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Approved Tech Master Satele's Holocron

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Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
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Intent: The discovery of a Jedi artefact created by Satele Shan, Jedi Master

Development Thread:

Manufacturer: Satele Shan, Jedi Master

Model: N/A

Affiliation: Jedi

Writer who will claim this: OK-3103 (character - Sorel Crieff)

Modularity: No

Production: Unique

Material: Standard holocron parts

Description: The holocron consisted of two bronze and gold octahedrons joined together by a silver ring. Master Satele's holocron was a holocron created by Grand Master Satele Shan of the Jedi Order sometime during the Cold War and the subsequent Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.

Shan was a powerful presence on the battlefield, and her reputation as one of the greatest heroes of the Republic was directly inspired by her actions in the Battle of Alderaan.

As a Jedi Master and later Grand Master, Shan possessed a warm demeanour and an approachable personality, holding herself equal to even the youngest Padawans of the Order. However, Shan's outward attitude belied her true determination and strength of will, and the sense of authority that her voice conveyed. Shan was renowned for her wisdom and considered by many to be the Order's voice and conscience, and her prowess in battle and experience with the dangers of the dark side made her both a wise teacher and a powerful warrior.

Within the holocron, Satele Shan recorded her extensive knowledge of following:

- Acrobatics
- Battle Meditation
- Double-bladed Lightsaber
- Duelling
- Force Shield
- Foresight
- Mind Trick
- Telekinesis
- Telepathy
- Tutaminis

Primary Source: N/A

This is a canon item's_holocron
Factory Judge
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Factory Judge
Sorel Crieff said:
Development Thread:
Can you please mention which posts are relevant to the submission.

Sorel Crieff said:
- Acrobatics - Battle Meditation - Double-bladed Lightsaber - Duelling - Force Shield - Foresight - Mind Trick - Telekinesis - Telepathy - Tutaminis
What level of proficiency would someone be able to learn from this? Apprentice, Knight, or Master levels?

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Zephyr Carrick said:
Can you please mention which posts are relevant to the submission.
The posts concerned with the characters searching started at post 72, and from post 101 to post 212, it was almost entirely about the search. The two characters concerned posted 99 times between these two points.

What level of proficiency would someone be able to learn from this? Apprentice, Knight, or Master levels?

This question does not make sense to me, but perhaps I have misunderstood? So I shall answer the question I believe you asked.

You do not learn an ability at a given level. You learn a technique and it is a combination of your natural aptitude and the amount of training, practice and effort you invest that determines what level you reach. Some abilities lend themselves to a higher level e.g. Battle Meditation which would typically be learned at Master level (although I can think of a famous Padawan from Shan's heritage that was highly proficient!).

If I have misunderstood your question, please let me know. Thanks :)

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
Factory Judge
[member="Sorel Crieff"], Very nice response. Let me rephrase my question.

If you were to give this holocron to a brand spanking new apprentice level person, and they were to learn these skills, How much mastery could they learn from this holocron ALONE. I am not asking for limitations on how someone can learn from this, more so how much information is worth to achieve a level of mastery of these skills?

Shan was a master of Telekinesis, and So I expect someone can effectively learn from apprentice, to Master level uses of the Telekinesis aspect of the force.

Now what are the other forces, would you consider, be labeled at of how much information is stored upon the holocron? There have been holocrons made in the past where they could teach only rudimentary skills of some powers, yet could teach you just about everything known about a completely different power. hence my question.

How much mastery over these powers can you learn from this holocron.

(Make sure that whatever you tell me is added to the submission please)

Thank you for answering me, and I am sorry I had not clarified my question before hand.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

I think I understand the question even less now. A Force User's ability to use the Force is limited by their advancement e.g. Padawan, Knight, Master. The duration they can call on the Force and the level/power to which they can wield it (broadly speaking) is linked to that level.

So a Padawan would learn the ability at a Padawan level and develop themselves (without the Holocron) over time as they progress to Knight and eventually Master. I am not aware of any Holocron having the abilities labelled as a given 'level.'

But if you can point to an entry for all of the other canon Holocrons having such a value, I'm prepared to stand corrected.

Thanks :)


The concept being outlined to encourage me to place a level against each ability is flawed. Specifically:

1. If I teach you to throw a javelin and I can throw it 60m, your logic is that you can never throw it more than 60m. And even if you reach that distance, if you teach someone, they can't go beyond your distance. So over time and generations, the distance would diminish. We'd have no new world records for example. That is plain daft.

2. Many Padawans have a teacher that is a Knight. Does that mean they have to get a Master to re-teach them the skill when they want to progress to Master level? This also seems a trifle daft.

3. I can remove the reference to all abilities if it pleases you. But I won't ignore the logic of every Star Wars novel and reference book which all say the same thing - and echo my point of view - which means I won't put 'Master' against each ability.

4. Many world-class individuals have coaches that are nowhere as gifted as the trainee. This goes for most sports - the coach teaches the basics and the individual takes that as far as their natural aptitude and hours practicing can take them.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

Many thanks for this - I was not aware of the rule (in truth wasn't aware there was a list of rules - but now I do, so I appreciate it).


I'll continue to be patient :)
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