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Approved Tech Micah's Leaf

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Image source:
Intent: Shiny for Micah
Dev thread: Nope
Manufacturer: Vexen
Model: N/A
Affiliation: [member="Micah Talith"]
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique (last leaf from a crashed herdship)
Material: Leaf
Strengths: It's a pressed leaf
Weaknesses: it's still a pressed leaf
Vexen owns very little of value. What she does has mostly been bought for her by Micah. Once upon a time she promised him one of the only valuables she owned: a memory.

In a small wooden box resides the only things she's keeps from her troubled childhood. Each a momento from a happy memory. Those few moments of joy she was permitted as she grew up alone on an Ithorian herdship. The leaf was from an autumn when food was plentiful enough that could spend a few evenings frolicking in the fallen leaves. One of the few times she was allowed to become a child rather than a survivor.

It was promised to Micah as a gift for giving her food and shelter, but he asked her to keep it for him. She did, never really wanting to relinquish it. It represented her happiness.

Over time, because of Micah, she found her place in the Galaxy. She found contentment. When she heard that her Herdship had crashed into the surface of Ithor during the Mandalorian expansion (by Yuuzhan Vong raiders) she thought on what this meant for a long time.

Eventually she came to the conclusion that whilst this time had been formative, it was deep in the past. She didn't need to cling to those sparse memories any longer. She made new ones to cherish all the time. As a sign of how much she owed the Talith she had the burgundy leaf mounted in a frame with a magnetic backing and gave it to Micah on a special occasion.
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
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