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Approved Tech Maxumus Corvus's Lightsabers

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Intent: To develop two lightsabers for use by Maxumus Corvus

Development Thread: - Dev for Phrik is post 57 where it is mentioned and linked by [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Manufacturer: Maxumus Corvus
Model: Maxumus Corvus's personal lightsabers
Affiliation: Maxumus Corvus
Modularity: Crystals
Production: Unique (2)

Primary Saber
Secondary Saber

Classification: Lightsaber

Size: One Handed
Length (Blade): 80 cm - 170 cm
Length (Hilt): 35 cm
Weight: 2 kg

Special Features:
  • Waterproof
  • Adjustable length
  • Saber resistant hilts
  • EMP resistant
  • The adjustable blades allow for Maxumus to choose a blade length best suited to his situation, e.g. Enclosed space would benefit from a shorter blade length.
  • The hilts of the saber's are resistant to other sabers, meaning the user won't suffer from the lose of the weapon during battle.
  • The weapons require constant concentration to be used properly, as losing track of one or both can cause the user to injure them self.
  • The use of more exotic materials makes repairs for the weapons expensive, and also makes the weapons feel heavier then other sabers.
These two sabers were constructed when Maxumus Corvus was taken as a Padawan by Jedi Master [member="Sanya Val Swift"]. Maxumus retrieved the crystals when he was brought to Sekalus, after first completing one of the Jedi Trials. The other components were all provided by his master, who had them delivered to her for Maxumus's use.

The primary saber has a Velmorite crystal and a Marilite crystal, and has a yellow blade when ignited. The secondary saber on the other hand contains a Marilite crystal and a Solari crystal, giving it a light orange blade.

The length of both blades can be changed depending on the situation, though Maxumus usually keeps his primary saber's blade average length while setting his secondary blade to the length of a lightsaber shoto. Both sabers are also resistant to EMP's, other lightsabers, and water.
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
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