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Maxerian Gron

Maxerian Gron


NAME: Maxerian Gron
FACTION: Independent for now
RANK: Bounty Hunter
SPECIES: Southern Mustafarian
AGE: 37ish
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 Feet
WEIGHT: 132 Pounds
EYES: Large golden bug eyes
HAIR: Bald
SKIN: Brownish

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Increased Durability and Strength- Southern Mustafarians are naturally bulkier and thus stronger. Despite hsi short stature Maxerian is quite strong physically, as well because ofthe world they live on Mustafarian skin is super tough enough to resist the most basic of blaster fire, with ease.

Lack of water- Not sure what to call this but Mustafarians are nnaturally a species that live off of very little to no water, as such Maxerian very rarely has to drink.

Mechanic- Perhaps one of his strongest skill sets is his skills with the machine. Working small gadgets and mechanical bits. Maxerian is a skilled Mechanic all things considered

Bi-Lingual- Maxerian is fluent in Galactic Basic and Mustafarian

Skilled Fighter- Maxerian knows a move or to, as well just by the nature of the business he is in, he has to be good at fighting or he is really just doing everything all wrong.

Slow- Though he is Durable, Maxerian isn't the fastest being known to man, perhaps he should of got a cool pair of jet shoes to compensate but it was something overlooked by him.

Quick to Anger- Maxerian is not one to hold his temper and such can be thrown into a fit quite easily which could be either very good or very bad it all depends on the circumstance.

Egocentric- Even though Maxerian tried to distance himself from his people's normal attitudes of his people he still picked up the egocentric personality. It doesn't help that he is a bounty Hunter now which only amplifies this trait by a lot.

Well Maxerian is a southern Mustafarian. Mustafarians in general are a race of buglike individuals adapted to live on the harsh world of Mustafar. One thing about Southern Mustafarians is that they work close to the lava flow and thus generally wear facemasks as seen in the picture above. It'll be rare for Maxerian to remove his helmet but if he does underneath the hard Lava flea shell lies a bald head with two large golden bug eyes. Maxerians skin because of his species, in general, is very hard. For all intents and purposes its an exoskeleton. It is very raged and is brown in color. Another trait of the Southern Mustafarian is the fact that they only have four fingers. Maxerian also wears armor made from the exoskeleton which is tannish i color and does well to guard a lot of his body when on fully.

Maxerian started out like most young Mustafarian through processes not really explained(I assume since Mustafarians are insectoids he came fro man egg but this is all speculation here). As he grew from his young age he began finding enjoyment through tinkering all the while growing through the Mustafarian society which is very isolated and egocentric. Maxerian in a way was very much the same but unlike his people who were content to continue their operations of mining Mustafar to hell and back Maxerian wanted more, he wanted to goo to other places and explore the universe. Of course to the other Mustafarians around him this all sounded hilariously stupid. As such since he didn't have the skills or money to leave Mustafar yet the young Maxerian began learning his trade on Mustafar.

Since the young insect boy was a Southern Mustafarian that meant he was destined to do a lot of the manual work, down by the lava streams themselves It wasn't long before he got his own breathing mask after being down by the smoking lava for long enough. As well he got his very own set of lava flea armor which was customary for all the Southern Mustafarians working down by the lava flow to get. Welllllll Maxerian hated his job absolutely despised it. On his free time he would begin doing things like leaning Galactic Basic from travelers to the planet, as well as learning more about the Galaxy. One such encounter was with a Bounty Hunter who had stopped by Mustafar to refuel his ship.

The type of job that Bounty Hunting was amused Maxerian greatly. It's not like he was a bad guy bu the prospect of earning money just for finding people dead or alive it sounded like a good job to him, better than the craphole of a job he had at current. This lingered in his mind from days to months to weeks. One of the skills that Maxerian kept and continued to work with was his mechanical skills, and one day he came across an old abandoned factory belonging to what he knew to be the CIS, a long since dead organization. It was there he began tinkering with objects in order to start a new life.

One of the first things that caught his eye was an old broken down starship. He knew upon first sight that, that starship had to be his, and thus he began working on it for months upon months. Finally after two or so years of hard work the ship was finished it was an intrigue to him, his Intrigue. Of course he didn't have much of an idea of how to fly it yet so that took him roughly three or so months to get the hang of the ship, as well as to ask visitors of Mustafar about how their starships worked and seeing if his was similar. All this time as well Maxerian managed to scavenge up soem weapons for himself two Small blasters which he could keep concealed, but also a much larger one if only by a little, along with a thermal detonator or two for good measure.

The time had arrived though the time for Maxerian to begin anew in a Galaxy of enormous size. He left Mustafar with only a few goodbyes. He took only what he needed with him, his weapons and a few rations. His breath mask stayed with him even as he left the planet as his lungs were already too scarred from the toxic fumes of the volcanic world and of course he kept his lava flea armor which was known for its durability. and thus Maxerian began his journey as he truly learned what it meant to be a bounty hunter, and he kind of liked it. He began doing a few small bounties at first, but slowly began going after larger targets and in turn accumulating more credits for his pocket, soon he found himself well off and in his current state now still roaming and working the job of Bounty Hunting.

The Intrigue [A Scavenged Ginivex-Class Starfighter]- Living on the world that he was on Maxerian came across a lot of old relics of wars since past. One was a broken down starship, well simply put this interested the Mustafarian who repaired the ship claiming her as his own.

The Intrigue

None Yet

None Yet
Modern History (Roleplay History)

Sometime a bit later Maxerian attempted to collect a bounty on a Lady Kay. He tracked her to a wintery forest on the planet of Bakura. Well he left his hunt empty-handed after the aforementioned person got away. Afterwards he left and just spent his time doing small jobs here and there, waiting to make it back out to the big screen again.

A year or so later with the CIS being reformed, he found himself in a contract with them. He was drawn, as he was a history buff and had always idolized to original CIS from his studies. Well now he got to place his loyalty with the CIS Reborn. Shortly afterwards he met with Jessica Med-Beq, who was enlisting him to be a fighter squad leader, being one of the organic soldiers within the CIS

One of his first contracts to assist on the planet of Cato Nemoidia. There he was tasked with assisting the new Viceroy Herr Vanderhing, take control of the planet by eliminating more hidden and holed out ex-republic loyalists. He would be surprised though to see how much assistance would come though to help take the planet.
Hmm good question. I will say more than likely I think Maxerian would like some sort of security at his back and having a crime syndicate would probably help there I imagine such things will come with time though.

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