Tmoxin Temi
Blood Monarch
After putting a call out for Admirals, Tmoxin had received the Mon Calamari's information from her former Admiral in the Hapan Royal Navy where she served a few years ago. She didn't know much about Tesh Aquer except that he was a young and up-and-coming Commander in the MCDF. The message she sent to the Mon Calamari read:
//begin transmission
To: Tesh Aquer
From: Tmoxin Temi
Subject: Red Raven Navy
I'm interested in building a small Navy for the Red Ravens and I have the ships. I'm looking for a savvy, fearless leader to help me round out the armada and help with defense primarily, but head up additional operations should they arise. In return you join the Red Ravens, I put you on the payroll and build a custom warship for you. You may plan the engineering if you wish because I'm aware that nothing compares to a Mon Calamari-designed ship.
//end transmission
She wasn't sure of his political leanings or his cultural tastes so she invited the Admiral to meet her in a specific VIP area of the Dragon Palace Casino on Antecedent, away from the seedier back corners and the showgirls dressing room.
As Tmoxin sat sipping a rather fine vintage of Corellian wine, she perused the latest ship designs from Stargo Enterprises on a holounit. "End prototype presentation," she said and the images disappeared from the holounit. "Practice Quarrenese," she said and suddenly the holoimage of a benevolent-looking Mon Calamari appeared, speaking a greeting in Quarrenese.
[member="Tesh Aquer"]
//begin transmission
To: Tesh Aquer
From: Tmoxin Temi
Subject: Red Raven Navy
I'm interested in building a small Navy for the Red Ravens and I have the ships. I'm looking for a savvy, fearless leader to help me round out the armada and help with defense primarily, but head up additional operations should they arise. In return you join the Red Ravens, I put you on the payroll and build a custom warship for you. You may plan the engineering if you wish because I'm aware that nothing compares to a Mon Calamari-designed ship.
//end transmission
She wasn't sure of his political leanings or his cultural tastes so she invited the Admiral to meet her in a specific VIP area of the Dragon Palace Casino on Antecedent, away from the seedier back corners and the showgirls dressing room.
As Tmoxin sat sipping a rather fine vintage of Corellian wine, she perused the latest ship designs from Stargo Enterprises on a holounit. "End prototype presentation," she said and the images disappeared from the holounit. "Practice Quarrenese," she said and suddenly the holoimage of a benevolent-looking Mon Calamari appeared, speaking a greeting in Quarrenese.
[member="Tesh Aquer"]