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Approved Tech MI003 Light Squad Support Weapon

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Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member

Image Source: Killzone Wiki

Produce and provide a light support weapon for use in Squad based combat.

Development Thread: If Necessary

Manufacturer: Magrath Industries
Model: MI003-LSSW
  • Avidon Oligarchy
  • Open Market

Production: Mass-Produced
  • Durasteel
  • Blaster Components

Classification: Blaster
Size: Handheld
Length: 1,035mm
Weight: 10kg

Ammunition Type:
  • Power Cell
  • Gas Canister

Ammunition Capacity:
  • Power Cell Capacity - 100
  • Gas Canister Capacity - 300

Effective Range: 300m
Rate of Fire: Fully Automatic

Special Features:
  • Padded shock absorbing stock
  • Bi-pod attachment
  • Top rail for optional optical sights

The MI003 LSSW is designed as a means to provide a small squad sized formation additional firepower during pitched firefights in where additional power can mean life or death on the front lines. The weapon is meant to be manned by a single gunner, with an easy to setup design that incorporates a bi-pod for rapid deployment to lay down fire. While it can be used by a lone soldier, the weapon itself is meant to interact with a full squad that is capable of providing additional support and protection to the gunner to prevent the user from being overrun by flanking maneuvers. Additional optional optical sights can be added for enhanced capabilities so that the weapon can be used in multiple environments and even at night.

While the weapon is designed to provide support, it can also be a liability when not utilized correctly. The weapon, which unlike the larger E-Web design, can easily become overheated through repeated rapid fire. As mentioned above, it excels when used in combination with a squad of soldiers, though the gunner and by extent its emplacement can be quickly overrun through flanking maneuvers without the additional support of a squad.

Even with it being meant to be fired in rapid succession, overheating is only one of the capable outcomes. If not properly cared for, the MI003 LSSW can easily become more of a liability than an asset in the field.
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