Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Max Nero: Action Hero

Max Nero
Actor/Repurposed Combat Unit (Automated Response Company or A.R.C.)
Flesh-covered Android
None, but appears male
6 feet, 7 inches (2 metres)
287 pounds (130 kilograms)

Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Durability: Although covered in a layer of bio-synthetic "flesh", his endoskeleton consists of highly durable metal. This metal can stand up to standard blaster fire, let alone slug thrower weaponry. He can stand many pounds of crushing pressure.
  • Strength: Max is capable of lifting up to his own body weight with little difficulty.
  • Upgraded Database: Max was originally an actor android. Even with immense strength, there were protocols put in place to only help others and not do anything that lead to an organic's harm. Now, being re-purposed by ARC, his database has had a library of combat knowledge uploaded into his computer brain to give him military value.
  • Utility: Along with the compartment in his back and the sensors in his detachable hands, Max was upgraded with a plethora of useful features.
  • Slow: His actions are always stylish...but slow. In dire situations, he can run at a dogged pace, but he almost always walks into his situations, whether it's during a bar scene for a film or an actual firefight for a law enforcement agency. He tends to take shots instead of seeking cover.
  • Lack of Autonomy: Max is not an A.I. There is ALWAYS someone pulling his strings...

Max Nero is the lead character in a popular hit series, "The Robotic Terminator Cop". In the 6th season, however, producers noticed that numbers were dropping. Their plan was to inject new life into the series. They reached out to social media sites to find out what they wanted, but chose to go with a local tabloid's advice of "Drop Max Nero and use Zeltron biker babe warrior twins as the new protagonists of the series". Hiring and using twins at the beginning of season 7, producers found their numbers were now on the rise.

The logical next step was for Max Nero to "die" a hero's death at the end of the season. As soon as filming was done, the company was already looking for a way to profit off of the android that was Max Nero. However, his type of character was not what anyone was looking for. Instead of large, strong heroes that dispensed justice out of a blaster barrel, people now wanted films that had the best CGI and had either the most complicated story line or something that satisfied their base urges (both of which usually required turning off your brain to enjoy...)

The company was close to scrapping Max Nero for recycling money when ARC swooped in and offered a handsome payment to obtain the android. The deal was struck and everyone was happy. ARC re-purposed and upgraded Max with an array of tech whilst the film production company that was doing "The Robotic Terminator Cop" realized their fatal mistake as soon as the last episode of season 7 was aired. Production of season 8 is on hold, as of right now....

Jefferson Starship

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