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Mayhem Squadron

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  • Intent: To create a new NPC starfighter squadron that will aid the Galactic Alliance but that can also rp with Jax or be mentioned around him in threads.
  • Role: Space Superiority Squadron
  • Links: N/A.
  • Fleet Name: Mayhem Squadron
  • Classification: Starfighter Squadron
  • Allegiance: Galactic Alliance
  • Total Length: 115 meters
  • Notable Characters:

Mayhem Leader - Commander Thomas Cormin - Squadron Leader
Thomas is a pilot that used to be in Red Squadron with Jax, becoming each other's wingmen. Thomas moved up the ranks through dedication and skill.

Mayhem Two - Major Andros Tovar
Generally known as reserved or private, Andros would fool many people but when in the thick of battle he is ruthless towards those he opposes.

Mayhem Three - Captain Tarlson Cee
Coming straight from the Imperial Academy, Tarlson graduated at the top of class and was handpicked by Thomas himself to join Mayhem. Image Sources:

Mayhem Four - Major Dodge Tymon
Prior to joining Mayhem Squadron, Dodge Tymon had been on many routine patrols for the Alliance. Thomas wants him for his navigational skills.

Mayhem Five - Lieutenant Jax Rhane - Flight Leader

Mayhem Six - Flight Officer Giles Diggs
A young flight officer that Jax has taken under his wing due to the uncanny reminder of his younger brother back home on Tatooine. Thomas originally did not want him due to inexperience.

Mayhem Seven - Lieutenant Tyris Pentag
Hailing from the planet Bespin, Tyris was stunt pilot before joining up with the Galactic Alliance. Jax immediately has an ongoing rivalry with him and the two currently can't see eye to eye.

Mayhem Eight - Lieutenant Ras Komo
A former Y-Wing pilot who took part in several bomber raids. His specialty is to blow things up.

Mayhem Nine - Captain Elara Ompho - Flight Leader
Elara Ompho is a pilot who runs a tight ship that was automatically made the second candidate to lead flight two due to her experience. When not inside a cockpit she's a fairly skilled mechanic and was one of the few involved with the modifications on the ANS Maelstorm.

Mayhem Ten - Flight Officer Vopa Curran
Implusive and reckless, Vopa Curran joins Mayhem Squadron as a flight officer who harbors a hidden vendetta against the First Order.

Mayhem Eleven - Lieutenant Coren Rourke
Coren Rourke is a pilot with a chip on his shoulder. Wether it's gonna be Mayhem Squadron's downfall or further ensue a victory is yet to be determined.

Mayhem Twelve - Flight Officer Calman Maider
A young flight officer hailing from the planet of Naboo that shows promise. Calman Maider has common knowledge in languages and planetary systems.

  • Strengths:
Getting the job done: Every pilot in Mayhem Squadron has either been closely trained by their superiors or has excelled in the simulation runs. They are efficient and will go above all odds to get the job done.

Survival Skills: Aside from training in space combat, pilots have been taught the essential survival skills if they were to be shot down. It's not a possibility that they will all make out of an ordeal unscathed but they have been trained to stay alive just long enough to complete their mission.
  • Weaknesses:
Easily Outnumbered: Mayhem Squadron has been taught to engage in all forms of starfighter combat teachable by their superiors but they will easily be outnumbered in the heat of battle.

Reckless: Pilots in Mayhem Squadron will throw themselves into the thick of battle without any consideration towards their actions. They will ensure chaos and disorder towards anyone who could be considered an enemy to the Galactic Alliance and in doing so aren't afraid to risk their own lives.

Following the successful victory over the Mandalorian invasion on Utapau, Jax Rhane was approached by old comrade and friend Thomas Cormin to start up a new starfighter Squadron under the name of Mayhem. First being being denied by his superiors, the dream seemed impossible for Jax but due to Thomas already being a respected veteran their Squadron was given approval and issued to fly T-65B x-wings with a very modified consular-class space cruiser to go with them. During the early formation of the squad, all pilots put in a vote for it's name that was confirmed as Maelstorm. Mayhem Squadron is split into two flight groups with lieutenant Jax Rhane taking charge of the first flight while Captain Elara Ompho, another pilot under Thomas's command was chosen to lead flight two. Newly reformed but hands on, pilots induced into Mayhem Squadron will be thrown into the action firsthand and will become reliable allies for the Galactic Alliance in the many battles to come.
[member="Jax Rhane"]

Jax Rhane said:
Image Credit: N/A.
You linked to several different images for this submission. You need to provide sources for all of them. If you made them yourself, please indicate as such and link to any notable assets you utilized in order to make them.

Jax Rhane said:
Ports of Call: Thyferra, Muunilinst, Utapau, Malachor V

Please add links to these planets.
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