Image Source: Jeryce Dianingana
Affiliation: One Sith
Manufacturer: Titan Industries
Model: ASF-F
Modularity: None
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Duralium-Lanthanide (Exterior Plating), Quadanium Steel (Frame)
Classification: Anti-Starfighter
Length: 400 m
Width: 110 m
Height: 54 m
- Capital [x10]
[x10] Spitfire Rapid-Fire Laser Cannons
[*]Defense [x8]
- [x8] Flak Gun
[*]Ordnance [x3]
- [x3] Type-B Homing Mine
- None
Special Features:
- Predator Interdiction Drive
- Supreme Defender Shield Generator
- Target Acquisition And Tracking Sensor
Maneuverability Rating: 8
Speed Rating: 7
Hyperdrive Class: 2
- Extremely accurate predicative sensor suite.
- Quality and above-par Shielding.
- Specialty engine capable of creating a brief, temporary, interdiction field to slow down smaller crafts, primarily starfighters.
- During the deployment of an interdiction field all shields are lowered briefly to 0%.
- Weaponry is only suitable for close-ranged engagements.
Description: While assessing the capabilities of the One Sith fleet during the siege of Bilibringi, it was noted that there was a vast disparity between the sizes of capital ships at the disposal of the Sith. Much of the fleet was made up of larger destroyers or similar sized vessels or starfighters, rarely were frigates or starships designed for clearing the field of starfighters present, which caused large amounts of damage not only during the taking of Bilibringi but also during the invasion of Prakith some weeks prior. To remedy this Silara prepared a rather simple approach to this dilemma - she commissioned a frigate that was armed with weaponry designed entirely for anti-starfighters, as well as shielding, sensors, and the like to counter their speed and maneuverability.
Carrying the spitfire cannons, the Massassi-class frigate is capable of unloading large amounts of short-range fire in a relatively short period of time, enabling the ship to create a blanket of sparse fire while specialized ordnance, the Type-B homing mines, may be deployed to home in on the fighters. Those that venture too close may be met with flak gun fire, which is essentially top-of-the-line in defensive weaponry due to its potential for causing unruly damage on shielding and hulls caused by an ever-increasing velocity of shrapnel expunged into an atmosphere-less vacuum. While generally this type of weaponry has a success rate below that of anti-capital weaponry due to the maneuverability of starfighters, the extremely accurate and predictive tracking sensor suite is capable of determining trajectory and intended flight course while also keeping track of targets in order to increase the accuracy of weaponry on board. Beyond this is the gem of the Massassi-class, the Predator Interdiction engine, which is capable of creating a brief interdiction field to slow smaller craft around the ship in a manner similar to Dovin Basals but on a lesser scale. Much like Dovin Basals there is little technology to fend against such things, and while inertial compensators and gravitational compensators keep crews safe from such gravitational pulls they do absolutely nothing to fend the starships from their grasps.
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create an anti-starfighter frigate for the One Sith fleet.
Who Can Use This: Members of the One Sith given permission by Faction Staff.
Primary Source: N/A