Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mirra Voss

Mirra Voss

Too weird to live, too rare to die!

Mirra Voss
We are the angry and the desperate
The hungry, and the cold
We're the ones who kept quiet
And always did what we were told

Keep quiet no longer
We'll sing through the day
Of the lives that we've lost
And the lives we've reclaimed

NAME: Mirra 'Oracle' Voss
FACTION: Jedi (hopefully), the Nexu (Efavan Street Gang)
RANK: 'Padawan' (does 'Force Sensitive' count?)
SPECIES: Miraluka
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 3"
EYES: None
SKIN: Pale


+ The Sight: Mirra is a genuinely gifted Seer and precognitive. A night does not pass without dreams of the future, the past. Her natural Force Sight is so strong that, unknowningly, she is constantly gazing a split second into the future. Most people assume this is simply blindingly fast reactions.
+ Stay classy: Living and dying by her wits and charisma - as well as her 'luck' - Mirra has a way with people, charming and easy-going.
+ Jacked up, backed up: Mirra isn't officially a qualified slicer. But between her natural instinct and her skills - as well as her expensive cybernetics, she doesn't need to be.
+ Swift as a Deer: Years on the streets and a waif-like build have given Mirra natural reflexes and agility that others lack. She doesn't know how to use them offensively, for the most part, but the girl can run.

- Troubled dreams: Mirra hasn't slept a good night since she can remember, and is addicted to sleep-aid drugs, as a consequence she is constantly fatigued.
- Chronically underfed: Nutrition ain't what it was in the canyons, and it was never good. Girls got some growing to do, and currently a stray breeze could knock her down.
- Stay sassy: Mirra just can't help the sass - from the flick of her hips to her sardonic words, life has never been good, and she can take it out on others which gets her into trouble.
- Fear cuts deeper than swords: The truth is, Mirra is terrified of who and what she is, aside from the Nexu, everyone else has rejected her or tried to control her. So her response to almost every conflictual situation where she's remotely out of her depth is to run.

* Artist: She won't sell for millions of credits, but the girl has passion and talent. Her art tends to enrapture or disturb. Gotta get those visions out somehow.

Mirra is a short, skinny girl in the process of turning into a woman. A lifetime of poor nutrition has stunted her growth, but her mane of red hair somehow remains remarkably untouched by malnutrition, although it is often coated in grease, grime and other dirt. She moves with a strange grace, not catlike agility - although she is quick on her feet - but almost as if she's aware of every motion around her, as if movement was an intuitive dance. She never, ever bumps into anything or anyone, always out from underfoot or away from trouble.


Mirra was born in the crime-infested sublevels of Efavan, capital city of Vorzyd V. Her mother died in childbirth and her father was left to raise the child alone, a difficult task for a washed up mercenary with dreams of grandure that amounted to running protection and security for mid-level gangs and companies.

With only one parent, Mirra was left alone a lot of the time - her alien appearance earned her few enough taunts in the cosmopolitan halls and street-canyons of Efavan, but the odd way she seemed to be aware when people were about to pick on her earned her no small emnity from her fellow canyon-rats.

For her early childhood, she managed at least a basic education, driven as much by survival as effort she developed a knack with technology - becoming the data-rat the kids went to for games, hacks, porn and semi-legal VR programs. Seeing a way out of her situation, her father even paid for an upmarket set of data-implants and jacks, hoping her skills as a data-rat might one day turn into a fully fledged slicer who had chances he didn't.

When Mirra was twelve, her father never came home. She wasn't surprised - she'd dreamed of his violent death in one of her frequent nightmares and lurid dreams for weeks, and begged him not to take the job. But he'd ignored her, like everyone else ignored her hints - she'd learned young to shut up about her dreams. Her father didn't want to hear, and everyone else treated her like a freak. Better to say she'd sliced the information.

Now an orphan, Mirra hooked up with the Nexu, a street gang of kids and young adults who were on a downward spiral and would take anyone - even the weird slicer. Mirra turned out to be the gangs change of fortune. Passing off her dreams as 'sliced data', she managed to steer the Nexu through the turbulent waters of Efavan street crime with remarkably little death, although injury and criminal damage was something of a given.

Members of the gang started to believe in 'their Oracle' and her visions of data, believing she could hack anything and steal secrets from the air, other gangs took to paying tithe to visit the Oracle, providing a good income for the Nexu, seperate to their criminal enterprises. Mirra learned to play up the 'techno oracle' role, with a great deal of sassy talk, glowing neon and artistic license.

For a few years, up until her sixteenth birthday, things were as good as a street-rat can get. Mirra was still angry, envious and tormented by visions she didn't understand - paying out an increasing amount of her income for sleep-drugs that were less and less effective as time wore on. Like every kid, she wanted the big score, she wanted up and out - to the Casinos, to the land of the rich and powerful.

It was of course, only a matter of time before the rich, powerful and successful noticed the astonishing success of the Nexu and Rutha the Hutt, a relatively young, relatively succesful and shockingly - relatively reasonable (by Hutt standards) Crime Boss decided the young Mirra would make an excellent addition to his court. Mirra objected, violently - warned by her dreams of a future that ended in a level of criminal enterprise she was unhappy with, or an unhappy ending she wished she could forget.

So she took the only choice available to her - she ran - letting her dreams and her sight guide her entirely for the first time, operating on instinct and (unknowningly) trusting to the Force alone, she ran down-city, to the most dangerous, ugliest and worst parts of Efvan, where only the brave or stupid would follow her. She survived on her wits and by trading on her skills - here, people would believe an Oracle could fortell if the acid rain-tank would overflow from a stormfall so far above their heads it was unseen and unheard.

And it's here, waiting for the Force to guide her, that Mirra's story begins.

  • TBC
  • Smogfall (Tia runs from a demon, and meets... an angel? A grumpy angel.)

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