Midas Âzanroil
Sith Pureblood

"The Blood of the Old Sith Lives on in me!"
NAME: Midas Âzanroil
RANK: Sith Acolyte
SPECIES: Sith Pureblood
AGE: Fourteen
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 174 pounds
EYES: Sulfuric Yellow
HAIR: Jet Black
SKIN: Maroon-Red
+ Midas is a Sith Pureblood, giving him the increased life-span, predatory senses, slightly increased strength, endurance and connection to the force that his species benefits from.
+ Midas was born and raised to eventually ascend to the status of a Sith Lord, or die like a worm. Having been groomed into the dark-side, he has advanced knowledge and skill for his rank.
+ Fluent in Sithese.
+ Has powerful potential for the force, due to heritage and bloodline.
+/- Midas is confident in his abilities. While this means he is less likely to be intimidated or frightened, he also chronically under-estimates his enemies and over-estimates himself, as a result of excessive hubris.
- Relies overtly on the force to enhance his abilities.
- Incredibly condescending, often alienating allies.
- Lacks finesse, both in combat and mentally. Tends to become frustrated with quick and accurate enemies, being some-what slow himself. Despite intelligence, often prefers a more blunt approach.
APPEARANCE:Midas is tall and thickly built for his age, possessing the standard classical Sith cranial horns, scarlet skin, tendrils and eye-stalks. His face is surprisingly slim, with aquline features and predatory, yellow eyes. The Sith Tremor Sword which he wields is usually either at his hip or strapped upon his back.
Midas is one of the last few scions of the ancient Sith-race of yore, many other blood-lines having died out long-ago. His Father and Mother, both respected Sith-Lords instilled in him from birth, the sense of a purpose to revive the grandeur of his race along with genetic multiplication via the liberal use of sith alchemy, saturating his body with the dark-side from his very conception.
His life has been mostly uneventful so far, filled with constant training and the eternal yearning for a challenge - a chance to prove himself.
Standard Sith Shuttle.
" Do not despair. This section shall soon be filled with the names of the vermin felled by my blade. Their only fame will be the honor they will receive after-death in receiving a glorious death by my hands! "
" I shan't lower myself and pollute my blood by performing wet-work for fat hutts and nit-witted crime-lords. If you find this section ever filled with even a single name, I ask that I be killed for dishonoring my blood-line. "
" I do not 'play.' "