Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mighty Fine Shindig [Spark Finn]


Piggybacking on a restricted S-thread transceivers, and bouncing through various holonet relays - the darknet was a widely used resource for the slicer community. There was an unwritten code within the virtual infrastructure that you didn't attempt to take it down, or plant sabotage within the core functionality. The users were certainly fair game, but the system was not. Breaking this code was inviting virtual suicide of every shape and size imaginable right to your literal doorstep. With such a tradition in place, the slicers behaved for the most part when in communications with the community at large. On such a database of technofiles is where our story begins.

:: The latest patch isn't beta testing well. Two of the top tier programmers have both posted a feed of a design failure that is erasing nav points in all of the ship's guidance systems. :: The hauntingly synthesized tones of a less than jubilant intelligence system informed the purveyor of Trooper Terror: Elite Squadron about this recent update. :: Any attempt at hyperspace either pulls you into a gravity well, or results in an immediate explosion. :: One of the signature games that Dash was quite fond of (just not enough to actually purchase) was going through a new platform upgrade; one that wouldn't be officially released to the masses for a good five Galactic Standard Months - and it wasn't testing well it seemed.

"Top tier? Really? Can code reload times for a Plasma rifle while running and still can't wrap their collective heads around standard guidance systems? I call Bantha poodoo - must be a special kind of lunaweed they've been chewing." Vance replied with his normal jaded sarcasm at coders who simply didn't know their algorithm from their file name. "Be a dear and forward that patch over to my private build, and I'll take a whack at it a little later." The Hapan native shifted in his comfortable seat, while manipulating two holoscreen keyboards for the various feeds he had brought up on a particular event happening shortly on a very affluent world.

:: It's a wonder they haven't put you on the payroll yet. :: DARCI exclaimed while putting the request through.

"Well, at least not officially." A wry smirk slid across the chiseled jawline of the slicer in his element.

:: Perhaps if you'd stop pulling down their profit margin to feed your puff-cake addiction, they'd have the credits for decent coders. ::

"Semantics, besides a puff-cake fund is essential." Dash offered a waggle of his free hand before his eyes shifted onto the sight of a very interesting development. "Huh, looks like ostracization runs in the family." The slicer kicked his feet off of the console and went to work gathering more data. "Yup, looks like Baron tight pants is getting annexed for a scholarship running dry."

:: More like hemorrhaging.::

"Spot on babe, three Lord's net worth spiked right around the same time. Clever, split up the profit and a majority vote keeps them locked in. Aaaand he's a smashball league member?" Dash shook his head. "Nope! Not gonna happen, not on my watch."

:: Shall I iron your cape, sir :: The tone shifted into a far more butler personality from the floating Sphere bobbing back and forth nearby.

"Cute, but I prefer Zeltros maid over monkey suit. Looks like I am gonna go formal though - just gotta get the right arm candy." With quick and nimble fingers, the darknet hololine was pulled up - and in quick array Dash began to cycle through the various contacts he'd made over the years. He'd collected quite a sizable group of specialists in every field, and though he was fine on doing jobs solo normally, what he had in mind certainly fit the bill for a two person job - and it required a bit of refinement to pull off. There was only one name on his list for this particular cyber-grift, and he was already sending the coded tell that he needed some face time with a young up and comer he'd been keeping track of.

:://Rook to Castle King-side//::

A simple missive, but it backed the play perfectly. Not only was he using one of the more known moniker's on their darknet communication system, but he also knew that as soon as the chess metaphor went out, he'd get the hit from BlackKnight7 that he was looking for. An ecrypted Star-chat request went with the missive, and now he just had to wait for the blonde to sign on.

[member="Spark Finn"]

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
[member="Dashal Vance"]

The blond had just finished holo night with [member="Coren Starchaser"]. He was off doing his thing. #tryingtobringdownSithLords And she was doing her thing. #timetogettowork

The slicer chewed happily on a red-razzle gum stick. Blue-eyes narrowed beneath glass-lenses as a blip popped up on one of the many techie screens in the Flying Nuna. The code told her a few things: probably a fellow-slicer and someone who knew her handle. Thin-fingers flew across the datakeys.


BlackKnight7 listening...


