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Private Matters of State



Matters of State
Meeting Oolar-Visola Greejatus

Southern Wing, Central Government Spire, Bastion
Offices of the Representative of Vandemar

It was a yet to be ordered mess. His staff had just moved in the days before and it was still settling all the furniture, equipment and standards to the wishes and preferences of themselves and their supreme commander, the High Imperator. There were various different kinds of uniform dresses moving around, black and grey most prominent, blue and white less so, but all shared imperial rank insignia and the sharp cut of imperial uniforms. Yet all had varying degrees of golden additions, gold plated epaulettes, aiguillettes and the golden eagle and lightning of Vandemar itself as a clasp above the rank plates.

All the staff was Vandemarian, so were the guards which stood at the large doors. Heavily plated Agema with the Praetorian Sarissa ready to prevent unwanted guests from entering. They towered above the rest of the Vandemarian in their heavy plated armor and their extraordinary physique. They were frightening, their helmets not giving away any emotion, their bearing absolutely martial.

The entrance room was just an hallway leading around two corners, several rooms on each side filled with staff officers moving about and following their business, to the solar, the office of the Moff of Vandemar. Two more Agema were stationed outside, seeming like statues between the divided banner of the Iron Sun and Auramite Aquila. One half of the door between them was actually half open, apparently to allow staffers to move in and out when required and reduce formalities and working time.

Behind was a fine office, not seriously decorated or expensive, but showing some cultural identity and maybe even imperial pride. A mighty, and by that, really mighty desk made of a special wood was dominating the room. But it was dwarfed by the individual sitting at it. A black imperial tunic, sharp gold shoulder plates, Moff insignia and the same eagle symbol marked the man as the newly moved in Moff Aurelian Sigismund. Or as he was better known, the High Imperator of Vandemar.

Oolar-Visola Greejatus



The Central Government Spire was a place that Oolar-Visola had been to many times, in his capacity as both a Munitions Administrator and a Government Adjutant. The rather long hallways gave the impression of outward stability but there was no telling when the walls of the empire might crack over even the slightest of differences either amongst the Lord Regent Erskine Barran or the Moff Council. Certainly with the appointment of Michael Barran to Warden of the Empire after Lord Lucien Dooku's disappearance would cause some to become discourage over an apparent return to dynastic monopoly over the Imperial Powerbase. The Fel Dynasty had returned and then went with the death of Rurik Fel at Tython.

Now it would seem that the Imperial Throne lay firmly in the hands of Erskine Barran, even without him taking the formal title in apparent respect to the late emperor. But musing over the future of the empire would have to wait for just a brief moment. As the West Wing came into view, where the representatives of Vandemar and the newly appointed moff awaited within.

The World of Vandemar had only recently joined the empire, but with uncertainty came opportunity. Offering a single suggestion or two might persuade the newly appointed moff to support a claim to the Imperial Throne. It was his destined right to take control over the empire as was the right of his Ancient Ancestor Janus Greejatus before Emperor Palpatine brought him to heel.

Moving through the hallways once more, until entering the office of the Moff of Vandemar Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund . There was a clear difference in size between the mighty lion standing before him and the decrepit sheep. But his main advantage over the Vandemarian was his shere cunning and subtle manipulations.

"Greetings, Moff Sigismund. We have things to discuss if you have a moment."

A questioned asked, and an answer would come.

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