Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Message from the Servant [Republic Message.]

Cylus Jest

Servant of the Inquisition
Cylus continued staring at Jorus, watching him speak. He was under the impression that the Republic he apparently valued so highly could actually do anything. Perhaps credits would not be nearly as valuable as he'd like...perhaps he wanted something else, more valuable.
"Would you be willing to offer a cruiser-class vessel?" He spoke with a hint of curiosity evident in his voice.
[member="Jorus Merrill"]
"I get the impression this entire plan wasn't considered thoroughly." The voice came from a massive droid standing mere feet from them. It hadn't been there a moment before, but the Force was wonderful for hiding in plain sight. Judging by the energy radiating off it, however, it wasn't a particularly nice sort of droid. Red eyes clicked and studied, eyeing Inquisitor and Outlaw alike.

Not thought through at all.

A hand is waved between [member="Cylus Jest"] and [member="Jorus Merrill"]. "Continue. This is just... hilarious." That voice was so dry it was Tattooine in mid-day.
[member="Cylus Jest"] [member="Disciple"]

"Your average cruiser's worth ten or twenty times what you're asking, and is too slow to get away when you're chased, but too weak to stand up to a ship of the line. What you want, if a ship's to your liking, is a really nasty light frigate. Something that runs fast, hits hard, and won't bankrupt you to pay for a crew." Jorus smiled; it didn't reach his eyes. "It also happens to be in your price range-"

His head tracked around as a very serious set of instincts flared to life. "Can't say as I disagree," he said slowly, out from under the hat's brim. "Friend."

Cylus Jest

Servant of the Inquisition
Cylus nodded once, this would work. He didn't even care what sort of ship was brought, as long as it was a fairly quick and strong one. He nodded his head once to emphasize his decision to accept this offer.
"Bring the ship here and I shall order the release of the prisoner."
Plans shifted through his mind, things were going to be much more interesting in the near future. Perhaps. He snapped his head to look at the droidish figure, simply giving him a nod before continuing his thoughts
[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Disciple"] | [member="Echelon"]
"See, friend..." his head rolled towards the Inquisitor, locking onto him like a proton torpedo. "Here's your problem." Other than the very much Force-Sensitive droid with a bad attitude standing next to the table. "It's assuming you're in the position of power. That one Jedi life is worth... an entire ship to this man here. You assume that because he has offered a ship, that one is on standby.

You assume that he'll back up the deal.

You assume that he's not going to tell the Republic about all this later, considering he can clearly get onto the planet. Worse, though, is that I'm sure you've assumed these things on the basis of contingencies. What are you going to do? Kill him once you get the ship? That's short sighted. Narrow-minded even."

The voice dropped low, a whisper. A seductive vocal caress of the eardrum. "We like to call that stupidity."

"So here's what I propose. A completely and utterly honest agreement on the basis of nothing more than, well, honesty! What a treat, honesty. It'll be like Life Day, except in this case, if you anger me, you'll lose more than just whatever dignity you drew on yourself this morning. No ego, no threats, no hostility. Just two wonderful people having a wonderful conversation in front of an entirely non-wonderful individual."

Smiling, his attention shifted to [member="Jorus Merrill"]. "Continue."

[member="Cylus Jest"]
[member="Cylus Jest"]

Say one thing about Jorus Merrill, say he can roll with a punch.

His eyes -- one cybernetic, one plaeryin bol, both normal-looking -- turned away from the massive droid and bored into the Servant of the Inquisition. "See, me, I'm also in favor of a nice straightforward trade. What helps is when you realize that my ship and I aren't really welcome around here, and I brought another ship. Someone else's ship. What really helps is when you realize I'm the one that made the offer. What I've got for you is a fully functional Raven-class light frigate, Fringe Confederation registry, docked about a mile from here. Recently liberated, military standard, just finished filing off the serial numbers and swapping out the IFF telesponders."

He pulled a key fob from his pocket and tossed it on the table.

"I want my Jedi now."

Cylus Jest

Servant of the Inquisition
Cylus nodded once before standing, he grabbed the holo on the counter and motioned the man to follow.
"Take me to it, I'll give you a live holofeed of his leaving." Cylus was fine with honesty, but it helped to know where the vessel actually was.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Disciple"]
If Disciple had an actual, physical eye made of flesh... it would be twitching. He was, more or less, being ignored.

That was a dangerous proposition. For more than just the Inquisitor. His head visibly ticked, though, off to one side. Fingers twitched, clenched. The Inquisitor wasn't going to die, not yet... bide the time.

Wait for the moment to strike.

He wasn't calm. But he had control. No violence, yet.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Cylus Jest"]
[member="Disciple"] [member="Cylus Jest"]

Jorus rose and followed Cylus out of the Old Ninety-Nine. He paused at the door and turned back to the droid.

"I get the distinct feeling you're gonna want to see this," he said quietly, then headed after Cylus, intending to guide him to where the slim attack frigate was docked. The ship only needed a skeleton crew of five; he commed ahead with a click, signalling his associates to disembark.

Cylus Jest

Servant of the Inquisition
Cylus eyed the ship quietly before turning towards the two. That was business then.
"Thanks for your time. " He spoke to [member="Jorus Merrill"].
He then turned to the droidish fellow. "I especially thank you for your mediating, sir."
A few moments layer a small crew of Undying would arrive and board the ship, checking it for traps.
Should there be none, Cylus would step to the ramp and hand over the holo.
"Release the prisoner, keep it on holo."

The holo would show [member="Blaise Laurent"] being unbonded and put into an escape pod before he was released towards the planet of Nar Shaddaa. Coordinates would flash on the holo as Cylus shut the door to the ship and it sped off.

Higher up in the air, a man sized form would fall and then level out a bit, soaring through the sky farther away.
[member="Cylus Jest"] [member="Disciple"]

Jest would find no traps and no sabotage, not even any tracking beacons. The frigate ran well enough that Jorus had trusted it as his vehicle here. He'd arranged backup transportation, but first things first: he had to call his contacts on Nar Shaddaa and arrange a safe pickup for [member="Blaise Laurent"]'s escape pod.

As the frigate rose and accelerated away, something human-sized left the ship and took its own course. He frowned, magnifying his cybernetic vision, trying to get a look at who or what had just detached from the frigate.

"Not sure what he's trying to accomplish up there," he said absently to Disciple. "Maybe fething off in case he missed a trap or something. The ship's not trapped, of course. No sabotage, beacons or bugs. It's a one hundred percent clean, very recently stolen Fringe Confederation pocket warship, flying in the airspace of a Fringe ally's capital. I was...lucky to make it in without getting pinched; the notice may not have gone out yet. But as soon as my associate picks up the Padawan, another associate gives the Fringe a call...and justice gets poetic.

"Of course, I could be wrong. Could be he's not paranoid; could be he's just daring one of us to catch him."

With a shrug, he adjourned.

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