While the message sent, she was already working some back channels, trying to hack into this user's account or ping up some more information on them.
There was an inherent expectation whenever a request between two slicers happened, not exclusive to the darknet, but it was more time honored there. Any type of contact was met with a fair amount of skepticism, and even more devious intent to back-trace the packets and gain more understanding. Some did it as a precaution (which was the intelligent thing to do), while some treated it as a game to be played. What you could learn from that was up to how good you were in their line of work, however getting information could also be a complete let down - if the sender of the message was a complete laserbrain who couldn't code their way out a sand trap. Thankfully this was not the case for the initiator to this conversation. The attempt though was something that made Dash grin while he activated a few flags on his own account in preparation for the game of cat and mouse he was about to play with the recipient.

:: So you're actually going in with a plan this time? I'll notify the Techno Union so they may rejoice. :: Sardonic wit was one of the main staples of DARCI's ever learning system, and it had been put in there on purpose. Dash would never be able to tolerate straight logic, despite his affinity with data pools, and technology, he needed humor in his life - even if it wasn't coming from him.

"Not voicing my plan, and not having one are two different things."

:: I've seen neither. ::

"All part of the plan."

:: Mission accomplished, sir. :: DARCI never called Dash sir with sincerity, and he'd gotten used to the veiled insult. The slicer merely rolled his eyes once the notification came through on the blond's own encrypted channel. The code itself was shuffled through the A.I's decryption algorithm for her to process silently the data keys needed to fully play through in the volley of information. There was an art to slicer communications and it rested in showing skill without overdoing it. If a message came back with the same encryption protocols they had put in place, that was a sign of flattery and good-will. If it came back with a file to decrypt your own software - that was known as the trump card, and rarely made any friends. Thus the first option was chosen. :: This code is elegant, has a certain refining quality, are you sure she's as old as you say? :: DARCI inquired while going over the process of replicating the encryption for a return feed.

"Unless she's in mid-life crisis and really thinks that the end of her teenager years were the best to relive, than yes." While DARCI worked to replicate the code, Dash maneuvered the transceivers that he woman would ping onto for gateways into his location and databanks into a personal stronghold. He'd built a reverse Trojan horse that appeared as if it was a fortress of security with a theme no less, and yet after testing the structure, if the slicer was really on their A-game, it opened up to only be a ping to their starting point. Putting the finishing touches, Dash sent over the reply communication, along with the path that routed right back to her doorstep. "There's no place like"

::// Client "Unaware" needs fiscal support in person, coordinates will be sent upon acceptance. Formal attire requested - food will be provided. Partnership will be provided at the rendezvous //::

The description was vague, but what it entailed was simply that someone not asking for their help needed it. It would be an in person job, with a partner for a formal occasion and free food. Along with the message, the back channel would route to a fortified security nexus in which visually appeared to be a structure that formed into an aerial view. The Basic Letter 'J' with a cracked Rook shape slid neatly inside the neck of the character. The calling card for one of the more notable usernames out there on the darknet. This was Dash's way of saying hello, and good try.


[member="Spark Finn"]

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
[member="Dashal Vance"]

Of course any trojan horse would get routed to dummy locations randomly placed across the Tingel Arm. The blond slicer wasn't taking any risks with the Dawn Treader. This was [member="Coren Starchaser"]'s family and home. Pale fingertips drummed absently on the desk's surface. The image triggered some darknet memory.


A bubble from the red-razzle gum popped from her mouth. Interesting. She heard of them but never interacted with them. Her interests always took her elsewhere. Underground work had been steady, fast, and furious. At least she was fairly certain this group wasn't a rouse from the sith or some bounty hunter. It definitely wasn't [member="Sage Bane"]. That sith lord probably didn't even know how to work a datapad.



Send coordinates, day, and time. I'll be there.


Freckled-nose crinkled at the request of formal attire. Pfffffffft. #Stillwearingmyconverse
Not long after the affirmative reply had sourced through the darknet chatter, than a secure file shipped its way across the cosmos, bouncing from S-thread to S-thread until it arrived at the destination. The file offered a source code attachment in plain basic, simply to ensure that no ill will was going to be part of the file itself - allowing a very visual scan of the contents before actually opening. Dash knew well how paranoid and problematic receiving files with these types could be, and when he wanted to be genuinely transparent about his data packets, he preferred a very eyes on method of determining that it was safe. Had he been trying to actually compete with the blond, it would have been a very different kind of interaction, but this was straight business - at least in the virtual sense. Whatever happened when the two came face to face was entirely up to fate, cosmic design, and the venue of choice. A three day time-stamp was setup for the rendezvous, along with coordinates to take Spark to the Alaphoe Gardens during the Festival season where a great many celebrities and noble blood would be swilling Daruvvian champagne and eating appetizers with the elite and snub nosed. The packet itself contained the basic of the event she'd be attending, along with the time for arrival at the Glass Palace.

