is also a return to old Mon Calamari design practices.

Defensive Systems: Defensively the Mon Orishma is a Baston of redundant systems, advanced armor, and multiple redundancy shielding. Built to stand off against any ship needed for long enough as needed. Her shielding and systems are built on a practice which goes back to the beginning of Mon Calamari Shipbuilding. The Mon Calamari layer upon layer of shielding is known throughout the galaxy and for good reason. For nearly five thousand years the Mon Calamari have been at the forefront of shield technology in the Corsica galaxy. Utilizing their unique vision and understanding of shielding the Mon Calamari been the leader in defensive and shielding systems. The Mon Orishma is a crown on the head of Mon Calamari Starship Shielding. Her quad redundancy shielding is based on the standard Quadra system but adds a layer of molecular shielding to improve the power requirements of the powerful shield systems. This layer does not improve the operation characteristics of the shielding and only works to absorb power from incoming energy and use it to power the shield projectors.

Advanced ablative armor systems strengthen the vessels hull and give the ship far better protection than standard armor. While this system aids in the defense of the vessel its power draw is substantial. The armor can draw power beyond its limit if enough concentrated fire is directed at it causing a blackout in non-combat related systems when in battle.

To make up for this the Mon Calamari have opted for an all Mon Calamari crew and filled most of the vessel with purified water. This both acts to aiding the power requirements of life support and as a secondary defensive measure. While most of the ships hollow parts are filled with water the hangar access, living, recreation areas for non-aquatic beings are located in the center of the massive hull.

Complement: The Mon Orishma is a massive vessel but much smaller than other Light Destroyers.WHile designers struggled with the design and placement of systems to maximize space the order from Admiral Reshmar to include three squadrons of attack craft was never contended. To make up for the room needed by the additional craft weapons systems were uninstalled giving the ship a lighter armament and allowing the space. A small assault force is included in the vessels complement for rapid deployment and covert missions as well as battleground logistics, command, and medical operations.

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