Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Midnight at the 'ol cantina.


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
Lork sat there, staring at the counter of the bar. He was the only living soul, besides the bartender, inside. Taking a sip of his whiskey, he sighed loudly. He slowly stared up at the ceilng, as it felt like the long, long, long boring night continued to slowly drag on. He had an urge to bash his head off the counter until he either died of blunt force truamua or the bartender knocked him unconcious. The dim lights barely lit up the entire cantina and the only thing the senior citizen could do to entertain himself, was listen to the tap of the rain on the filthy windows.

[member="Harkin Kane"]

Lyon Hara

Lyon walked slowly into a bar, it was quite empty, the only life was a man and the bartender.

His metal boots were clanking on the ground with every step.

He sat at the barstool next to the man.

"Thou is here by thyself?" He asked (you are here by yourself?)

He took off his helmet and placed it on the counter?

"I am Lyon Kara, what is thy name?"
Lyon asked

[member="Lork Richards"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
With a heavy shoulder the ol' spacer stumbled through the door. Running a metal hand through his drenched hair he slung the water towards the ground. "Damned rain." Harkin mumbled as he adjusted the duster hard at work at making the floor at a wet hazard. A quick scan of the less then memorable shack revealed [member="Lork Richards"] staring painfully at a whole lot of nothing and the bar keep hard at work to clean a whole through the bottom of a glass. Harkin pulled himself onto the stool adjacent to the old man and answered the gaze of the bartender, "Damned me fer' saying it," Harkin thumbed back out towards the monsoon, "But I'll have a glass uh water." Bringing his elbows to the table, one with a thud the other with a clink, the spacer joined into gazing onto the abyss...


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"My 'bout feth off?" He asked, taking another sip of the whiskey. "Freaks...". He turned back towards the man, shaking his head. "Can't you use your fething eyes? Yeah, I kind of am here case you didn't fething know", He gulped down the rest of the whiskey, glancing towards the bartender. "Get this motherfether a seat...that is FAR away from me". The bartender shook his head, beggining to speak. "Sir, I cannot tell people where to sit. This is a public bar", The bartender quickly responded.

(Sorry for these very short posts, can't think of what to type)

[member="Lyon Hara"]

[member="Harkin Kane"].

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin couldn't help but laugh aloud. He shot a gaze beyond the old man towards the knight in shining armor, but his attention was soon seized by the clink of the beverage now resting at his hands. "Onry ol' bat ain't we?" He shot a smile before moving on to his next victim. "Clearly he is on a noble quest." Amused with himself Harkin reached for his glass. The bartender, completely unsure of what to expect nervously continued to clean the same glass.

[member="Lyon Hara"]
[member="Lork Richards"]

Lyon Hara

"What art thou laughing at?" (What are you laughing at?) Lyon said to the man

He then looked at bout feth off.

"'Tis nice to meet you bout feth off, though it is a strange name, I cannot complain what your mother and father picked to dub upon you." He said

"What is your name" he asked the other man.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Lork Richards"]


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"Smartass..." He mumbled loud enough for [member="Lyon Hara"] to hear, motioning over the bartender. "Grab me a whiskey or! N-no, make it four, four whiskeys!". He popped many credits onto the counter, watching in satisfaction as the bartender carefully placed each bottle down. "It ain't Halloween. How 'bout ya dress like a normal fething person instead of a spice addicted motherfether", He said, anger in his voice. "I don't appreciate your attitude, boy".

[member="Harkin Kane"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin nearly fell out of his chair...

His ribs, still cracked from nasty business on Tokima ached in between breaths. Wiping tears from his eye Harkin looked towards [member="Lyon Hara"]. Shaking his head he mumbled to [member="Lork Richards"] "Ya know, that's the oldest mando armor I've ever seen." Harkin knew no one else was having as much fun with the situation, but after his last few months as a castaway, he was determined to take nothing for granite.

Still, if these shenanigans keep, it just might drive him to drinking...again...

Lyon Hara

"Sirs, I will have thy know that I am not a Mando, my adittude is great, and I am so kid." He said he he looked at the man that fell off his stool

"This is not a costume I will have you know." He said in a serious tone.

"You are fools, and peasants. " he said

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Lork Richards"]


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"Fools and peasants? So, the boy dressing up in a Halloween costume is calling us fools? What has our galaxy come to?" He asked, taking the first bottle in hand. "Peasants? Sir, I can't...I can't even call you sir. If you are just a boy, you got no business in a cantina, son. So please, you gotta wait a few more months until Halloween pops up, then you can dress that", He chuckled at the boy. "Who are your fething parents? I need to talk to 'em cause they obviously didn't raise you right".

[member="Lyon Hara"]

[member="Harkin Kane"]

Lyon Hara

"Why art thou hostile?" (Why are you hostile?) Lyon asked.

"You art fifty my senior!" (You are fifty years older then me!)

Lyon wasn't the typeto be disrespectful to his seniors, but this man kept calling him a young boy.

"If you keep insulting me, we shall have a bout!" Lyon said to the two men.

The bartender looked at him and started to laugh.

"Close your mouth!" He almost shouted to the bartender.

[member="Lork Richards"]


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
He chuckled at the boy's rage. "Kid, get outta 'ere! I hope your fething parents don't wear them costumes either! Man, would I be fething embarresed if I were your parents, boy!" He said, chuckling. He took another sip of his whiskey, unable to hold back his laughter. "I ain't afraid of a kid in a fething Halloween costume", He looked over to [member="Harkin Kane"], grinning. "Who the feth is this fething disgrace of a child?". "Maybe you should dress like a normal sane person and people would give you more respect!"

[member="Lyon Hara"]

Lyon Hara

"Insulting me more? I will strike you down!" He said.

He grabbed his helmet and put in on.

"I am not a young boy, if you want to keep your arm I suggest you close your mouth. My parents died a while ago." He said trying to calm down.

His sword was sheathed at his side and Lyon was gripping it tightly.

[member="Lork Richards"]


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
His smile slowly faded, his gaze turning back to the counter. He took a sip of his alcohol, sighing.

(Sorry for this insanely short post that is this post).

[member="Lyon Hara"]

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