Three Days Later


Alaphoe Gardens


Glass Palace

It wasn't really made of glass, or even glassteel. The massive three story structure that domed over a portion of the landscape near the gardens was actually constructed of transparisteel. Within the complex were a litany of casinos and bars, with a high nexus of affluent people milling around at this time of the planet's yearly rotation. The four day festival was upon Procopia, and only the most notable in their society were on the guest list - especially the House of Caridaan. The large dome housed three entrances, but the main event was being done with the typical red carpet roll out, star studded and complete with holocams catching every fashionable diva that would strut across the carpet. The inside had a little less fan fare and gawking, and far more reserved conversation. The atmosphere for the foyer sported classical music and a host of waters milling about to serve Hors d'oeuvres to the well to do. A lavish opening spread upwards to let the reflection panels and laser light array spin a golden hue on the decor before the patrons could lead themselves towards the various dining halls, casino floors and other avenues of pleasure and frivolity.

Getting an invitation to the festival's main attraction wasn't something you could purchase, but was part of a select network. That was at least what their administrative staff had thought once they had digitally encrypted the invitations towards the client list. Faking an invitation was next to impossible, as the designs were only finalized hours before the actual send-off. The list however, that was easily attainable, and something Dash had used to forger a pair of identities that would not only pass muster, but also allow unfettered access. The only caveat in place - his date for the evening, and she'd yet to show up. He'd arrived a bit early to do some general scouting, and despite being dressed in his formal leather duds, complete with a deep black tunic, fashion forward pants and a hair style that was certainly more appropriate than the spiked nonsense he normally adhered to - Dash was still getting a bit impatient. The cure for this though was the holovids he was discreetly piping into one of the larger screens across the venue from himself, by use of some swift commands on the right vambrace that had been blended into his attire. One of the notable pieces on his wardrobe though was the shimmering silver 'J' pendant that was both the signal to his partner, and a fashion statement for the Caridaan connection he'd come to play at.

:: You almost look respectable :: DARCI cooed into Dash's ear, the commlink being a far more reasonable way to communicate, at least for the AI. It was rare for DARCI to give Dash a compliment, despite how fond of the slicer she actually was. Her presence was nearby, but keeping out of sight.

"Please, the only reason I won't be on the Corellian best dressed is because I'd take down the photo cloud storage before they could post." Dash said while idly flipping channels. The wheelhouse of the slicer's brain took a pause before adding in a second reason. "And because there's no more Corellia." The planet fragments remained, but for what it was worth, that celestial body was gone. DARCI remained silent, which prompted Dash for a follow-up question. "What, too soon?"

:: Verily. ::

"We lose more planets that way."

:: We really do. ::

[member="Spark Finn"]

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
[member="Dashal Vance"]

The blond-slicer arrived in a nondescript shuttle with IFF codes well scrambled. The Flying Nuna would be a little too risky with that bounty posted. So would the blond hair, glasses, and real name. For the second time since Marna, she was wearing contacts and sporting a darker hair color. And a pseudonym: Taylor Topol.

Jericho may have gotten her into a casual swoop-neck simple blue dress but she was still sporting some pretty stylish low-ankle converse.


Eyes squinted around at the milling crowds, looking for the clue - that curvy letter of the alphabet. Looking for someone wasn't suspicious, so she proceeded to look exactly like that's what she was doing. It gave her a chance to scout out entry and exit points too and take mental notes on the local security. Senses stretched mildly in the force, mentally hooking up to the local data-chatter.

And there. She caught the flash of a silver pendant. And a man who seemed to be talking to himself.

