Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Midvinter...never heard of it.


Active Member
Alex was flying through the universe today, attempting to have a good time with his father's freighter. He had tuned it out, hopefully making it better from what it was before. This was a rather old piece ship, so it would require constant maintenance but it was one of the few things that he kept after his father died. It was always a sad tail, but he would grow from it and couldn't wait to get back to his meetings with other companies. That was when the worst thing had occurred, he had came out of hyperspace and his ship was slowing down for some old reason.

He didn't want to have anymore problems, being that if his hull cracked and he would sent into space. What the hell type of ending would that be, so he decided to land his craft on some unfamiliar planet to him. The navigation system said the planet was named Midvinter, he had never been there but first time for everything. Slowly breaching through the planet's atmosphere, he would see that it was covered in snow....that was different. Slowly his steering system were being bugged out and he could feel that his ship would crash soon.

He didn't want that one bit, so he quickly shut off the systems and engaged the backup landing system which was many parachutes appearing around the craft as it lowered down to the planet surface. Crashing into a large pile of snow, causing the ship to tilt to the side and throwing Alex to the side. Where he would hit his head against the hard surface of the ship. Knocking him out cold, as the ship's entrance was somewhat open from the crash, but the ship was still intact in the middle of some forest.

@Ærin Firebrand

BlackWing’s hooves ploughed through the freshly fallen snow. The night had been one of the coldest even for Midvinter, and the result of which now lay all round. Aerin pulled her heavy fur pelt around her body, her cheeks flush with a rosy hue and her breath issued out it warm steam with every breath. She is returning from a hunt to the capital, much time spent there these days in preparations.

Her mind filtered through many thoughts that plague her of late, much still uncertain within her life, but she will press forward. She has come to rely on herself, more stronger in her presence and bearing, and her way now clear. But much still left to be done.

Her head lifted to the skies, her eyes narrowed as a loud roaring noise found her ears. She recognised it as the engines from a ship, the infernal things, but even to her untrained ears something was wrong. The noise approached with speed and soon the sight of the distressed ship appeared in the sky. She pushed BlackWing forward with encouragement from her heals and soon broke the line of forest trees into a clearing.

Before her the sight of a crashed ship, “Not again”, she said out loud to BlackWing. The snow much deeper in the these surrounds, BlackWing laboured with each stride, but soon Aerin dismounted near the boarding ramp.

“Hello!”, she called out, but no one replied. Aerin’s boots thudded up the metal ramp and into the main area of the ship. She found the cockpit soon enough and found the body of the pilot. She placed her hand on the man’s neck, a pulse he is still living. She moved to stand to face the man and slapped his face, firmly, to revive him.


Active Member
He wasn't expecting a rude awaking, before he was woken up. He was having a dream about his father, how he died and what he could have done to stop it. Yet, he couldn't go back in time and he knew that his father might be in a better place now. He was trying to reach for him, than out of nowhere he felt that his father had slapped him....wait what? His eyes snapped open and he was looking at some fur wearing girl.....what the hell happened!!

His face covered with the outline of the slap, why did this always happened to him. Bringing himself up to standing position, he would look down at the fur covered girl. The next thing he noticed was it's cold, really COLD!! He started to rub his arms with his hands, trying to generate some heat for himself. This was just too demanding, but he decided to get to the bottom of this problem.

"Why the hell would you slap someone! Is it some sort of custom on this cold as hell planet?" He said angrily through chattered teeth as the cold would soon cause his body to shake.

He wasn't use to the cold, so this was to be expected but there was this girl still in front of him. Maybe she would help him, or attack him like some savage....he didn't know the answer to that but he just wanted to get out of this cold.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

"Good to see you are alive", she simply said to his ungrateful manner. "You where unconscious, I simply administered means to bring you out of your malaise".

She turned to walk out of the ship, no longer wishing to be in this death trap of this infernal metal beast.

"You can stay with your ship and freeze, or you can elect to come with me and save your life", she threw the words over her shoulder.

Standing outside in the freshly fallen snow, Aerin clapped her leather gloved hands together to generate warmth to her bones. She whistled a sharp note, which echoed through the surroundings and promptly, her black stallion broke the tree line and moved toward her. BlackWing tossed his head in protest to coming near the strange metal beast.

Aerin met her charge and eased his discomfort with soft words spoken to his ear. She turned to look back at the ship, to see what decision the wayward travel made, her arm around the large thick neck of the black stallion.


Active Member
Alex was about to say something crude back to her, but he noticed that she wasn't affected at all. It would seem that this planet was able to withstand his verbal abuse, could it be the cold. It didn't matter to him, yes it kinda did but he would only watch her leave. Thinking the worst, he would rush after her into the cold winter land of hell.

He looked around at the falling snow, it was rather beautiful and calming. Yet, that was briefly interrupted with the sensation of cold coming back to his body. Looking towards the girl once more, he noticed something black right next to her....what the hell was that....MONSTER! Despite never seeing one of those in his life, he would only slowly approach her.

"I....will go with you, please?" He said in a some-what begging tone, as he didn't like to look weak in front of anyone.

He wondered if she would help him for real or eat him....

[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

Aerin remained by the side of the black stallion, and noticed the reaction of the young man to him. She raised a brow, had he not see a horse before? Odd. "Wise choice", she said as she turned and began to untie a fur pelt from the side of the stallion. Although the pelt was tanned and treated, it had yet to be tailored but it would keep the man away from death.

'Here put this around you", she said holding out the pelt for him to take. "Then mount my horse". She held the reins and waited for the young man.

"I have a hunting hut near by .. there is a fire and you will warm. My name is Aerin, who am I addressing?".


Active Member
Alex looked down at the pelt of fur, it was so strange....was it fux? It didn't matter to him, as he grabbed it out of respect and put around his body. He could feel himself warm up now, and relaxed himself. When she mentioned to mount her horse, he would only look at the creature. It was rather odd, he had never seen one, but he decided to try it. Finding some way to reach the back end of the horse, he would mount it backwards instead of the direction the women was it.

"All set!?"

Her name was Aerin? It was a odd name, but he guessed the customs were different. Maybe he could find some way to get use to this area and nodded to her.

"My name is Alex, thank you for saving me." He said before going silent as he waited to reach her hutt.

[member="Ærin Firebrand"]

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