Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG (Might Be) Looking for a few crew-members

kicks back, boots up on the watering hole table, a few empty mugs scattered on the tabletop. Fel's blasters also rest on the tabletop, within easy reach (they are empty.)

"Yeah, so I might be looking for a crew member or two. Who do ya know, Froz?"

Froz peers back over his mirrored glasses at the scruffy outlander, a quizzical look on his face. "I know plenty, Mr. Fel... but who do I know that might want to ship out on the Dar'Yaim, aka the ship voted least likely to get paying work in the sector? ...not too many, Mr. Fel."

Galdaart laughed. Froz laughed. Galdaart continued to laugh until Froz got uncomfortable, got up, and left. Fel followed the man with a finger-gun as he receded into the bar. "pew, pew, pew. You're dead, Froz..." Fel whispered under his breath.

So he was a little rough around the edges. So he was prone to taking only jobs that fit his narrowly defined sense of right and wrong. So he didn't have much time for planetary politics (or rules for that matter.) So the ship was a mess, and there wasn't much food in the galley. So there were repairs to do, and not enough credits to do it. So there weren't too many job prospects...

Hell, this was dire. He'd need something to entice potential crew...

His charming personality. Sure. Yeah.


My name's Dan. I'm sorta new here (made an account years ago, but didn't really make use of it.) I've got eleven years' writing this character on Jedi Vs. Sith, and about 25 years tabletop RP experience. I'd like to think I'm a good storyteller. I got drawn back to Chaos by some good folks who are a part of the Eternal Empire faction, and that's all well and good, but I'm a smuggler captain, first and foremost. I'm picky, too. So if you like, reply here. But better still, send me a PM. Tell me why you want in. Tell me what you bring to the table. Tell me about some plots you've written, and how it went down.

Have a good night, and a better tomorrow.

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