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Approved Starship Masamune

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Affiliation: Sirius Nova
Manufacturer: Galactic Empire -- Heavily modified by Narrikians
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel hull
Classification: Frigate Carrier
Length: 300m
Height: 90m
Width: 170m
Rating 2
10 Turbolasers
15 Quad lasers
Defenses: 5
Hangar: 3 Squadrons
Special Features:

  • Nearly automated entirely: The ship has been automated, thus removing the need for nearly as many organic life forms. Droid brains have been built in to help control certain capabilities of the ship, including life support, weapons systems, and what not. All of these areas are highly resistant to EMP thanks to the Ion Shielding it has. Due to this, the ship can’t have as many weapons.

Manoeuvrability Rating: 10
Speed Rating: 11
Hyperdrive Class: 1

  • Non-identifiable: Identifying this ship as a Nebulon B is virtually impossible due to the sheer number of improvements the Narrikians made.

  • Automated: The ship's vital systems such as life support and what not have been completely automated, requiring little in the way of organics to do most of the work.

  • Ion Shielding: Ion shielding provides resistance against electromagnetic pulses and is centralized around the life support, weapons, gravity, and food/water systems of the ship.


  • Older Ship: An older ship that was made during the era of Palpatine. While the ship has been retrofitted, and upgraded it is an older model. As a result equipping certain weapons systems couldn’t work, and some upgrades would be more difficult.

  • Weak Shields: The shields are older, and thus weaker. They’d need to be replaced before the ship could go into any real space battles.

  • Weaker Weapons: Due to the ship having EMP shielding, it can only hold as half as many weapons as it should.

  • Lack of Modern Star Maps: This ship lacks modern star maps, due to only having outdated and fragmented Imperial Starmaps.

Description: A ship that has bad memories for the Narrikians. This was used by the Moff who conquered and enslaved the Narrikians. When the moff was ousted, the ship was left behind because the Empire didn’t believe the heavily damaged frigate to be of use. Over centuries the Narrikians managed to repair and modify the ship to fit their tastes. An overhaul was done and only recently has the ship been given to Sirius by the Narrikians. This was originally an EF76 Nebulon Frigate. Due to size reductions when it was repaired, it can hold up to 50 men inside of it, and three squadrons of fighters.This uses recycled drinking water, but has also been modified so it has a galley within it.

Named the Masamune by him, it's been christened as his personal ship.

Development Thread: No
Intent: To provide a personal ship for Sirius Nova.
Who Can Use This: Sirius Nova
Primary Source:
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Sirius Nova said:
Length: 200m
Please bump this up to at least 300 meters.

Sirius Nova said:
All of these areas are Emp Proof.

It's not likely that you can make something entirely EMP proof, but it's possible to make something that's highly resistant to EMP weapons. How is this being done? Given that you're trading weapons power, I would suggest using ion shielding.

Sirius Nova said:
I would also list automation and the EMP resistance here as well.

Sirius Nova said:
Non-identifiable: The ship can’t be identified because it is an older model. Thus identifying the ship would be harder.
Nebulon-B's weren't exactly rare craft. I'd probably change this to something like "the design has been so heavily modified that it is almost irrecognizable as a Nebulon-B frigate".

Sirius Nova said:
Weak Shields: The shields are older, and thus weaker. They’d need to be replaced before the ship could go into any real space battles.

If this is the case, I'd recommend lowering the Defense rating by 1 or 2 points, instead of having the frigate have standard defense ratings.

Sirius Nova said:
Weaker Weapons: Due to the ship having EMP shielding, it can only hold as half as many weapons as it should.
The weapons are cut in half. I would like to see this reflected in the armament rating as well by making it a "2".
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