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Military of the Cofederacy of the Outer Rim (Advert)

The Protectors of the Confederacy​
The Armed forces of the the Confederacy are not one group nor one standard. Though the development of a clone army is in progress it is standard process for anyone of any background to be able to join and succeed in the Confederacy's army and navy. Both of which look to use that fact to the advantage. Seeing the obvious advantage of having more than one species as the basis for a military it is actually encouraged that a level of diversity between the ranks and file be seen to. Those with unique skills such as slicing, veteran of past conflicts, or simply being a highly talented strategic mind getting signing bonuses as well as those with medical expertise and logistical capabilities.​
As such though the military is divided into a a clear cut structure.​
[SIZE=14.6667px]-- MILITARY ----[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=14.6667px]---- High General and Admiral ----[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]Two members of the Confederacy hold the single place below the Commander and Chief in terms of power in the military and those are the High General and the High Admiral. Two separate positions for the sheer fact of two separate battlefields, these are those of which that will see the most combat from the rear. They are experienced and talented individuals who are used to the horrors and sacrifices of war that have given themselves to the purpose of protecting the worlds they serve. They are expected to be men or women of respect and order, able to command their troops and inspire loyalty from them while still getting the job done. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]---- Officer Corp ----[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]These are the men who lead the troops on the front lines, the ones that transfer orders from their commanders to the common troops of whom they lead. Though they are experienced, they are also meant to be there as a light for the troops, in order to inspire them to push on through what ever hell they found themselves in. They are there to bring you through the death and torment and push into the enemy like a cannon blast from a turbolaser. These men are true warriors whom understand what it means to be a leader. [/SIZE]​
Officer Ranks​
(In order of command)​
  1. General/Admiral
  2. Colonel
  3. Major
  4. Captain
  5. Lieutenant
[SIZE=14.6667px]---- The Protectors ---- [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]The umbrella term for all armed forces of the Confederacy, the protectors are just as their name suggests. They are the shield of the Confederacy and the ones that make are there at all times. They are the Pilots, the Infantry, the Mechanics. The bread and butter of what makes the Confederacy what it was. No one race makes up this group, no one gender, no one group. Even droids own their place in this group as it encompasses all those that serve the people of the Confederacy. [/SIZE]​
Protector Ranks​
(In order of Command)​
  1. Paladin/Ensign
  2. Legate
  3. Strikers

A Confederacy Fleet.​
Breakdown of the Operational Units:​

Grand Army - General​
(2-5 Corps)​
Corps - Colonel​
(2-5 Legions)​
Legion - Major​
(3 Phalanxes or 15000 Troops each.)​
Phalanx - Captain​
(3 Battalions or 5000 Troops each.)​
Battalions - Lieutenant​
(10 Companies or 500 Troops each.)​
Company - Paladin​
(5 Platoons or 100 Troops each.)​
Platoon - Legate​
(10 Squads or 10 Troops each.)​
Squad - Striker​
(10 Soldiers)​

The High General:

- Being the Supreme Commander of the Land Forces of the Confederacy, this of course means that he has control over all of them. This control is only overshadowed by the Commander and Chief and for purposes, though normally it is the High General himself that is leading the troops. As such he has no numerical restriction on control and in invasions during a 300 Point system, he of course is able to control 300 units worth of troops.

The High Admiral:

- As the High General is Supreme Commander of the Land Forces, the High Admiral is commander of the Naval Forces. Again like the High General he is only overstepped in authority by the Commander and Chief, though he is normally the one leading the naval corp. As such he has no numerical restriction on control and in invasions during a 300 Point system, he of course is able to control 300 units worth of troops.


- The Highest commissioned officer rank, they are the only rank below the overseer ranks. Receiving this rank requires a deep understanding and loyalty for the Confederacy and understanding that it is the only thing that you will fight for no matter who the enemy is. The General has to make hard and real choices, understanding the weight of their decisions even in the face of losing your men at the cost of it. All of this leads to creating a man and soldier beyond equal and simple respect. As such they each will lead one of the Grand Armies of the Confederacy depending on how many there are at the time. During Invasions or Skirmishes and with the assumption a 300 point system is used, they will control a full 300 points worth of units.


- Leaders of the various corps that make up a Grand army of the Confederacy, these men are the basis for which Generals hand down orders. Being the second highest rank they like the general must command the respect of their people and lead by example. Smartly dressed and with a clear understanding of their rank these men have served long or with high merit of their abilities and can be trusted with their level of command. They control each a corp of the greater Grand army and as such during Invasions and skirmishes using a 300 point system they are given control of a full 300 points.


- Next lowest and last or first of the high command ranks, depending on the direction in which you go through the ranks,is that of Major. Commanders oflegions these men are responsible for the maintaining between the high command and the mid ranged command structures. They are the bridge between the two levels and as such are allowed a level of flexibility in their interactions. Though they are still considered to be key examples of what a Confederate soldier should aspire to be. On a 300 point system for Invasions and Skirmishes, they control a full 300 points.


- Just as the Major is the bridge to the lower set of ranks the Captain is the bridge upwards. They receive commands from the upper echelons and as such are the one that is able to command the highest level of respect among their peers. Unlike the high ranks they are not expected to be as able to make hard decisions thought it is expected they try to do what is best for their men. They are the key leadership role as they are the ones that communicate to the troops without being directly involved and it is expected of them to be presentable. They command a Phalanx each and these men when in a 300 point system they command 200 points worth of troops.


- The Lowest of the Commissioned officer ranks, they are the branch between the Officers and the Protectors. As such they are allotted a level of freedom in how they act. While still expected to be respectful they are the bridge to the Protectors themselves which means being closely related to the soldiers and understanding them. They act as Liaisons to the upper ranks in helping provide the soldiers with the necessary supplies and equipment to do their job. In a Invasion of Skirmish, they command 200 points worth of troops in a 300 point system and command a Battalion each.


- The Highest NCO rank of the Confederate military, the are the bridge between the Commissioned officers and the non-commissioned ones. They command a company each and are less constricted by a need to remain presentable. During Invasions and skirmishes they control 200 points using a 300 point system.


Military Dress of the Confederacy Officers and Servicemen and women.
(Alterations made for non-humanoid servicemen)

IF you are interested in joining the Confederacy's army or navy, and want to see a new faction stand up and become its own unique force, then do come on over to the faction. A Link below will lead you to it. Of course it is still in a heavy Work in Progress session of creation at the moment, so i do apologize for the barren quantity of threads in the Confederacy as of yet.

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