Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character "Molly"



"Molly" is the assumed name of Amaryllis Drayll, the daughter of an aristocratic Chandrilan family.

Born the last of several children, Amaryllis was usually overlooked by her busy family. The machinations and schemes of an ambitious aristocratic family kept their attention away from their youngest daughter, who grew up with a wilful streak and a deep dislike of politics. Throughout her life, Amaryllis was closest to her uncle, who taught her to duel and shoot on the family estate.

Unfortunately, the true reality of noble Chandrilan life was brought to bear during her mid-adolescent years. Following the old ways of her people, her family eagerly set up an engagement with a more powerful and prestigious House, hoping to siphon off a little more prestige and riches. Unfortunately for them, Amaryllis proved to be more wilful and less pliant than they'd hoped. What followed was a year of dogged attrition between her and her family, which came to a head with Amaryllis's daring escape during a fancy dinner. Amaryllis decided to take the name 'Molly,' after her favourite grandmother. Using a ship that she stole from her family's collection, she is wandering the Galaxy, searching for a place for herself.

Stubborn, headstrong and combative, Molly proudly embodies everything her family despises. Fiercely independent, she takes a dim view of authority and despises the idea of unquestionably following orders. Molly can be self-absorbed due to her aristocratic adolescence, though she does tend to want the best for people. Deep down, there is an adventurous spirit that yearns to be free to explore and make a real name for herself, without the shackles of her family name.

The Drayll family have quietly put out notice to several different officials and agencies that their daughter is missing. They have offered a credit reward for her safe (and certain) return. It is unlikely that the common, everyday citizen of the Galaxy would recognise Molly as Amaryllis Drayll, unless they were a family friend or had been briefed and issued with photographic data.

+ Determined: Once Molly sets her mind to something, she does it. Or at least, tries to.
+ Duellist: She learned to duel with her uncle. She ended up being pretty good at it too. When you're fed up with your family, turns out hitting one of them with a sword isn't a bad idea.

- Stubborn: Once Molly sets her mind to something, she won't ever change it. Ask her family... no wait, don't.
- Selfish: Most of Molly's life has been a fight between her wishes and her family's wishes. The idea of people who aren't her being in strife and suffering is a new and troubling thing.
- Snobby: You can take the girl out of the aristocracy, but you can't really ever get the snobby, look-down-your-nose attitude out of the girl. Not completely, anyway. You should hear her real accent too.
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