Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master and Apprentice (Training)

Location: Hutt Space
Destination: Nar Shaddaa
Target: Jinouga the Collector

The void of space, empty and black as far as the eye could see, with the exception of the small flickers of light coming off of the nearest stars, the galaxy was drowning in a never ending pit.

With a flash of light that all changed, within mere moments a single light corvette appeared out of Hyperspace, 'The Emperor's Wrath'. A Corvette-Class vessel designed for Imperial use against pirates during the Galactic Empire's hold on the galaxy long ago during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. Heavily modified to survive in this time of great conflict and piracy, the ship was modernized to keep up with the average vessel. The 'Wrath' slowly moved towards the moon of Nal Hutta otherwise known as the Smuggler's Moon, Nar Shaddaa. It wasn't often that the occupants of the vessel made contact with the general public, and with galactic affairs changing often it was no surprise. Lord Havok had intended to train his pupil to become a powerful servant, a beckon of power, and hid his desire to take Tyhjyys as his vessel when his body ultimately failed him one day.

The vessel slowly entered the atmosphere of the moon and quickly moved to locate a landing port for the Wrath as they dove down past the towering skyscrapers. Locating a landing pad of sized for them or a landing port not controlled by the Black Sun was difficult on Nar Shaddaa, they were attempting to lay low and get the information they needed. As they neared an empty landing zone, they noticed two approaching pirate vessels, now more abundantly patrolling the atmosphere for any potential victims. No, these two had no time to play with the pirates, they were on a mission. As the Wrath approached an open landing port the vessel slowly released their landing gear; and within moments the vessel had landed. Clouds of gas filled the air as the vessel let off steam from it's exhaust ports, and in mere seconds the ramp lowered revealing two hooded figures adorned in black robes. The two figures slowly made their way down the ramp taking their first step off of the ship in a month, the taller figure exhaled slowly as he turned his face to reveal a wrinkled elderly very human face ravaged by the Dark Side of the Force. The other remained quiet and simply glared as two hoodlums moved toward the landing pad.
The two figures ignored the approaching hoodlums without a care, it wasn't unti the two thugs drew blasters that the younger hooded man gazed upon them with his sulfuric eyes. The elder spoke first, quickly moving his attention to the two once he realized the younger was interested.

"That would not be wise."

The two thugs moved forward slowly chuckling, one a rodian, the other a human obviously in his early thirties. The rodian quickly moved forward pointing his blaster at the elder,

"You have no room to talk grandpa, now hand over your ship and your credits."

The elder chuckled softly before moving his hand upward in a grasping motion, the rodian thug slowly lifted off of the ground gasping for air as he slowly choked to death. The other thug quickly began to turn tail and run away until he was met by a surge of electricity coursing through his body. Panicking the human male fell to his feet as his body scorched from the location of the bolt, turning slowly he made eye contact with his attacker, the younger hooded male, Tyhjyys. Tyhjyys glared at the male with his sulfuric yellow eyes, he had no intention on letting the scoundrels get away with their lives and moved with glee to torture the poor male. As Tyhjyys rose his right hand to unleash another bolt of lightning into the male he felt a impossibly strong grip around his arm preventing him from doing so.

Lord Havok had stopped him from striking down the scoundrel, reaching out through the force to stop Sovereign in his tracks. Tyhjyys's eyes light up with anger like a wild predator denied his meal, Havok stepped closer to the two men and issued his command.

"Who is your employer and where has he set up shop? Give me what I seek and you may continue your pathetic existence."
The criminal whimpered in fear as the imposing figure of Lord Havok towered over the male. Tyhjyys merely paced in the background, seething in frustration over the denial of his kill. In the coming moments the thug gave them everything they desired, hell he even told them his life story in his bid to save his skin. As soon as his use was at an end, Havok merely nodded in the direction of Tyhjyys. His fate had been decided as Tyhjyys's crimson blade ignited, the male panicked at first, barking words about some deal they made. Havok cared little for the broken promise made to him, it was a trivial thing at best, the fool soon resorted to begging for his life, crying in agony as Sovereign's saber came crashing down on him.

It didn't take long for Sovereign to locate the lair of the crime boss, he had little connections with any major syndicates and as such was mostly a local power player trying to get his feet wet. Regardless, he would have the information they needed, any crime boss of note would know their target whether they liked it or not. Jinouga the Collector, a power broker with deep connections to One Sith and the Republic alike. This unlucky target happened to steal some important holocron from a Sith Lord, unfortunately for Jinouga that Sith Lord was Havok.