#perfect #hopeheisn'tcray


She approached him discreetly from the side. "Jericho?"
The combination of a high intellect and distracted mindset was a dangerous combination - one that had gotten Dash in his fair share of hot water back on Hapes growing up. That is until he had found the holonet, and then things just got worse from there. The only source of very changing information that could sate the youth while his mound soaked up information, processed it, and then moved on. This was a world he could keep up in, get lost in, and distract himself from normal issues that were far too boring for his tastes. He didn't take a lot very seriously, living life was meant to be an adventure - not a chore, and a lot of what people ended up doing in this crazy upside down Galaxy were akin to existing. People weren't all that bright in general, and thus manipulating them either virtually or in person seemed a job good as any, but there was still some moral fiber in the youth. It was just a good thing he had a host of holo channels to buzz through while waiting, else he would have been knee deep in his other favorite past-time; crowd funding. The kind where, when you exited the crowd, you were funded by the pockets he picked. He wasn't so much a thief as he was a vigilante with credits, and thus he was behaving himself - at least until his partner in crime would show.

Slicers were not so often photogenic, not simply because a good lot of them were oafish figures with a rotund profile - but mostly they avoided the holocams because it was bad for business. There were few things their community hated more than closed circuit security feeds lining a favorite watering hole. For people like Dash and his semi-mystery date, being photogenic was certainly not an issue, and it was going to work in their favor tonight for the job at hand. Between the fingers of his left hand, a pair of ident cards were sliding back and forth being shuffled and manipulated through the dexterity of digits in his absent minded fashion. Currently the slicer's teal eyed gaze remained fixed on a Jek Floggerty holocast, while a silent disagreement boiled inside DARCI, and a residual smirk rested on Dash's face. His attention shifted though when the sweet tones of a young up and comer questioned his connection to that slicer community, wrestling his attention away. Jek would salute the effort given who was voicing the question, causing Dash to pivot a bit in his chair for a better vantage point.

"Club bylaws aside, their taste is spot on." Dash said, in reference to the Jericho network, with a wide grin, rising up to his full height and presenting a row of knuckles to bump against. People of their persuasion were not big on the hand shakes, as they generally were a little more cavalier than the average socialite. "Stick around for a while and I'll show you the secret handshake." Flicking out the two translucent ident cards, the Hapan handed over the one that would get her access, while he placed the badge over his chest, showing the imprinted name registering his title and name for the con they were about to pull. "Baron Sol Tiborn, House Caridaan. Little more razzle dazzle than I generally like, but the cause is worthy, food's spot on, and the music choice has to be halfway decent in one of those rooms at the top." Handing over her own ident card, to which she was free to program in a preferred name. Dash had hit the auto directory upon arriving and chose the least offensive one. Neither of these were real, but as far as the registry was concerned, they would pass muster. Plus no one from Tapani sector royal family was going to cast suspicion after Netherworld. Titles and ranks changed so frequently that it was near impossible to keep track - that and he didn't plan to be dropping many names during this outing.

"Sneaks were a good choice Bee Tee, Dub.." The Hapan exclaimed as he turned to offer his arm and make tracks towards the venue's turbo-lift which would take the pair up towards the off-limits sector, only sanctioned for House Caridaan members. He even pronounced the letters in the acronym as a metallic orb left the potted plant and shifted into view, floating ahead of them. "Oh'll wanna be hearing this - don't mind snark, but she's really insistent that we do a link up to make sure this ruse runs smooth like." Dash slipped his hand into a pocket on his chest and handed over the commlink ear-bud which would have an audio connection to DARCI. Once in the synthesized voice was already talking, responding to Dash more or less, before introducing herself to the newcomer.

::...not mandatory, just preference. You'll have to excuse his royal highness, crown envy I think. I'm DARCI - nice dress. ::

"Our very own virtual eyes and ears, she's also..."

:: Watch it! :: The AI warned.


:: Acceptable ::

[member="Spark Finn"]

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
[member="Dashal Vance"]

She blinked and stared at his raised knuckle-fist for a good long while, not sure what to do. Physical or social contact had never been her strong-suit. After a few quick blinks, she gladly took the ident card. "Secret handshake, right." The name Taylor Topol quickly flashed on the ID card. "Sneaks?" Chin tilted down, a sheepish grin crossing her thin lips. "Oh yeah. Kinda my thing."

A wary-look crossed her face as he offered the earbud along with his arm. She was on mission. This was all....professional. She could do this. Jaw-clenched slightly but she took her contact's arm and the earbud. If she had to, she could just disable all his networks and rough-up his devices with some technopath work through the force.

