Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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May Their Tears Run Red [ TSE Dominion of Yavin ]

Location: Vaal
Objective: Clear the Cave
Allies: [member="Zahori Denko"]

Jorryn slowly sauntered behind the woman, following closely as the pair tracked the trail of blood strewn across grass and rocks to a cavern some time away from the main camp. The scent of the recent death left a smell of death in the area that burned Jorryn's nose, a sensation that she was familiar with though never grew fond of.

"It doesn't matter either way," The though of either a full pack of Hyenax with children or just a few starving animals, the difference was unimportant to Jorryn. If they were a problem in the way, then they needed to be removed. "Maybe I can come out of this with a nice fur coat."

Jorryn pulled the unignited hilt from her side, the burning blade coming forth with a flamboyant spin as it came from it's resting place.

As the pair entered the cavern Jorryn muffled the sound of her chuckling from the girl's joke about her choice of perfume, attempting not to spoil their stealthy entrance. The joke amused her, as untrue as it was. Compared to the stench of death, Jorryn rather enjoyed how the woman smelled.

"Yes I'm quite sure this cave could use a woman's touch." The Echani jested back as she took in the sight in front of her, hushing her voice as the resting Hyenax came into view. "Let's not take too long here."

The acolyte made her way towards one of the sleeping beasts, synchronizing her timing to take two of them out with as little issue as possible. She pressed the blade into it's skull as the other four awake, the cornered beasts immediately wresting themselves from sleep as they heard their brother's whine.

Two of the beasts rushed the silver haired Sith, another one quickly falling to her blade as she defensively raised it in front of her. The other unfortunately had managed to latch itself onto her arm before she threw the thing aside with the force, indignantly screaming with the bit as she whipped her lightsaber into it's belly as she tended to the wound.
Mining Facility

Dante frowned as that information came filtering through.

Their mission was done. Cover Alta and his men, get the kark out to the extraction point after. Going and fishing slavers out of the water wasn't in their parameters and she was just about to send back a negative when a different voice clicked over her and Morgan's private comm channel.

::If they can be retrieved, do so. Order confirmation three-oh-six delta.::

Her eyebrows shot up at that, glancing over her shoulder at Morgan. She didn't recognize the voice, but the confirmation code meant the order was coming from the Saaraishash- the Inquisition. It had been awhile since orders had come down from them- though she and Morgan were certainly part of the Legion, their recruitment had come from the Saaraishash. It put them just slightly outside the usual order of things. All things being normal, they took orders the same way the rest of the Legion did. But when something came down from the Inquisition? It superseded anything else.

::Order confirmed. Rook and Strider on the move, out.::

Clicking back to Alta:

::Confirming, we'll go drag his ass out, over.::

This section of the facility was a mess already, but they threaded through it, letting Morgan's cybernetics do most of the heavy lifting to avoid conflicts as they cropped up. Reaching the edge of the quarry, Dante started unwinding the rappelling filament from the pouch on her belt. She scanned the water below, spotting the figure as he bobbed in the current.

"Spotter, Anchor, same job basically right?" She quipped to Morgan, but she eyed him as if checking in that he was up for this. They hadn't been kitted out for rock climbing, and she needed him to handle her base line. With a snap, she clipped the lock onto her belt.

[member="Morgan Vance"] [member="Scipio Alta"] [member="Diranor Cadain"]

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