Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Markus Ryujin



Full Name: Markus Ryujin
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Birthworld: Atrisia
Legal Status: Suspected of Criminal activities on Atrisia;
Living Situation: Atrisia
Occupation: Rekireki Saiko’komon

Affiliation: Rekireki Crime Syndicate
Rank: Crime Boss

Personal Skills:
- Speaks fluent Galactic Basic, Atrisian, Huttese, Twileki,
- Has mastered the Jar’kai swordplay of the Yovshin Swordsmen, with dual blades as well as with a katana
- Has mastered several forms of Martial arts including: Teras Kasi, K'tara, K'thri and Tae-Jitsu
Physical Stats
Avatar: Mark Dacascos
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185 pounds
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black

Known Family:
Spouse: the new craftshop Ryujin (Deceased)
Children: Miho Ryujin, Lee Zhen ( Adopted)
Father: Domyouji Ryujin
Mother: Makino Ryujin
Siblings: Kaede Ryujin

General Appearance:


The Ryujin family is one of the largest Yovshin clans in Atrisia. They are one of the major producers and exporters of rare and exotic teas throughout the galaxy. As one of the most prominent clans of Yovshin swordsmen, they are skilled in their craft, excelling in the Jar’kai swordplay that utilized dual blades. They are of a traditional patriarchal family and as per tradition, all are trained to be expert swordsmen and martial arts practitioners to include: Teras Kasi, K'tara, K'thri and Tae-Jitsu. However, there are distinct gender roles that are observed with strict guidelines, and Markus enforces this with an iron fist. They are also one of the ruling family clans to work alongside the Rekireki , the crime syndicate based on Atrisia

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