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  • Name: Mhari (Common Tongue) | Starshroom (Galactic Basic - slang)
  • Origins: Pylos Satnik
  • Other Locations: N/A
  • Classification: Fungi
  • Average Growth Cycle: The Mhari begins as a whitish egg-shaped structure approximately 3 cm in diameter. Once planted, it bursts open and a hollow white stalk will begin to grow. Eventually it matures and develops its distinctive star-shape.
  • Viability: As a fungus, the Mhari can grow just about anywhere with decaying organic matter for it to feed upon, though it thrives best in warm and humid climates. It will not grow during the winter months.
  • Description: An edible mushroom with a lengthy history and cultural significance among Pylantians, the Mhari resembles a starfish or sea anemone and produces a smell which Pylantians find pleasant (but to non-Pylantians is incredibly... pungent). It has a sweet taste.
  • Average Height: 10 cm (3.9 in)
  • Average Length: 4 cm (1+1⁄2 in)
  • Color: Comes in many different colors, most commonly red or pink.
  • Nutritional Value: Mhari are commonly found in Pylantian cuisine, though they require some preparation to be eaten. They are not particularly nutritious, but considered delectable.
  • Toxicity: Some offworlders have exhibited an allergic reaction to this fungi, but there have been no known cases of Pylantians suffering similar effects.
  • Other Effects: Scientifically proven to boost the mood of those who smell or ingest it, provided one is a Pylantian. These chemical benefits led to the Mhari being used in medicines and drugs, especially those designed to help manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental and emotional maladies.
  • Distinctions: Through centuries of cultivation, different hybrids of the Mhari have been created, most commonly affecting the coloration and size of the fungus. As a result, it is fairly easy to grow or purchase a "custom" Mhari.
  • Mood Booster: Mhari are a much-beloved food among Pylantians, who use it as an ingredient in a variety of dishes, especially desserts. It contains compounds which can boost the mood simply by smelling it. Consuming it provides an even bigger boost.
  • Difficult to Cultivate: As previously mentioned, the cubeflower is extremely difficult to grow due to its delicacy and the precise conditions it demands in order to thrive.
  • Pearls Before Swine: Only Pylantians can appreciate the Mhari. Offworlders just don't get the appeal and will find everything about this funky fungi very off-putting.

When asked to explain the appeal of Mhari to an offworlder, a famous Pylantian chef said, "what chocolate and roses are to you, the Mhari is to us". A type of fungus, Mhari originated on Pylos Satnik, homeworld of the Pylantians, where it has long been cultivated as a delicacy. It has both culinary and medicinal uses due to its appealing taste and mood-boosting compounds. It is also a cultural symbol associated with love and feminine beauty (the latter apparently due to the fungi's physical resemblance to female Pylantians). They are commonly given as gifts between lovers, with some cultures including the eating of the plant together as part of courtship and marriage rituals.
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