Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mirror Taeli Raaf

Ruadan Beroya

NAME: Taeli Raaf
RANK: Agent
SPECIES: Human from Corellia
AGE: 28
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 118lbs
EYES: Purple
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but doesn't know it yet


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Acrobatic - Growing up on Corellia, Taeli was heavily involved in gymnastics and acrobatics as a child, a pursuit her parents whole-heartedly supported. She is easily able to keep up with any suspects she needs to pursue and will use the terrain to her advantage in such a pursuit

+Calm and collected nature - Does not let anything get to her, especially when she is on the job. It takes a great deal to get under her skin

+ High Intelligence - Has a higher than average IQ and memory, allowing her to memorize things very quickly and analyze situations rapidly

​- Emotionally distant - Has a hard time connecting with people on an emotional level as her training at the academy made her focus exclusively on her job, can seem very aloof to people

- Rubbish at hand to hand combat - speaks for itself, but she is not very good with either a blade or her fists, preferring the use of her regulation sidearm and other ranged technqiues

Pale skinned with purple eyes and black hair, Taeli has a lean acrobats body. Owns various disguises as well as her Agent uniform so she can carry out her duties to the Empire.


Born on Corellia, Taeli was a very driven, but aloof girl even in childhood. Growing up as the oldest sibling in the Raaf family, she did her duty to her family by looking after her younger siblings from afar, especially her sisters Melori and Corvus. The one social activity that Taeli did, she was never interested in history or sciences, was she got involved in a local gymnastics group and quickly took a shine to it.

As she got old enough to join the Empire's Academy, she signed up and quickly rose to a top position among her graduating class through her calm nature and intelligence. In the academy, she also honed her acrobatic tricks and was a decent shot when it came to that sort of testing.

Once she graduated, the Empire offered her the chance to become one of their Agents, specially trained men and women whos job it was to hunt down subversive elements of society. Taeli agreed and threw herself completely into the job, isolating herself from her family.

(The biggest deviation from Chaos Taeli is that Mirror Taeli was never given up for adoption and has a slightly different personality)

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