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Private Meditation in Motion


TAGS: Loomi Loomi Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Barze was pleased to see the young ladies enjoying themselves and getting along well. He served each of them when they were ready, then began to enjoy his own bowl of macaroni and cheese. As he listened to Zaiya's words and her questions, he nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, it varies. Some people can project their abilities over great distances, while others work better up close. You have to gradually build up to doing things that are stronger and better," he explained, pausing to take a sip of his tea. A sigh of relaxation escaped him as the warmth of the tea coursed through his body; tea always had a way of soothing him. "Connecting with the Force can be challenging for some and easier for others. Sometimes, factors beyond our control can influence our abilities," Barze explained gently.

"I practice a form of meditation that leads me to a state of zen, an intensely focused flow state where everything moves smoothly through me, like water over rocks. This is achieved by using my body's movements as a conduit to amplify the Force. So, the type of meditative focus you aim to achieve really depends on your approach."

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


"Connecting with the Force can be challenging for some and easier for others. Sometimes, factors beyond our control can influence our abilities,"

"I think it helps to open yourself up first." Loomi noted. "It's easier to connect if people have something to latch onto."

That had helped Loomi a good deal. She liked that model of connection, one that started with extending the hand to the other to build a bridge. Anyone could do that, it was just a matter of having something that they could latch onto. It didn't really have to be the force either, right? It could just be connection through word of mouth. In the end of the day, it was the interaction that was the most important part of all of this.

"Ooh," her eye lit up as she took a sip. "This is really good."

Braze was really good at tea. Loomi took another sip before turning back to Zaiya.

"So how long are you gonna be here?" she asked. "Uh, at the temple, I mean. Hanging out around here."


Some people can project their abilities over great distances, while others work better up close. You have to gradually build up to doing things that are stronger and better

Zaiya carefully sipped her tea as she listened to both Braze Braze and Loomi Loomi explain how meditating and projecting their abilities worked. Each of them had their own way to do it. It made the Lovalla muse what was her way of doing so?

"I think it helps to open yourself up first." Loomi noted. "It's easier to connect if people have something to latch onto."

"It's like when I touched Aris's crystal or held hands with him, that's how I latch onto him to form that connection?" Zaiya mused aloud, contemplating the nature of forming bonds.

"My kind forms bonds by constantly being in each other's company and physically touching each other, but this is typically only with our family or -" she paused, stopping from going further because of what she told herself earlier, and instead, Zaiya asked, "Could that mean that by touching and spending time with someone, I am latching onto others too? Or if I keep trying to practice meditating, would that mean I can get better at it without having to do anything like that?" The implications of these questions were profound, stirring her curiosity even further.

"Does that mean that with the Force... it always stays on, or do I now have to practice trying to shut it off?" more questions, which were paused when Loomi asked Zaiya how long she intended to stay.

"Oh... I can take day trips whenever, as long as I finish my studies. I can do overnights as long as I have a chaperone. So I guess.... as long as I'm not a bother? Aris told me to try and learn as much about the New Jedi Order and any other places that can teach me more about the Force before I decide to join." A pause then she looked at them both.

"What made you both decide to join the Jedi?"


"Well, that's complicated to explain... Some people can't connect; some are like... just numb. Others can be shut off or severed... It's not a simple answer. I have problems developing bonds with people I touch, so I wear gloves. For me, it's hard to 'turn it off', but I can make it feel quieter... Sometimes, it's hard to connect, to focus... It's a give and take, and it's never really just... simple," he tried to explain his views.

When Zaiya asked about his interest in joining, Braze frowned. He didn't particularly enjoy discussing that subject. But Zaiya had asked, and he valued honesty and truthfulness, especially among friends. She might have gotten more than she initially hoped for with that question.

"I uh... Well, initially, I didn't really have a choice. My parents kind of abandoned me because they couldn't control me. I had temper tantrums when I was little, I think. That was the reason, it's kind of fuzzy for me. I've always felt that was the reason.

I think they were scared of what I could do... neither of them really knew how to handle me when everything just started levitating or being thrown everywhere. I don't blame them for being scared, I just wish... you know, they tried harder. Some times I just hate myself and blame my younger self for making them leave me.

I thought about running away from the order a few times, but where would I really go? I don't have anyone else or anywhere else to go. My family abandoned me, and the Order was previously very suffocating. I hated being locked up. It felt like a prison to me, always rules, always regulations. Everything has a place and time, and nothing felt free.

