Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Marten Sorel

Marten Sorel


NAME: Marten Sorel
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Padawan
AGE: Unknown, though a rough estimate would be 22-24 years old
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 160 lb
EYES: Iron grey
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
FORCE SENSITIVE: Really, really, REALLY force sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

- Prodiguous-level force illusion, empathy, telepathy and future sense abilities

For some odd reason, Marten Sorel's abilities to use his mind and the force is astounding. He can read the common man's thoughts in an instant and is extremely adept at dueling and using force illusions.

- Genius-level intellect

Marten is very smart. In fact, he has somewhat of an eidetic memory (due to the reason cited above) and can deduce obscure facts with ease

- Great combat skills

Marten learns quickly how to fight with a saber.


- Prudish righteousness and fanatical devotion to justice

Marten Sorel is the perfect embodiment of the famous "Lawful Good" DnD allignment. He is good-hearted, except will not break a rule in his code of conduct for any reason whatsoever(though it seems that code of conduct is not the Jedi Code and has no clause against having regular intercourse with as many women as possible).

- Lustful

Speaks for itself. Marten really, really loves to play hide the salami with women... lots of them. This often leads to strange and awkward encounters.

- Diminished force heal abilities

Given most of his force abilities relate to combat and mind, his healing abilities have taken a hit.

- Photosensitive

Marten Sorel comes from a planet that receives almost no sunlight. When he does receive sunlight, sunburns come like Flynn.

Marten Sorel is an exceedingly handsome character of 1.85 meters (6'1"). He has sharp, cutglass cheekbones as well as having light brown hair. He's a relatively well-built mesomorph of about 160 lb and has a small shoulder to height ratio.

A notable feature is his very light white skin, which is caused by him coming from a planet which is covered in ice and has virtually no sunlight.


Marten Sorel was born around 20-25 years ago on the planet Aranla Prime, a small, ice-covered mining outpost owned by a communist-like collective eponymously named the Aranla Mining Collective. His parents both died in an explosion caused by a somewhat pyromaniacal chemist experimenting with new fuel components in his backroom. After an experiment went wrong, the ensuing explosion demolished an entire tower, sending him, Marten and Marten's parents plummeting. The chemist and Marten's two progenitors died, being crushed under the weight of the building. Marten miraculously survived, having used what appeared to be subconscious force powers to keep himself alive. However, having been hit by a large piece of metal to the head, Marten became an amnesiac, forgetting every event in his life, yet remembering who he was and the things he had learned prior. This event made him forget his age, yet gave him the phenomenal memory he is now remembered for.

He began attending school at what could be described as a biological age of 7. Due to his natural intelligence, he skipped a few grades. However, his somewhat diffident and disruptive attitude landed him an expulsion from school in the penultimate grade of his education. He then signed up for the Aranla Defense Force. Being promoted quickly, he reached the rank of Staff Sergeant and squad leader. At this point, groups of space pirates, eager to rob the Collective of its mines and gains, attacked the planet. At this time, the ADF had only one company, under the command of a somewhat distant commanding officer. 134 men formed that company, of which Marten commanded 17. During this time, Marten proved himself an exceptional tactician and leader, destroying an entire line of "Brigand" armored vehicle solely by having his squad skulk around in the tundra in white uniform. However, his usual diffident attitude toward authority compensated by a new fanatical devotion to a self-made moral code landed him an honorable discharge, the honorable in said discharge being caused solely by him having performed heroic deeds. However, as a thank you gift, many settlers who he defended purchased him a small corvette, encouraging him to pursue great deeds throughout the galaxy. It was at this time that a few Jedi Knights, having arranged a truce between the "Brigands" and the settlers, invited him to join the Jedi Order. It was at this point that he began his Jedi training.


Marten Sorel owns a small military corvette, a missle boat to be exact, christened the Pride of Aranla
(see ship details).
Looks good, I assume your new? I must apoligize, I didn't check but yeah. Just a tip, before you start roleplaying, you need an avatar picture. You could also use the image you posted here, but I was just warning you due to it being a rule. Looks pretty good, though. I wish you good luck with this new character.

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