Gareth Yalthik
Active Member

How long has it been? He couldn't even remember. Their shuttle crashing on Nar Shaddaa played around in his mind as if it happened yesterday. He sometimes felt like he like had been asleep for half of his life till now. Word had finally gotten to his ears of Asha's death and he wasn't even sure how to react. If he remembered anything about his former master it was that she would probably tell him the same thing that he had told her prior to his 'death'. And she was right, "There is no death, only the Force." But he still struggled with that, especially when he never got to meet her after his return. He was dead to her, and there wasn't anything he could do. He just hoped her death was at least peaceful and she lived a solid life.
So when he got news that she had offspring he was both excited and a bit fearful. Did the kid know that they were related? What could he expect? Would it be a wookiee child? ....That would be interesting. Wait, how would that even work? He scratched his chin. All of these thoughts and more plagued his mind. In truth, he just wanted to help the child and hoped that he could form a solid bond with him. He knew the child had the potential, he just needed to be shown it.
He waited in the meditative gardens.
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