Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Midnight Wanderings

Aria declaring that before long we'd know all their secrets brought a smile to my face. Then she declared that if we had to raid the freezer we would, which also brought a smile to my face. "Hmmmm, Raspberry Ripple eh? Sounds delicious. I'll share with you if you'll share with me."

I followed Aria through the hallways until we'd reached the cafeteria. Who knew maybe my penchant for breaking rules had rubbed off on her? The idea of Aria breaking into the freezer for some reason excited me. Probably because she seemed so serene most of the time. Alright Aria we'll see what you got...

[member="Aria Vale"]
"Door locked, huh?" Aria pulled two hairgrips out of the ponytail she'd pulled her hair into for combat and straightening them out with her teeth, she leaned over. "You'll have to do better than that." She stepped back and a moment later the door swung open. Looking at Celiana with mock innocence she gestured for then to enter the kitchen. "What? It's not my fault if they don't lock their doors properly."

Laughing, she looked around before switching the lights on and finding the freezers. "Now, they hardly ever serve ice cream at dinner, but I'm willing to bet...aha!" Aria pulled several frozen tubs of ice cream out and held them up in triumph. "Mint chip, raspberry ripple...ooh, this is fun! Where are the bowls?"

I started laughing hysterically as Aria said "What? It's not my fault if they didn't lock their doors properly." I realized I'd rubbed off on Aria. Then as she pulled out tow tubs of ice cream mint chip and raspberry ripple she said, "Ooh, this is fun! Where are the bowls?"

Looking at Aria I said, "spoons love. We don't need bowls we have two whole tubs of ice cream. Besides we can always store the extra in the freezer on my ship."

[member="Aria Vale"]
"Spoons it is." Aria opened several drawers until she found the one with cutlery. Sticking a spoon into both tubs and giving one to Celiana, she held up her ice cream as if to toast. "To making your own rules!" she said cheerfully, bumping her tub against Celiana's and taking a big bite. "By the Force, this stuff really is very much do you think we oculd stash and get away with?" She stared thoughtfully into space before shaking her head. "Nah, somebody would notice. I guess we can always come back."

Bonking my tub of Ice cream against Aria's I took a bite of mine and moaned in sheer pleasure. Then she asked how much I thought we could stash. "Well my freezer is currently next to empty and these tubs are a gallon each...Maybe two more tubs? It'd be nice to have if you ever decided to crash at my ship rather than your dorm... I say let's do it."

I let the implications of that sink in for a minute as I took another spoonful of mint chip and offered it to Aria.

[member="Aria Vale"]
Was Celiana inviting her to spend the night in her ship? Aria blinked once, then once again. Then twice more.

Then she grinned and leaned over to take the spoonful of ice cream Celiana had offered her. "Why not. I don't think I've ever been on your ship, actually - " she smirked slightly as a very flirtatious thought came to her - "how big is it? Is it comfortable?" If Celiana replied, she would lower her voice a bit and lean in. "And the sleeping arrangement?"

I saw the surprise cross Aria's face if her blinking was any indication. Then she gave me a grin and took the spoon I'd offered her of mint chip ice cream. The next words out of her mouth though surprised me a bit. "Why not. I don't think I've ever been on your ship actually-how big is it? Is it comfortable?"

My pulse was racing as I said, "yeah it's quite homey actually, it's decently sized and as to comfort well I tried to make it as homey as I could so I think it's comfortable." Then Aria leaned in and said, "And the sleeping arrangements?" Her physical closeness made my face flush a furious shade of pink, my heart speed up quite a bit and suddenly my mouth was very dry.

"I think you'll enjoy them, the captain's cabin is quite comfortable." I let that sentence ooze sensuality in an attempt to fluster Aria I was already having trouble thinking straight with her insinuation about the sleeping arrangements...

[member="Aria Vale"]
Secretly it gave Aria just the tiniest bit of satisfaction to see that the tables had turned and it was she who was making Celiana nervous. Of course it didn't take long for Celiana to recover, but it gave her ego a boost and enough confidence to go ahead with the suggestion.

"I'm sure I will." Rifling through the freezers again, Aria took two more tubs of ice cream from the back of a drawer and gave one to Celiana. "You lead the way!"

Closing up our tubs of Ice cream I got ready to go as Aria pilfered two more. I had to admit that I wasn't used to having the tables turned on me. It had happened so rarely that I could count the occurrences on one hand. Then Aria said "I'm sure I will, you lead the way!"

Gods and Goddesses! What had happened to the more reserved Aria? Not that I minded of course it was just very.....different. Leading the way as sneakily as I could back down the hallways and to the lift I punched the button for the hangars.

As the door opened I walked over to the docking bay where my ship was sitting. Punching in the code on my ships hangar ramp I let the bay door descend then ushered Aria inside. Coming up behind her I punched the code into the door again closing the ramp behind us. "Welcome to my humble abode love." Time to put this Ice cream away and give her the tour I guess....

[member="Aria Vale"]
"Huh." Aria arched her eyebrows, looking fairly impressed. Celiana had done a good job of decorating the ship - if nothing else, it would make a comfortable place to stay the night.
"Well, come on then!" she said with a grin. "Give me the tour!"

Walking through the halls I pointed out on the left the engines and cargo bay. Continuing into the common area at the center of the ship I pointed out the turret by my cabin and gesturing to the other side I said there's a twin turret on the opposite end of the ship. As we continued on I came to a space outside my cabin and walking into the kitchen opened up the freezer stashing the ice cream inside.