Standing outside of the local den of thieves and crooks, Tyhjyys extended his arm outward while holding in the palm of his hand his holocommunicator. In a brief moment of brilliant light, a hologram of Lord Havok appeared in the palm of his hand. "I have reached the crime den my master."

Lord Havok smiled with a grin that would send shivers down the spine of any normal man. "Good my apprentice, locate Jinouga and retrieve my property. This will be good training for you, I assume these thugs will be no match for a true Sith. Let's see you prove yourself to me."

Sovereign bowed his head out of respect, "Yes my master, it will be done." The holocommunicator cut off short as the hologram ceased it's transmission. Sovereign's head slowly rose as his eyes gazed upon the building before him revealing his sulfuric yellow eyes. He was ready to unleash his anger, to test his powers, and most of all to prove he was worthy of being called a Sith.
Located in a overcrowded slum filled with trash and rundown buildings, Sovereign gazed upon the Crime Boss's lair. It was pitiful, the Sith Apprentice entered the complex with no trouble whatsoever. The interior of the den was built to function as a cantina with dancers, musicians, and pazaak players to boot. Obviously this was a front for it's illegal operations located elsewhere in the complex, however Sovereign was not here to play detective, he was on the hunt. After doing a quick survey of his surroundings the Sith felt a slight jab at his side, gazing to his right he looked upon a male Twi'lek dressed in the same garbs as the thugs at the dock.

The man had his hand ready for his blaster and had begun to speak in Ryl to Sovereign, "You're in the wrong place buddy." Obviously the thug had scoped him out for an outsider the moment he entered.

While Sovereign had understood the thug, he had neither the time nor patience to properly make a reply in the Twi'lek language. It was beneath him to speak in the language of the slaves, Sovereign quickly moved his hand to his saber and in a flash ignited the crimson blade. Before the Twi'lek could raise his blaster, Sovereign removed the Twil'lek's arm and with great force sent the thug flying across the room like a ragdoll with a Force Push. Immediately the cantina erupted in uproar and panic as the inhabitants rushed to escape the stranger. Several thugs quickly rose from their seats during the confusion to confront Sovereign, unfortunately the terrified mass of people fleeing for their lives served to hinder their shots as they missed and hit unfortunate bystanders. As they opened continued firing at the crowd, the Sith Apprentice reached out through the Force to pull one of the nearby metal tables to him as mobile cover, plowing through the crowd to his intended victims.

As Sovereign closed the gap between him and his prey, blaster hole ripped through the table as the thugs fought in a desperate attempt to kill the force user. Feelings of dread flooded the mind of Sovereign as he prepared to strike at the criminals, however these feelings were not of his mind but the minds of those before him. It was intoxicating, the fear amplified his strength and willpower in unknown ways. Was this the power of the Dark Side? Had he stumbled upon some unknown ability? He hadn't the time to ponder on such thoughts as he used the force to fling the table into the group of criminals before him.
Crash! The criminals scattered as the table flung at high speeds towards the small group. The five thugs quickly scattered as the table crushed one of the five unlucky enough to cross paths with it. Giving them no reprieve, Sovereign leaped into battle putting down two criminals as his crimson blade severed them from their lower bodies. Moving onward, Sovereign took aim and quickly unleashed a bolt of lightning over his shoulder to the enemy in wait as one of the criminal scum unleash blaster fire onto the apprentice. The majority of the shots missed as the bolt of lightning quickly hit it's mark, the intensity of the lightning spread throughout the body of the filth as he fell to the ground. It had seemed in the intensity of the battle, Sovereign's rib had been grazed by blaster fire. The heat and pain of the seering flesh wound only served to amplify his resolve as he hurled another bolt of lightning into the last of the criminals who happened to peek over a nearby table he was using for cover in hopes of taking his enemy by surprise. What a failed attempt..

Sovereign grabbed hold of his side and grinned as silence came over the mockery of a cantina. Had the criminals been better shots, it might have been over for the Sith before his illustrious career could even begin. Sovereign stood alone in the chamber, touching his wound, examining how better he could have played out the battle. It wasn't long before the silence was broken by the moans of a lone survivor, breaking Sovereign's concentration and once again becoming the focus of his undivided attention. Sovereign's gaze moved slowly to the source of the cries of pain as his hatred took control of him, he moved at a slow pace toward the survivor with his blade still ignited. Looming over the victim, a sadistic grin of glee appeared on Sovereign's face as he contemplated what to do to the lone survivor. Extending his arm outward with his hand in a gripping motion, the Sith Apprentice slowly began choking the electrified survivor until his gasps for air were silenced. Resuming his proud posture, Sovereign moved on from the corpses to the next chamber where the crime boss would be waiting.