Part of me thought I would be sent away at some point and made to work since I didn't really get along, didn't have any friends, and couldn't really do anything to earn my keep... that I was just too much trouble to even want to deal with. I was trying to find a way out of it all before that day would inevitably come, in my mind... then... I met Jasper; and things started to change..."
he trailed off his voice gettinga bit tight as his eyes started to grow glossy...

"I met a few other people too... some not so nice, out in the real, unprotected world that is the greater galaxy beyond the temple walls... and that kind of opened my eyes up to what the other side was like, and I started to realize it wasn't really a prison... it was how they wanted to keep us safe," he trailed off. "I just decided from recent... things... that I actually want to be a Jedi... or at least, what I think a Jedi is anyhow. I want to be more like Jasper. I don't want anything to do with my family now. "


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


Braze was in tears now. She could feel his emotions swirling around her heart. His explanation for why he was here, it was very clearly something that he felt very strongly about. Her emotions were so easily influenced by what she felt around her, Loomi couldn't help but tear up herself. Of course, a part of that was because she knew her own story...

And what she had to share.

"I-I've only been here for a year or so," Loomi admitted. "Before I... I was in a very bad place. I-I was taken from my home as a child, a-and forced to steal things. When I didn't do it right, I... I got hurt."

It was pretty obvious what she was refering to. She only had one good eye and two mechanical limbs to show for her experiences. It was a part of her now, something that she could never outrun. It was the past, however, and Loomi had learned that there was more to who you were than what had happened to you in the past. She had an entire future ahead of her, and being in this place filled her with a hope and optimism that she had never felt anywhere else.

"I got away, and I wound up on the streets," she continued, now very much in tears herself. "Then the Jedi found me... They gave me a home, and everyone here has been..." The Godoan had to pause for a moment. "I owe everyone here my life. I'd do anything to keep them safe."



As Loomi Loomi finished, tears streamed down the faces of all three. The air was thick with empathy, particularly between Braze Braze and Loomi Loomi , bound by a profound connection.

Zaiya observed the depth of Loomi's reaction to Braze's emotional recounting of his reasons for joining the New Jedi Order. It wasn't just Braze's story that moved her; she, too, had her own poignant narrative that played a significant role in Loomi's journey. They had both discovered a community, friendship, and a sense of purpose that struck a chord with Zaiya, who longed for a place where she belonged.

Her lower lip trembled, her cheeks and nose now a blotchy red, her patterns dimming to somber greys tinged with compassionate bronze hues. Compelled by a surge of empathy, Zaiya placed her tea aside and stood, arms outstretched towards Braze and Loomi, yearning to offer them solace, whether through a simple handhold or a comforting group embrace.

"Thank you for sharing your stories with me," Zaiya said, her voice quivering as she expressed her gratitude and her strong wish to offer comfort. It must have taken immense courage and trust to be so vulnerable. The Lovalla teenager felt incredibly honored to be entrusted with their reasons for joining the New Jedi Order.

"I am deeply sorry for all that you've endured, but I am relieved that you've both found a home and each other now," she continued. In Zaiya's heart, the unique connection between Braze and Loomi meant they would never be alone. With others now tied to their lives, it meant they could grow towards a new path away from the terrible things that had happened to them in the past. It might never truly heal, but it was a new beginning.

"And I'm so happy to have met you both"

Hearing their tales, Zaiya felt a growing belief that this place might have a place for her too. How wonderful it would be to belong to a family once more. To have a place to call home.


"It's okay, you didn't cause any of it. You have nothing to be sorry for," Braze offered simply to Zaiya, his tone gentle and reassuring.

"Let's uh... talk about happier things, okay?" Braze suggested, shifting the conversation toward a more positive direction. He cleared his throat and moved to take a sip of tea.

"Meditation can help with clearing the mind of... negative feelings too," he added, trying to gently guide the conversation back to its original intention.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


"Let's uh... talk about happier things, okay?"

"Y-yeah," Loomi agreed, wiping away the tears in her good eye. "I'd like that."

It was hard to focus on negative things all the time... but this wasn't a wholy negative feeling she had. It was complex. There was a lot of joy and pride that she felt for her new home amongst the Jedi, even as it followed a very dark period of her life. It brought her a great sense of identity and purpose to be in this place with so many good people.

This was where she was ment to be.

"And I'm so happy to have met you both"

"That's... very kind," the Godoan noted, giving a meek smile.

She always felt like she somewhat leached off of the people she met, so she was happy to finally get the chance to give a little back. Even if it was only teaching a little bit about connections.

"Did you have anything else you needed help with?" she asked.


Zaiya could read the room, and the young Lovalla teen gave a nod. She took a bit to sip a bit more of her tea while pondering Braze Braze 's commentary that medication could also be used with clearing the mind of negative feelings. Something to consider for later on.