Gesturing to my cabin I turned to Aria I said, "if you want go ahead on in. There a refresher in there too if you wanted to get cleaned up." There were some oriental rugs on the floors leading into my cabin and after stashing the Ice cream I padded into my cabin to put on some music. I was really tense and music had the tendency to help with that.

[member="Aria Vale"]
"I might as well." Aria popped into the shower and took ten minutes to clean off her body, which was sweaty and aching from the fight, as well as to perfume herself a little bit using a tiny bit of the fragrant shower gel she'd found.

Just as she was drying herself off, she realised that the only clothing she'd brought was the black tank top and cargo pants she'd changed into before her workout - not exactly the kind of thing she wanted to fall asleep in.

"Celiana," she yelled, poking her head through the door, "d'you reckon I could borrow a pair of pyjamas? If not I'll just pop back to the dormitories, but..."

I saw Aria's head pop through the door to the shower briefly as she looked around and shouted so I could hear "Celiana, d'you reckon I could borrow a pair of pyjamas? If not I can just pop back to the dormitories but..." I saw her predicament though. I'd just come back in my cabin from my own shower and I'd pulled on a pair of what amounted to Charcoal grey spandex booty shorts on and a VERY threadbare deep V-neck shirt on I'd pulled the excess fabric tight against my chest and tied it off showing off my toned stomach.

I REALLY didn't want Aria to leave and even though I didn't think her not having clothes was a problem I wasn't going to say no. Sighing as my idle daydream ended I said, "Yeah gimme a sec." Rifling through my drawers I pulled out a pair of spandex leggings and booty shorts I wasn't sure which she'd choose but I'd be good with either. I also threw another threadbare pale lavender v-neck shirt into the pile and padded over to the door to my cabin shower and passed them through the door to Aria.

Then I said with a mixture of playfulness and flirtatiousness, "Just so you know, I wouldn't have minded the lack of clothing."

[member="Aria Vale"]
"Nor I." Aria gratefully took the clothing. "But I have to make you work a little, don't I?"

Turning, Aria examined the offered set of pyjamas. The lavender V-neck went down quite far and the shorts left little to the imagination, but they were extremely comfortable and besides she'd never been one for body consciousness. When the Gods and Goddesses themselves had made you look the way they did, what point was there in hiding it?

Pulling the shirt and shorts on, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she'd left the door slightly ajar, Aria wrung out her damp hair and joined Celiana on a comfortable sofa with what was left of her ice cream.

My heart sped up to swoop bike speeds when Aria said, "Nor I, but I do have to make you work a little don't I?" Then she took the clothes I offered her and as I walked over to lay back on my bed I saw her drop the towel. Oh, Gods and Goddesses! She was making me work hard to not just jump her right then.

After the image of Aria getting dressed burned itself into my mind I padded back out to my kitchen area and grabbed my tub of mint chip Ice cream hoping that it would help me cool down. Then Aria came out and joined me on my couch with her Ice cream and my heart beat sped back up to swoop-racing speeds. Gods and Goddesses I was a lucky girl! I offered her another spoonful of my mint chip ice cream and tried to resist devouring her with my eyes. So far it wasn't working...

[member="Aria Vale"]
"You did a nice job on the ship," Aria said sleepily, snuggling up against Celiana and helping herself to the offered ice cream. "I had a ship before I joined the Sanctum, but I crashed on the way to Voss and had to hitch a ride back." She laughed slightly at the memory. "Once I've saved up enough I might replace it though."

It was getting closer and closer to the morning. The sofa was very plushy, the room temperature warm and she was very comfortable indeed leaning on Celiana. It was all she could do to stay awake...

"You did a nice job on the ship" Aria sounded sleepy and it was adorable. Then she said, "I had a ship before I joined the Sanctum, but I crashed on the way to Voss and had to hitch a ride back." Then she laughed and the sound was enchanting. "Once I've saved enough up I might replace it though."

Then she took a bite of the ice cream I'd offered her. It was clear she was drifting off and I briefly got up and put whatever was left of the ice cream up. Then I padded back over to the sofa and reclined it back into a bed. Grabbing a warm velvety blanket I spread it out over Aria and myself before laying down next to her and kissing her lips. They tasted of sugar and mint and it was distinctly her. Then snuggling in against her I began to drift off to the feeling of her heartbeat against my chest...

[member="Aria Vale"]
When Aria woke up six hours later, she immediately felt Celiana's comforting weight pressed close against her - very close in fact. Had they kissed? She thought she could remember a kiss. If so, who made the first move? She blushed at the thought.

Celiana appeared very asleep, and so Aria gently got off the sofa, careful to readjust the thick blanket that Celiana had put there to keep her warm. Training was usually very self-conducted, but you were expected to self-conduct and not spend all morning lounging around on a freighter, so reluctantly she changed back into the combat gear which she'd put in the wash the night before, folding the pyjamas Celiana had given her into a neat pile, and placed the pile on the table in front of the sofa along with a tall glass of icy cold water and a note in her neatest cursive writing.

Good morning beautiful!

Waking up at the lack of a body next to mine I saw that Aria had left a note and the pyjamas had been folded up the note was in Cursive lettering and said Good morning beautiful! A. The lettering was distinctly hers and there were two x's she'd left me a good morning kiss. But she hadn't stayed.... I knew I shouldn't have griped but she wasn't there when I woke up....That's what I'd been looking forward to.

Well then, getting up I looked at the note and couldn't help but be happy about that little thing. I'd have to tie her down at some point with an actual date, dinner and a movie perhaps? Ahhh that was a nice thought...

[member="Aria Vale"]

OOC: So I wasn't sure if I should just let that good morning letter be the end of the thread or not but I posted cause I owed you one. ;)

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