As the double doors to the next chamber slid open, Sovereign found himself surrounded by foes on all sides, however unlike before these men carried with them a sense of utter dread. The criminals feared the Sith before them as he cut down some of the best they had to throw at him with ease. Sovereign stood with a sense of accomplishment, he fed on the fears of the men before him and gazed at the crime boss as he lowered his hood invigorated by the Dark Side. The crime boss was speechless, a balding human male in his mid forties dressed in the robes of a noble man, possibly a high class merchant in the eyes of the authorities, something about him didn't fit in with the scene of Nar Shaddaa. Sovereign rose his right palm upward alarming the thugs and with unrestrained movement dropped his hand, with it slamming the double doors behind him closed.

The crime boss swallowed hard as he attempted to come off as unfrightened by the Sith before him, however Sovereign could see this faulty guise and knew he had the upperhand already. "I've come seeking information." The boss quickly responded back to the Sith with a defiant tone, "I could tell by the way you took out my men... one of my best bounty hunters was in that room.... I hope you've co.." Sovereign quickly interrupted the male with a tone of authority, "You will tell me the location of Jinouga the Collector... or you will share the fate of your men in the other chamber."
The Criminal thought carefully of his next words, would he sell out his dangerous contact or would he risk death at the hands of this force user? On one hand he had Jinouga the Collector, well known throughout the Republic and One Sith, a power broker with connections to the Black Sun through his own small time crime syndicate. The man sold secrets to both sides of the ongoing war, he wasn't going to last long if either of them found out about his treachery despite his connections on Nar Shaddaa. On the other hand was the force user obviously a Dark Jedi or Sith, both of which were not to be taken lightly as foes. They had the force user outnumbered six to one, yet it was obvious from the mere presence of the individual that his skill was more than enough to take on the average bounty hunter or hired muscle evident from his slaughter of the men in the previous chamber. What was a smart man to do?

"I see you've made your choice..."

The crime boss held out his hand quickly to halt the approach of the Sith, "I can give you more than a meeting with Jinouga... I can give you his contacts and known affiliates if you do something for me in return." The Sith eyed the local crime lord with disgust before replying in a authoritarian manner, "I am not bartering with you... you WILL give me the location... and you WILL hand over any other information you hold in your pathetic grasp."

"Let's be reasonable... I can be a very beneficial ally..."

The Sith sneered at the thought of befriending the coward, the Sith began to speak as he paced back and forth. "You are beneath me. You are merely an insect beneath the heel of my boot. What could an insect possibly have to benefit me?"
The crime boss attempted to reason with the Sith Apprentice, "My operations may be localized but this will not last forever.. we will branch out an."

Within moments the crime lord began to gasp for air as Sovereign slowly reached outward in a grasping motion. Immediately the men in the room readied themselves for combat before the crime lord held out his hand, halting the hired muscle from firing on the Sith. Sovereign immediately released the man as he collapsed on the floor, slowly the crime lord rose to his knees in an attempt to pick himself back up. Clearing his throat the criminal master rose to his terminal before retrieving a dossier on Jinouga and his known affiliates. It seemed this worm had dirt on a majority of those he made deals with, was a sly move. Sovereign slowly moved toward the desk of the boss and extended his palm in an accepting motion, the crime lord slowly handed over the data file on a secure disk. "I'll make the necessary arrangements for you... just remember me when you kill the pig."

Sovereign merely glared at the criminal with a grin that sent shivers down his spine, "Don't make me regret letting you live."

With the data disk in hand and an ambush set up for Jinouga, Sovereign made his way back to the 'Emperor's Wrath' to alert his master of his progress.
Location: Onboard the 'Emperor's Wrath'

"What you experienced was a unique ability utilized by many Sith over time. To feed off of another's fear and use it to empower yourself is a feat I want you to expand on. Hone your mind to feed off of this sense of dread emanating from your victims, and in the process it will make you focused, it will make you stronger... meditate on what you have learned and practice your abilities... you have a natural affinity for Force Lightning, focus on this over the coming days."

Sitting in the center of the 'Emperor's Wrath's' cockpit was Lord Havok, seated in a makeshift throne formerly the Captain's Chair for the light corvette, now it served as a mobile throne for the Sith Lord since his departure from Oricon. Kneeled before the makeshift throne was Sovereign, recently back from his mission in the slums. Whatever brought the two to Nar Shaddaa had been of the utmost importance, Havok was nigh desperate to retrieve the stolen object from Jinouga. Sovereign could see through the wall his master had put up, he feared the loss of this item and had begun to hate his stay on Nar Shaddaa.