As the trio began to enjoy their mac and cheese and tea, Zaiya pondered Loomi Loomi 's question. Anything else that would be good to learn?

" mentioned there is a way to block others from feeling what you are feeling. How would you be able to do that?" In thinking about it, Zaiya knew that there were times that she couldn't help but latch on to others, especially now with how it seemed that she could start making connections through the Force that mimicked the sort her kind had. Still, she also didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable if she could prevent it.

The last thing she needed was for someone to become upset because they could feel what she was feeling at the same time.



TAGS: Loomi Loomi Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


"Well, you can try working on your mental shields; that's what I focus on. It requires focus. I generally have very divided attention, but I can intensely focus on several things at once. Hmm, one of those things is my mental shields. I think it depends on how you think. I often seek mental stimulation so I can focus on different tasks that provide various types of stimulation. When I have only one thing to focus on, I usually can't concentrate unless it's something I find extremely interesting."
Braze trie dto explain. " You can practice by thinking about something intently like in the back of your head... When I practice Faalo's Cadences I have to preform mathmatical equaions... Some time I practice those in my head just normallyas something to focus on and hide my surface thoughts. "

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti



This was a muddy area for Loomi's knowledge. Braze could ward off the things that he felt in the Force. Her? It was practically impossible. She certainly tried, but the emotions of others were always so ever-present, even if they were dim. It was hard to block out that stimulation. The feelings were just something that she had to coexist with, a sensation she had grown to be accustomed to always feeling. It didn't mean that she wasn't ever overwhelmed, but it was better for her to become used to these emotions instead of trying and failing to block them out.

It did make the conversation a little awkward for her. This was a question she couldn't answer for Zaiya.


Zaiya gave a slow nod, trying to understand, “So I can create a mental shield by focusing on something that will keep my mind busy, then keep practicing that over and over until it becomes second nature?”

That would certainly take time. As of now, her thoughts had no rhyme or reason, simply floating along whatever picked up her fancy. Now she’d have to see what subject she could use to build her mental shields. But if it took Braze this long how long will it take her?

“Okay…thank you, Braze Braze . I’ll try and see if that works,” however, it was then that she caught the subtle nuances of the Godoan’s tiny bit of awkwardness.

“Are you okay @Loomi?” Zaiya asked, concerned over her.

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"Yes exactly. That's what you gotta do. Even non force users can learn this trick but it does take a lot of effort and concentration and being able to think of other things. " Braze assured. "It can be harder for an empathy to do things like that because we have an natural affinity for just.... feeling others. So you kinda end up fighting with your self over some things... " Braze tried to explain.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Braze Braze , Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


“Are you okay Loomi?”

"Y-yeah," Loomi assured. "Sorry, I'm just not much help on this one."

It was true. She wasn't very good at blocking out the emotions of others at all. But that didn't have to be a bad thing. She was just different. Loomi had her own things she had to figure out.

"So... what will you do after this?" the Godoan asked. "Are you planning on seeing anything while you're at the temple?"


Braze Braze | Loomi Loomi

There was a lot to consider, but it was great and very helpful information. If Zaiya only knew that this would become oh so important for her later on during a future trip...

"Okay, then I'll start practising that," Zaiya said with a smile. Hopefully, she'll do it right, but as Braze said, it would take time. Only time would tell if the technique would help her be able to block and protect her mind as an empath. She was only barely starting to learn how the Force affected her in that manner.

Turning towards Loomi Loomi , Zaiya turned to her and her eyes softened in empathy. She reached over to rest her hand over Loomi's own. If she let her, Zaiay would give her a comforting squeeze.

"It's okay. You are very helpful regardless. I've never met anyone else who could feel emotions like my kind do, so it is very fascinating and interesting. Does the Force enhance how you feel things too or change things?" it would be interesting to see if that would also happen with her.

As for Loomi's question...

"I am planning on trying to learn a little bit more on how the Jedi Order works and what it would mean if I joined. I want to do as much research as possible so that if I decide to join, I can answer any questions my guardian would have. I'm on a student visa at the university, so I don't know how that will work in allowing me in the order, but I can at least try to get all the information to be prepared."


"Thoughts and emotions tend to be closely tied to one another," Braze offered simply. He listened to Zaiya and nodded lightly.

"Being a Jedi is kind of dangerous... we get all kinds of people who want to fight with us over this or that, and people ask us to come assist with disagreements all the time," he explained, offering a light sigh. "I suppose it's kind of the expected burden when you can do things others cannot. The order is always looking for new people so I don't think it will be too difficult to do."


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