Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To further advance the Final Dawn's agenda in the aftermath of the Battle of Exegol and subsequent collapse of the Brotherhood of the Maw
  • Compensation: A fixed amount of Underworld Credits with the possibility of additional UCs depending on verified success and a custom factory submission made by myself
  • Causes: The Fragmentation of the Brotherhood of the Maw in the aftermath of Exegol and increased pressure from lightside factions from the Core Worlds and Outer Rim
  • Target Involvement: N/A

  • Name of Bounty: Post-Exegol Campaign Contract
  • Name of Contractor: The Final Dawn
  • Exclusivity: N/A
  • Reward Tier: Varies [From Tier 4 (High) to Tier 6 (Extreme)]
    • Base Amount : 12,500 UCs | Any Participants require a base amount of 5 Posts per thread
    • Additional Bonuses :
      • 5,000 to 10,000 UCs | The Capture or Elimination of High-Value Targets [Custom Factory Submission for Tier 5 and 6 HVTs]
      • 5,000 UCs | For the acquisition of important assets designated by the Final Dawn
      • 3,000 UCs | For the acquisition of legitimate intel regarding hostile groups of interests
      • 2,500 UCs | Per Capital Ship captured from hostile groups of interests
      • 1,000 UCs | Per Sub-Capital Ship captured from hostile groups of interests
  • Condition: Any Intel acquired must be verified as legitimate before payment is provided
  • Additional Info: With the apparent dissolution of various major galactic powers most notably the Eternal Empire and the Brotherhood of the Maw, it is clear that the galactic balance of power has begun to shift towards democratic governments usually aligned with Light side Force-User Groups known for their uncompromising nature unwilling to make concessions or even negotiate with those whose views contradict with their own while simultaneously trying to shove down their ideological beliefs upon all citizens across the galaxy whether they accept it or not. States such as the Galactic Alliance and the Rimward Trade League are well known for their provocative and belligerent nature and as such this leaves many across the galaxy vulnerable to their blatant aggression across the galaxy.
Faced with violent reprisals from these hostile entities, the Final Dawn has deemed it necessary to move forth and secure their assets scattered across the Galaxy. From the Mid and Outer Rims to the western edge of the Core Worlds and the Unknown Regions, dozens of Final Dawn assets are now vulnerable as many groups of interest begin to move against it for the sake of destroying the Final Dawn as a whole, threatening to disrupt the order and stability present on numerous worlds that have since thrived under the Benevolent Rule of the Final Dawn. As such, a Mercenary Contract has been offered to all sorts of individuals across the Galaxy's Underworlds, from Bounty Hunters, to Mercenaries/Guns-for-Hire targeting a wide variety of groups of interest both big and small for the sake of resolving any "complications" that may arise from the sudden shift of the galaxy's balance of power.
Already, the Politorate has established Black Sites across the Galaxy largely concentrated within the Mid and Outer Rims along with within the Unknown Regions where those taking up this contract (Henceforth known as Contractors) are to deposit their targets whether it is Captured or Eliminated High-Value Targets, assets deemed of vital importance by the contractor and any intel acquired from Hostile Groups of Interests where they will be given the appropriate payment. In regards to Captured Warships they are to be delivered to the nearest naval base for inspection whereas the Contractors will be provided with the appropriate payment. Contractors are permitted to use whatever means necessary to accomplish their task regardless of how violent or cruel they are, unless they severely affect targeted individuals and assets sought after by the Final Dawn.
Good luck and happy hunting.

For those interested in this contract, the first targets will be assigned soon enough within the next few days

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