"What of the meeting with Jinouga my master?"

Lord Havok sneered in repulsion as the name Jinouga was spoken, "He will meet his end tomorrow... when he enters the Promenade to meet with your friend Jarvis he will be quite surprised with who he sees..." Havok chuckled at the thought of strangling the man until his body was lifeless before his feet, it would seem that Lord Havok himself would be there to see the deed done or participate in the upcoming ambush. Sovereign remained kneeled before his master as his head rose to acknowledge the words of his master, "With your permission then I will return to my training." Havok merely waved his hand motioning for his nephew to leave his presence. Sovereign rose from his kneeled position and made his leave of the cockpit, returning to the cargo hold where a small training area was set up for Sovereign's use. Often the male would find himself under attack by Havok's droids at any given moment's notice in order to keep his apprentice on edge.

At one point in the past Sovereign held a deep hatred for the droids due to the psychological damaged done as a child on Oricon, however maturity had changed him. Becoming a full grown Sith had only expanded his views on the world and on the droids under Havok's command, they had merely crafted him into an unrelenting killing machine and for that he could not be anything but grateful. Yet the horrors of his past still resurfaced from time to time while training with the poor droids, often more than not they found themselves dismantled in the most disfiguring ways possible in order to sate Sovereign's urges. Now they found themselves in the ring with Sovereign once more, now at the mercy of his Force Lightning. The training sessions were long and straining, Sovereign pushed himself to expand his lightning and empower it much to the approval of Lord Havok who stopped by to observe from time to time. The Sith Apprentice was pushed to fight without anything other than the command of the Force from which he excelled greatly even when outnumbered by multiple droids. After the event on Nar Shaddaa he would have to continue focusing on expanding his Force Abilities which he found he had a great affinity with.

In truth, Lord Havok foresaw him walking down the path of the Sith Sorceror one day and wished to exploit this natural affinity for his own uses, giving the apprentice knowledge like bread crumbs, slowly working his loyalty in his favor.
The time had finally come...

Jarvis, the apparent name of the crime lord conspirator who reluctantly aided the two Sith, set up a spice deal in the Promenade with Jinouga's men. The pitch that Jarvis made to Jinouga however was nothing to do with the spice, it was a pair or rare Sith Artifacts that were apparently extremely valuable in the right hands... in the hands of One Sith. In truth, there was no deal to be made and no artifacts to be traded, Lord Havok had falsified the information in order to draw the power broker from his hiding place into the open. Enticed by the thought of another artifact in his grasp, the power broker didn't even have a second thought on the matter, agreeing to meet in the Promenade where the two Sith would spring the trap.

The two Sith stood in wait for their prey as they observed incoming and outgoing vessels fly between Nar Shaddaa's massive skyscraper. Swoop bikes, speeders, and commercial ships flew in randomized directions in one big free for all as toxic gases spilled out into the night air. The residents of Nar Shaddaa didn't care, they lived in one huge living meat grinder or better yet trash compactor...

It was about an hour into the wait before the vessel they were looking for arrived at the designated landing platform. Stepping outside of the vessel immediately were two heavily armed Mandalorian bodyguards. Havok chuckled in delight at the sight of the armed bodyguards, "Mandalorians.. it looks like we have a fight on our hands." Upon close observation one would notice the sheer delight Havok took in anticipating the upcoming battle, his hand twitching with excitement to hold his beloved blade once again.
With great anticipation the two Sith awaited to verify their target as he left the sanctity of his shuttle alongside his Mandalorian Bodyguards. Jinouga the Collector, the Crime Boss who messed with the wrong Sith, appeared to be a male Muun with distinguishing features such as scarring across his face from dealings gone sour and a receding hair line sporting his grey hair. Time had not been kind to the Muun, he had been older than Lord Havok had expected but he fitted the description of Jinouga down to the letter. Now it was time to retrieve Havok's prize...

The two Sith slowly blended in with the crowd as the bodyguards led Jinouga towards the Inner Promenade. Sovereign looked to his right and gazed upon Lord Havok's face, it was like gazing into the eyes of a demon. Havok's mind was focused on the death of the fool who crossed him, he was intent on making the man suffer. Sovereign on the other hand had thought out the battle before them. The arrival of the heavily armed Mandalorians was a setback to be sure, however in the end they would be no match for a Sith Lord and his apprentice.

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