"Baron Sol. DARCI. Thank you. You seem rather sophisticated. So, what exactly IS our objective?" The darknet mission packet had intentionally been sparse.
Oftentimes Dash had to remind himself that socializing wasn't one of the mainstays of the slicer community - and while he he was certainly not one to be a perfectly outgoing guy around most sentient lifeforms, he seemed to have a very relaxed and open presence around the fairer and opposite gender. The Hapan was of all things certainly not shy - and would often hold a conversation hostage with his own verbal expertise rather than let awkward pauses steal the show. If anything, he'd internalize the dilemma of having any kind of uneasy interaction later on. For now it was about putting on a show, not only for the job he'd worked up, but for his company thus far. This was BlackKnight7, or at least this is the representing party claiming to be her. There were multiple layers of secrecy at work here, and while transparent honesty was not on the menu tonight, the idea of outright lying to her was not his main intention. Sneakers showed a preferred practicality to the teenager, something she could certainly run in - or even dance in if the mood struck or necessity ran its course.

"Sorry we didn't have more of a debrief before tonight. The less information out there on the S-threads, the better." Dash said in a nominal tone as the doors closed to the turbolift. The sequence to initiate to the third floor however wasn't taken, and as they were the only two people in the sleek durasteel lift, it was probably the best time he could spot for having a rundown on the entire operation. " a dear and..."

:: Sophisticated? I'm going to assume you mean me. He may look nice-er than his usual everyday appearance, but that is about as far as I've seen. :: DARCI cut off Dash's request, replying to Spark's comment. There was even a synthesized snort of derision mixed in there, with how absurd an idea it was for the AI to calculate that the slicer who'd put her together had even a sampling of refinement in his arsenal. Dash was many things, but he was certainly not a socialite.

"Hey! I can be graceful when I...yeah you're right." Offering a shoulder shrug and leaning back on the guard rail running along the back of the lift. "We clean?"

:: Surveillance isn't going to eavesdrop, you're free to talk - but I'd advise sticking to the topic at hand? ::

"How long have you known me?" Dash asked with a smirk before turning towards Spark not really paying much mind to DARCI's cautionary tale. "You can call me Vyse, at least until we get upstairs. House Caridaan is an exclusive Tapani family that runs the show. Third floor is off-limits, except for them that can vouch - which is why you should probably slap a Duchess tag on that card." The slicer fingered towards the name she'd put on there, as it was devoid of a royal title currently. "Baron Saemdi Voss' scholarship fund to the royal naval academy is being siphoned out by three of the leading Lord's on the council. They're doing a split up of the funds, and it's really going to wreck the bottom line for Voss." Dash lifted his left arm and uncovered a flap of leather to reveal the glowing blue tech vambrace beneath. A holoscreen shot up - and was quickly manipulated to show video of the subject on several holocasts. "Guy's part of the Ranphyxes' smashball starter league, and he's killing it with his last season. His scholarship runs dry, the Baron loses everything. His education, league membership, and even his title."

:: Each Lord has a private fund that is tied into their quarterly net-worth, which is where we noticed the spike. The accounts are off-network, and as far as we can tell, they are managed by an accountant offsite. :: DARCI chimed in, working in tandem with Dash's tale and showing the graphs they had been using three days ago to track out this data.

"What we need is to get close to each Lord, do a clone job on their datapad - and get the network access into their cloud server farm so we can put back what they are stealing." The holofeed shut down and he sealed up the leather flap again to mesh with his outfit, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back once again. "So, two person job, distraction and cloning. Swapping tasks with each one so their's no pattern. Also, I heard tell they've got a killer sound system, and I really wanna get the specs on their new tech. Any queries?"

[member="Spark Finn"]

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
[member="Dashal Vance"]

Darker-than-usual brows lofted as she stared, wide-eyed at the exchange between creator and AI. Like siblings...or a married couple? Huh. Thin-finger tapped the data-tag with an adjustment title of Countess added. Countess Taylor Topol. [member="Coren Starchaser"] might like that one.

"Better? And questions," lips pursed in thought. "Basically three Lord-dudes are stealing money from a scholarship fund. We stop 'em. But what's to stop them from siphoning off money again? Also, you might be better with the schmoozing if we're doing this together. My hands are fast. I can swipe anything not bolted down."


That meant he should take two out of the three talking situations with the Lord-dudes.

"As for the sound system, heard of Freg's List?"

Lips twitched.

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